View Full Version : Niggers who looted Apple sto outsmarted by white man juju

10-07-2023, 11:26 PM

After niggers looted a large number of iPhones and iPads from an Apple store (sto) in Philadelphia, Apple "bricked" (rendered inoperable and reported location to law enforcement) all the stolen merchandise and a chimpout ensued. One nigger attempts to defeat YT's juju by pouring juice on a stolen iPad (good luck with that, Sambo).

Marse Igor
10-08-2023, 09:50 AM
I believe only freshly harvested juju parts from albino Apefrican niglets have the power to counteract such potent YT magic. And folks, when viewing the video be ready to hit "mute". The screeches, ooks and bixnood there could lead to some serious PTSD in Humans if the audio is left on to long.

Ray Cizzums
10-08-2023, 03:27 PM
Manufacturers, cell service providers, and law enforcement could easily end the theft of cell phones anytime they want, but refuse to do so.
The phones could be "bricked", as soon as they're reported stolen, but providers won't do it. They prefer to sell the victim another phone, then
sign up whoever has the stolen phone. The police could easily locate any stolen phone, via GPS, get a warrant, and make arrests for anything
they find at the location - but they won't do it. Piece-of-cake arrest, slam dunk prosecution - but it's niggers - so no-can-do. Meanwhile, citizens
continue to be hurt and killed during the commission of these robberies.

10-08-2023, 06:18 PM
The rudimentary perpetual vocal " Uh Muh Gudz " volume warning people !! Niggers should have their tongues removed when they are shit out. A bit like the Rabbi and the putz.

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-08-2023, 11:42 PM
If only they could make the devices explode…..:nigbbq

10-12-2023, 12:30 PM
Manufacturers, cell service providers, and law enforcement could easily end the theft of cell phones anytime they want, but refuse to do so.
The phones could be "bricked", as soon as they're reported stolen, but providers won't do it. They prefer to sell the victim another phone, then
sign up whoever has the stolen phone. The police could easily locate any stolen phone, via GPS, get a warrant, and make arrests for anything
they find at the location - but they won't do it. Piece-of-cake arrest, slam dunk prosecution - but it's niggers - so no-can-do. Meanwhile, citizens
continue to be hurt and killed during the commission of these robberies.

You are absolutely right! One of the reasons why I'd never purchase/use an apple product (same goes for ms & google cloud products - but at least that's just software, not hardware) is exactly this. They can do with "your" device whatever, whenever they want to (even if it's switched off).
The main problem is that police (and cellphone providers) could easily locate, find (& force cellpohone providers to block) stolen phones, cars etc. But, as you said, they refuse to do so! I have no idea why, whether it's to protect niggers, or to sell new gadgets, lazyness...