View Full Version : Teenaper stabs white "Social Justice Activist" for NOTHING in Brooklyn then spits on girlfriend for extra coon points

10-06-2023, 05:48 AM
This filthy sub-simian has no love for ANY YT apparently, even the ones already petting niggers.

So keep simping for your chimps LIBTARDS, this what they have in store for you too.

The footage shows Ryan Carson, 32, and his girlfriend — allegedly (https://x.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1709382147654418698?s=20) BLM activist Claudia Morales, named (https://www.gofundme.com/f/ryan-carson) in a leftist (https://beheardtalk.com/about-us/)'s GoFundMe campaign linked to Carson's death
— seated at a bus stop bench near Malcolm X Blvd.





10-06-2023, 06:41 AM
This filthy sub-simian has no love for ANY YT apparently, even the ones already petting niggers.

So keep simping for them LIBTARDS, this what they have in store for you too.



TNB to da' 10th DEGREE!! How do you like your pet primates now, shivanthi?!

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-07-2023, 01:04 AM
I love this. I always tell libs to go actually interact with the niggers they love. Surprise cuck boy! Most of these faggots live in gated communities and never see the beasts with the exception of magic ones.
“No please! I love niggers and hate whitey!”
“Ahh donts knows wut you jus sayid but you fickina bes deyad!”

10-09-2023, 12:03 AM
Nothing of value was lost.

This terrorist died doing what he loved. Enjoy having breakfast, lunch, and dinner with Satan in the hottest regions of Hell, nigger lover.

Whitey Ford
10-10-2023, 12:56 PM
Live by the nigger, die by the nigger.

It's a wonder that that feral coon didn't get his muh dik on with the hipster soy justice warrior boy's 'girlfriend' after butchering him. Hipsters are a nigger's best friend, and hopefully the trend of them becoming a nigger's first target will continue tenfold. Burn in hell, niggerloving hipster scum! :lol


10-10-2023, 04:04 PM
Schadenfreude to the power of ten! I love it when it hits the liberal idiots who usually live safely in their protected mansions and ridicule the working people who have to deal with the shitbeasts on a daily basis.

10-10-2023, 05:39 PM
"Chill! Chill!" Cuckboy thinks that will tame the cracked-up feral jogger. You'd have better luck trying to placate a charging bison.

Maybe he should have worn his "Black Lives Matter" jacket. That surely would have saved him. :lol

Weeping Libtards can't blame this on "gun violence". So - "knife violence"? Ban knives? They can't blame it on niggers who are just doin' what comes naturally.

Niggers are Useless
10-10-2023, 06:00 PM
Hey Nigger lovers. You may like them and think they are human, but a Nigs gonna Nig. She is lucky he didn't muh-dik her ass after giving her the spit bath as nigger foreplay.

10-10-2023, 10:10 PM
Hey Nigger lovers. You may like them and think they are human, but a Nigs gonna Nig. She is lucky he didn't muh-dik her ass after giving her the spit bath as nigger foreplay.

Yes, very odd the nigger didn't rape her right there on the street, something niggers have no compunction about doing.

10-10-2023, 11:29 PM
Yes, very odd the nigger didn't rape her right there on the street, something niggers have no compunction about doing.

Libturd probably got so turned on and sympathetic to the shitape fighting its "oppression" , she'll likely go mudshark and make coonjugal visits with the murderous nog in NU.

10-11-2023, 01:37 AM
Live by the nigger, die by the nigger.

It's a wonder that that feral coon didn't get his muh dik on with the hipster soy justice warrior boy's 'girlfriend' after butchering him. Hipsters are a nigger's best friend, and hopefully the trend of them becoming a nigger's first target will continue tenfold. Burn in hell, niggerloving hipster scum! :lol


Live by the nigger, die by the nigger...wow Whitey that's biblical! That got me laughing. I hope I don't get damned by laughing so hard.

This soyboy thought chill's the magic word for their pets. Wrong, there's no failsafe mechanism in niggers. Nothing but destruction and death.

You reap what you sow. Bye niggerlover.

10-11-2023, 06:02 AM
Those glasses just spell cunt.

Whitey Ford
10-11-2023, 06:53 PM
Live by the nigger, die by the nigger...wow Whitey that's biblical!

There are no niggers in the Bible, which is one of many reasons I read it regularly. ;)

If the Bible was written for niggers they wouldn't have had to put this verse in it:
Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Genesis 1:28

10-11-2023, 07:43 PM
You sure Judas wasn't a nigger ? :lol

10-11-2023, 08:18 PM
You sure Judas wasn't a nigger ? :lol

Sand nigger at a minimum !

10-11-2023, 08:52 PM
"Chill! Chill!" Cuckboy thinks that will tame the cracked-up feral jogger. You'd have better luck trying to placate a charging bison.

Maybe he should have worn his "Black Lives Matter" jacket. That surely would have saved him. :lol

Weeping Libtards can't blame this on "gun violence". So - "knife violence"? Ban knives? They can't blame it on niggers who are just doin' what comes naturally.

@$$ lifter$ do the SAME thing!! I HATE BOTH species of sub human!!

10-12-2023, 02:53 PM
Libturd probably got so turned on and sympathetic to the shitape fighting its "oppression" , she'll likely go mudshark and make coonjugal visits with the murderous nog in NU.

Unfortunately, that's not even far-fetched!

10-20-2023, 11:06 AM
Unfortunately, that's not even far-fetched!

The batshit sympathy fest is already in progress....

post in another thread that is F'n relevant here too

Like the leftist killed in New York this week, whose own girlfriend witnessed the murder, but wouldn’t identify the suspect because he wouldn’t want to further the coonpression or something. The left wants you weak, they’re training you to be weak, while these savages laugh and will use our weakness to overrun us and our civilization.
