View Full Version : Snakehead Le’Keian done got his ass beat by the po-po

Whitey Ford
10-02-2023, 11:55 AM

An administrative review is underway at the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office after video of a violent arrest went viral.

It shows officers holding down 24-year-old Le’Keian Woods on Friday.

At one point, the video shows them one of the officers pulling him up while handcuffed and then slamming him back down on the ground.

You could see Woods’ face covered in blood.

He’s facing several drug trafficking charges and was initially pulled over for a seatbelt violation, according to an attorney hired by his family.


Ray Cizzums
10-02-2023, 02:17 PM
Wild wool, and a whole lotta lumps, on ole' Le'Keian. The news pukes in Blacksonville are all some kind of breed, if not outright niggers.
That buffarilla mammy has no shame, judging by her "stupit" hat, and congoloid retard son. The beating he got, he needs every day....


10-02-2023, 08:27 PM
All this coon had to do was cooperate and not try to fight the popo. Looks like to me it got what it deserved, especially after seeing SOME of it's rap sheet. It was well on the way to becoming a CAREER NIGGER! Next we will hear how this is ALL the fault of the police who are out hunting niggers. Cope involved will be suspended, fired, prosecuted and maybe imprisoned for wrangling this monkey. The lawyer and fambly are gearing up for NIGGER LOTTO!!

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-02-2023, 08:57 PM
These stupid niggers kill each other day in and day out yet act like they give a shit only when the police fuck one of the shit stains up for being the violent pieces of shit they are.

10-03-2023, 08:09 AM
These poor cops need to be given Lion tamers hats and whips to deal with these fucking niggers. Rolling around on the floor with a vile snake should not be part of their duties. They need some kind of instant freezing device and then they can throw some kind of expanding inflatable straight jacket it on the nigger which tightens up on contact. A bit like those emergency quick donning oxygen masks that airline pilots use after a sudden decompression.....


Then they can just roll the coon to the po wagon and throw it in the back.

Defund Welfare
10-03-2023, 09:10 AM
This is shaping up to be the next nigger hero that gives all the niggers 100% off on clown shoes and riots and chaos. The pig medias gonna be babbling about this nonstop and we’ll be hearing from that senile illegitimate president again about how horrible White supremacy is.
I haven’t seen this niggers rap sheet yet but he looks like a career felon with a retarded mammy that just assumes he’s a little angel no matter what and of course, no daddy anywhere. Garden variety nigger filth. All the anti cop clowns are furious again screaming that cops need to let the niggers shoot them three times first before calling Crump for advice on how to handle the chimping felons, putting officers in a no win scenario.
You really can’t have law and order and niggers too, their arrests need to be unpleasant or you’ll have niggers destroying everything. And I’m going to ask the question that makes me the most horrible person on earth: both methods don’t seem to work, so why must we have to live alongside niggers?
The niggers want their ghetto lotto, and I’m sure Crump will be involved on this very shortly.

10-04-2023, 06:12 PM
These poor cops need to be given Lion tamers hats and whips to deal with these fucking niggers. Rolling around on the floor with a vile snake should not be part of their duties. They need some kind of instant freezing device and then they can throw some kind of expanding inflatable straight jacket it on the nigger which tightens up on contact. A bit like those emergency quick donning oxygen masks that airline pilots use after a sudden decompression.....


Then they can just roll the coon to the po wagon and throw it in the back.

Remember those nigger cops who did just that - beat the black off some coon and tossed it in the back of the cop wagon? We never heard much about that.

I don't know why any YT wants to be a cop now. With their every movement being filmed, harassed, and surrounded by hordes of screeching libtards, niggers, and feminazis, they are unable to do their jobs of correcting out-of-control feral nogs.

Niggers are Useless
10-04-2023, 06:44 PM
That little bump isn't going to hurt a niggers coconut. Those things can deflect bullets. Also how does anyone know that the nigger didn't look like that when it was pulled over. Maybe it just came from rutting with a nigger sow and that is the aftereffects of eating the purple taco. The cops should have tried shooting it with an epi pen.
I do smell a newly minted rich nigger from the lotto that is bound to be paid and wait for the riots. Should be great.
Cops should just be able to shoot niggers with a tranquilizer from a safe distance before any other interaction occurs.

10-04-2023, 08:44 PM
That little bump isn't going to hurt a niggers coconut. Those things can deflect bullets.


I aint bin dun did dat!
10-04-2023, 10:51 PM
Tis nigger is (surprise!) a murder suspect too. All the niggers and libtards may want to keep hunting for another one to get mad about.

10-04-2023, 11:44 PM
That little bump isn't going to hurt a niggers coconut. Those things can deflect bullets. Also how does anyone know that the nigger didn't look like that when it was pulled over. Maybe it just came from rutting with a nigger sow and that is the aftereffects of eating the purple taco. The cops should have tried shooting it with an epi pen.
I do smell a newly minted rich nigger from the lotto that is bound to be paid and wait for the riots. Should be great.
Cops should just be able to shoot niggers with a tranquilizer from a safe distance before any other interaction occurs.

"He looked like this when we wrangled him! Honest!"


Defund Welfare
10-05-2023, 08:21 AM
The niggers love to pick the best niggers to get mad about! Nigger was also charged with “armed drug trafficking” and other drug related charges, but according to the lying pig media this is all over a seat belt violation.
The nigger is going to be made good from other niggers within the next couple years anyway, so why sweat it with the cops disciplining a dumb crack dealing nigger? Those cops knew that nigger was bad news!

10-05-2023, 05:42 PM
"They beat muh baybee over a seat belt violation!" Then the true story comes out, the nappy-headed goot boi who dindu nuffins turns out to be a career criminal, drug trafficker, and murder suspect. Just like that story from San Francisco several years ago, where the lying media headline "cops kill goot boi/dindu nuffins nigger over $2 fare" turned out to be an armed nigger who tried to kill the cops and was also wanted for murdering his pregnant girlfriend in Washington. Oops! Or the Pittsburgh Steelers niggerball team putting the name of an "innocent blekk nigger teen goot boi" who got made good by the po-po on their helmets, only for the "goot boi" to turn out to have been a drive-by shooter and even the niggers on the niggerball team said they had been "misinformed" by the lying media.