View Full Version : Complaining to my girlfriend about niggers (TMI warning)

09-29-2023, 05:16 PM
I'm with my current girlfriend since 2016. It's mostly a friendship and companionship. No kids between both of us, but our main interests are animals, dogs and cats specifically. She grew up in a fancy San Diego location, used to do horse events and that kind of sheeeit. I've never owned a horse. But she doesn't act like a princess, but you can tell she's highly educated. Works at a public university.

I always call Nigeria "Niggeria" but I don't get a response. But this post is when I get responses:

1. I complain that Snoop Nigger looks like a criminal. I can't believe Martha Stewart hangs out with it, not that I really care about MS. I'm just tired of seeing it in commercials. GF says that why do I care, he's just into his music which is crap

2. A few years ago I was complaining I can't stand brillo, and how wild wool looks uncivilized. She says why don't I just let them enjoy their life, it's their hair anyway, why do I have to be so negative. I said it's ugly and dirty looking. No response.

3. About two weeks ago, I was commenting on how niggers act like dancing, sa-shaying, doing some monkey moves that you never see other humans do. They think they can act like animals and be thought of as cool or smooth. I mentioned 2 niggers in commercials. Here she says again, "I don't know what you mean" I said, the "boogying and dancing and opening their mouths". No, I don't see anything wrong with it, she says. I said you know what I mean. Look. Humans don't do that. Oh you're just being racist.

Well you know I'm racist. No response after that.

I enjoy her company but I wish she can be more astute to nigger foolishness. I'm not looking for a fight, but I wish I can drive her to admit niggers are animals. For the record, she admits blacks have low academic scores, are vulgar, are violent, yet get away with it. She also opposes border niggers.

There's no muh-dikk anyway, I'm not attracted to her in that way anyway. We just enjoy animals, movies, British drama and comedy, and dog events.

I know it's hard to find a good woman who hasn't burned coal or isn't a liberal who worships niggers. This one has only been with one person, her ex-husband. I'm not planning on leaving her, I'm just unsuccessful in convincing her all niggers are no good.

That's my rant. I suppose there may be other wimminz out there as opposed to the apes as I am, it's just the odds are so low.

09-29-2023, 07:33 PM
Finding a good partner is difficult nowadays. Media has conditioned people into believing that the way niggers act and seeing them all over the place is now to be taken as the "new normal". Most people accept it, others continue to put up a good fight and say no to this insanity. Hopefully she will see things your way overtime, if not then I guess it's just something you two have to agree to disagree. Just as long as she doesn't start to get too soft on niggers but personally I would see where this goes. I mean she doesn't seem too bothered by your nigger hatred, while most women these days will cry a river about it she on the other hand seems not to bothered by it which is good I guess.

Whitey Ford
09-29-2023, 07:53 PM
I know it's hard to find a good woman who hasn't burned coal or isn't a liberal who worships niggers. This one has only been with one person, her ex-husband. I'm not planning on leaving her, I'm just unsuccessful in convincing her all niggers are no good.

That's my rant. I suppose there may be other wimminz out there as opposed to the apes as I am, it's just the odds are so low.

My GF was a medical professional in her youth. Easily one of the smartest women I've ever met. She was born, raised and grew up in the South. When she was a young girl, fresh out of school and college, she worked in hospitals in her native state as a nurse. That state is nig infested as all hell. She saw niggers being brought in with bullet holes, she boons with puffed up STD infected poosays, ghetto lobsters, drug ODs, she saw it all working in those hospitals. But she never ever ever really hated dindus. She looked at the whole situation through compassionate eyes.

She knows I'm a ray-shish and she's cool with it. Her dad is a Vietnam vet and a retired police officer and he's even more ray-shish than me, actually. He actually reads CO and thinks its hilarious. :lol I actually look forward to it when he flies down to visit a couple of times of year. We usually just go down to the shooting range here and shoot, maybe have a beer afterwards. He's a good guy. I like him and respect him a lot.

But, I will never change the mind of my gf entirely. Highly educated professional that she is, even advanced science won't change her idea of Nature vs Nurture. But, atleast she listens to me. One time me and her went to see my friend's son play high School football. When we left and were walking towards the car, a group of youths started walking towards us. I told her "let's cross the street." So, me and her crossed the street. She knew full well I was trying to avoid the groidlets, and she gave me no resistance. At least she listens to common sense. ;)

Another thing, she has no explanation for why niggers have a way higher occurrence of the 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24326626/#:~:text=The%202%2Drepeat%20allele%20of,for%20shoo ting%20and%20stabbing%20behaviors) But at least she dignifies that it is a thing. ;)

There has been a great deal of research examining the link between a polymorphism in the promoter region of the MAOA gene and antisocial phenotypes. The results of these studies have consistently revealed that low activity MAOA alleles are related to antisocial behaviors for males who were maltreated as children. Recently, though, some evidence has emerged indicating that a rare allele of the MAOA gene-that is, the 2-repeat allele-may have effects on violence that are independent of the environment. The current study builds on this research and examines the association between the 2-repeat allele and shooting and stabbing behaviors in a sample of males drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Analyses revealed that African-American males who carry the 2-repeat allele are significantly more likely than all other genotypes to engage in shooting and stabbing behaviors and to report having multiple shooting and stabbing victims. The limitations of the study are discussed and suggestions for future research are offered.

Ray Cizzums
09-29-2023, 10:13 PM
Women aren't interested in your negativity, but ho-lee-fuk - you'd better pay strict attention to what pisses them off.
Try showing her some viral videos every so often, where a sheboon gets shooty over some curly fries, or perhaps a
hoodrat nigger field goal kicks a cat 10 feet in the air, and thinks it's so damn funny. Don't show her niggers executing
a white child - it's too damn depressing, and most American women can't equate nigger depravity across an entire sub-species.
Try to entertain her with the idiocy of the negro, with examples of them acting the fool, which are many. Wild wool for example,
just hold your fire, until it's so ridiculous, she has to agree. With the beast's "looka me" nature, you won't have long to wait..

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-29-2023, 10:22 PM
My wife doesn’t like niggers but she doesn’t hate them like I do. I say the word around my kids sometimes and she gives me the side eye. I do try to keep it to a minimal because I don’t want them repeating it at school for obvious reasons. She listens to my nigger bashing quite often.

Ray Cizzums
09-29-2023, 10:24 PM
My wife doesn’t like niggers but she doesn’t hate them like I do. I say the word around my kids sometimes and she gives me the side eye. I do try to keep it to a minimal because I don’t want them repeating it at school for obvious reasons. She listens to my nigger bashing quite often.

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-29-2023, 10:26 PM
:lol exactly. I asked my son who the dumbest kid in his class is. Without hesitation he says “Treyvion”! I died laughing and I could tell he didn’t understand exactly why I found it so funny.

09-30-2023, 03:16 PM
Women aren't interested in your negativity, but ho-lee-fuk - you'd better pay strict attention to what pisses them off.
Try showing her some viral videos every so often, where a sheboon gets shooty over some curly fries, or perhaps a
hoodrat nigger field goal kicks a cat 10 feet in the air, and thinks it's so damn funny. Don't show her niggers executing
a white child - it's too damn depressing, and most American women can't equate nigger depravity across an entire sub-species.
Try to entertain her with the idiocy of the negro, with examples of them acting the fool, which are many. Wild wool for example,
just hold your fire, until it's so ridiculous, she has to agree. With the beast's "looka me" nature, you won't have long to wait..

I'm able to show her violence over chicken sandwich and McDs sauces but sometimes those don't stay too long in the net. And that's what I'm trying to do as my point #3, showing niggers fashion of half-assed underwear showing thugs, negresses with ridiculous hairdos and ghetto nails. She thinks I pick on nigs but they're the only ones who do such things. I guess my success rate is about 30%, she says yes to 3/10 to 10 of my racist statements.

I have to"finesse" this. I think I may try to show her Shaka Zulu. Not Roots, that's too one sided to blacks.

My best comments are "go to Compton at 10pm and see how safe it is" and "they don't want to study".

BTW she said she likes that "Whose Line is it anyway" and I said that's 20 years old and I'm sick of it.

The "wild wool" is where I get shot down for "that's their nature". So I say, humans groom their hair, cut it, and don't let them overgrow like plants". What amuses her is when I point out niggers in public who look like some famous nigger. Sometimes she says I'm right, sometimes she says I'm just racist. I say "all blacks look alike to me".

09-30-2023, 03:27 PM
My GF was a medical professional in her youth. Easily one of the smartest women I've ever met. She was born, raised and grew up in the South. When she was a young girl, fresh out of school and college, she worked in hospitals in her native state as a nurse. That state is nig infested as all hell. She saw niggers being brought in with bullet holes, she boons with puffed up STD infected poosays, ghetto lobsters, drug ODs, she saw it all working in those hospitals. But she never ever ever really hated dindus. She looked at the whole situation through compassionate eyes.

She knows I'm a ray-shish and she's cool with it. Her dad is a Vietnam vet and a retired police officer and he's even more ray-shish than me, actually. He actually reads CO and thinks its hilarious. :lol I actually look forward to it when he flies down to visit a couple of times of year. We usually just go down to the shooting range here and shoot, maybe have a beer afterwards. He's a good guy. I like him and respect him a lot.

But, I will never change the mind of my gf entirely. Highly educated professional that she is, even advanced science won't change her idea of Nature vs Nurture. But, atleast she listens to me. One time me and her went to see my friend's son play high School football. When we left and were walking towards the car, a group of youths started walking towards us. I told her "let's cross the street." So, me and her crossed the street. She knew full well I was trying to avoid the groidlets, and she gave me no resistance. At least she listens to common sense. ;)

Another thing, she has no explanation for why niggers have a way higher occurrence of the 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24326626/#:~:text=The%202%2Drepeat%20allele%20of,for%20shoo ting%20and%20stabbing%20behaviors) But at least she dignifies that it is a thing. ;)

I haven't heard of that 2nd allele theory. That's a subject I don't know much about.

I tell my GF to be always mentally be alert. Young niggers = avoid. Sometimes I get away stories like "Shaq said big gorillas got threatened when he visited their cages". Growing up she said there were hardly any blacks around, maybe that's why she hasn't encountered the true animal beast.

Ray Cizzums
09-30-2023, 03:42 PM
BTW she said she likes that "Whose Line is it anyway" and I said that's 20 years old and I'm sick of it.

My sweetheart watches "The Hallmark Channel", which is non-stop mind-numbing drivel, written and produced by and for women.
Every show features some forlorn medium hot white woman, who's always either a writer, the daughter of a mom & pop business that's
on the rocks, some sort of designer, a chef, or an ice skater. Missy is always on the rebound, then fends off the advances of : a doctor,
a movie actor, royalty from some obscure European country, an architect attempting to build on top of the family farm/restaurant/bed&breakfast,
or worst of all - another writer/author. Yeeech ! The guy always has 3X hair, and somebody has a too-cute-for-words grade schooler. The only
upside is very few niggers, but even that is slowly changing, and we are somehow bombarded with niggers in the commercials....

10-01-2023, 08:58 AM
I'm with my current girlfriend since 2016. It's mostly a friendship and companionship. No kids between both of us, but our main interests are animals, dogs and cats specifically. She grew up in a fancy San Diego location, used to do horse events and that kind of sheeeit. I've never owned a horse. But she doesn't act like a princess, but you can tell she's highly educated. Works at a public university.

I always call Nigeria "Niggeria" but I don't get a response. But this post is when I get responses:

1. I complain that Snoop Nigger looks like a criminal. I can't believe Martha Stewart hangs out with it, not that I really care about MS. I'm just tired of seeing it in commercials. GF says that why do I care, he's just into his music which is crap

2. A few years ago I was complaining I can't stand brillo, and how wild wool looks uncivilized. She says why don't I just let them enjoy their life, it's their hair anyway, why do I have to be so negative. I said it's ugly and dirty looking. No response.

3. About two weeks ago, I was commenting on how niggers act like dancing, sa-shaying, doing some monkey moves that you never see other humans do. They think they can act like animals and be thought of as cool or smooth. I mentioned 2 niggers in commercials. Here she says again, "I don't know what you mean" I said, the "boogying and dancing and opening their mouths". No, I don't see anything wrong with it, she says. I said you know what I mean. Look. Humans don't do that. Oh you're just being racist.

Well you know I'm racist. No response after that.

I enjoy her company but I wish she can be more astute to nigger foolishness. I'm not looking for a fight, but I wish I can drive her to admit niggers are animals. For the record, she admits blacks have low academic scores, are vulgar, are violent, yet get away with it. She also opposes border niggers.

There's no muh-dikk anyway, I'm not attracted to her in that way anyway. We just enjoy animals, movies, British drama and comedy, and dog events.

I know it's hard to find a good woman who hasn't burned coal or isn't a liberal who worships niggers. This one has only been with one person, her ex-husband. I'm not planning on leaving her, I'm just unsuccessful in convincing her all niggers are no good.

That's my rant. I suppose there may be other wimminz out there as opposed to the apes as I am, it's just the odds are so low.

I am fortunate enough to be with an attractive whyte wimmenz who HATES niggers as much as I do however you are RIGHT brother, they are EXTREMELY hard to find that's why I am fortunate enough to have a keeper. I am no spring chicken and the older you get it get's harder and harder to find someone that you are compatible with!!

10-05-2023, 06:22 PM
As long as she respects and accepts your position on niggers, the two of you don't have to agree on everything. No two people do. My husband is "nigger aware" but still thinks "a few of them are magic." He still crosses the street when a nigger approaches because "can't take the chance that random nigger isn't magic." I can live with that.

The whole issue of niggers doesn't come up often for us because we have very little coontact with them. I don't watch nigger news, niggerball, or niggerfuxated movies or TV shows, don't patronize establishments that cater to niggers or play cRap bongo music, don't live near niggers, and don't engage in nigger-popular activities. The only real coontact I have is the occasional encoonter at work, where I've learned to hide my disdain for the negro ape very well. I mainly come to Chimpout when I have to vent.

10-07-2023, 08:51 PM
Her dad is a Vietnam vet and a retired police officer and he's even more ray-shish than me, actually. He actually reads CO and thinks its hilarious. I actually look forward to it when he flies down to visit a couple of times of year. We usually just go down to the shooting range here and shoot, maybe have a beer afterwards. He's a good guy. I like him and respect him a lot.

Sweet !

So few people are admitted racists it's criminal. Too many people still view niggers as people and human beings. When you've finally discovered that these rotten beasts are not of our world, then you can finally cross the tracks once and for all.

10-08-2023, 02:35 AM
As long as she respects and accepts your position on niggers, the two of you don't have to agree on everything. No two people do. My husband is "nigger aware" but still thinks "a few of them are magic." He still crosses the street when a nigger approaches because "can't take the chance that random nigger isn't magic." I can live with that.

The whole issue of niggers doesn't come up often for us because we have very little coontact with them. I don't watch nigger news, niggerball, or niggerfuxated movies or TV shows, don't patronize establishments that cater to niggers or play cRap bongo music, don't live near niggers, and don't engage in nigger-popular activities. The only real coontact I have is the occasional encoonter at work, where I've learned to hide my disdain for the negro ape very well. I mainly come to Chimpout when I have to vent.

We really don't run into niggers 95% of the time. The most contact is at restaurants, or shopping. But it's on TV that we always sees magics like doctors, professionals, you name it. That's when I say things like "really now", sometimes there's "boy" at the tail end.

There's just too many nigs in advertising. I can't stand the wool, the shit skin shade, the monkey antics and dancing and sa-shaying. That's when I let it out, my disdain for their species. Lately no talk about nigs, I'm not looking to argue.

10-08-2023, 02:43 AM
My sweetheart watches "The Hallmark Channel", which is non-stop mind-numbing drivel, written and produced by and for women.
Every show features some forlorn medium hot white woman, who's always either a writer, the daughter of a mom & pop business that's
on the rocks, some sort of designer, a chef, or an ice skater. Missy is always on the rebound, then fends off the advances of : a doctor,
a movie actor, royalty from some obscure European country, an architect attempting to build on top of the family farm/restaurant/bed&breakfast,
or worst of all - another writer/author. Yeeech ! The guy always has 3X hair, and somebody has a too-cute-for-words grade schooler. The only
upside is very few niggers, but even that is slowly changing, and we are somehow bombarded with niggers in the commercials....

My mother always watches The Hallmark Channel. She loves that. She calls it "pretty faces" show because, let's face it, most wimminz are white and pretty. Rarely a sow. I say, better pretty faces than ugly faces, amending it by saying, "no black faces". My brother, sister, and mother laugh.

My mom denies she's a racist.She says though that "blacks must be hurt and insecure because deep inside, they see how ridiculous and ugly they look compared to people". I've never seen her say a black child is beautiful or cute - just white and Asian babies.

I'll take pretty faces over monkey faces any day.

10-16-2023, 04:52 AM
I'm with my current girlfriend since 2016. It's mostly a friendship and companionship. No kids between both of us, but our main interests are animals, dogs and cats specifically. She grew up in a fancy San Diego location, used to do horse events and that kind of sheeeit. I've never owned a horse. But she doesn't act like a princess, but you can tell she's highly educated. Works at a public university.

I always call Nigeria "Niggeria" but I don't get a response. But this post is when I get responses:

1. I complain that Snoop Nigger looks like a criminal. I can't believe Martha Stewart hangs out with it, not that I really care about MS. I'm just tired of seeing it in commercials. GF says that why do I care, he's just into his music which is crap

2. A few years ago I was complaining I can't stand brillo, and how wild wool looks uncivilized. She says why don't I just let them enjoy their life, it's their hair anyway, why do I have to be so negative. I said it's ugly and dirty looking. No response.

3. About two weeks ago, I was commenting on how niggers act like dancing, sa-shaying, doing some monkey moves that you never see other humans do. They think they can act like animals and be thought of as cool or smooth. I mentioned 2 niggers in commercials. Here she says again, "I don't know what you mean" I said, the "boogying and dancing and opening their mouths". No, I don't see anything wrong with it, she says. I said you know what I mean. Look. Humans don't do that. Oh you're just being racist.

Well you know I'm racist. No response after that.

I enjoy her company but I wish she can be more astute to nigger foolishness. I'm not looking for a fight, but I wish I can drive her to admit niggers are animals. For the record, she admits blacks have low academic scores, are vulgar, are violent, yet get away with it. She also opposes border niggers.

There's no muh-dikk anyway, I'm not attracted to her in that way anyway. We just enjoy animals, movies, British drama and comedy, and dog events.

I know it's hard to find a good woman who hasn't burned coal or isn't a liberal who worships niggers. This one has only been with one person, her ex-husband. I'm not planning on leaving her, I'm just unsuccessful in convincing her all niggers are no good.

That's my rant. I suppose there may be other wimminz out there as opposed to the apes as I am, it's just the odds are so low.
I have a Chinese friend that happens to be about 3 years older than me. She said niggers look like quote "like chimpanzees" and that goatfuckers are all racist. She also said that goatfuckers treat women appallingly and that Europe is cucked and has been ruined by asslifters and niggers completely. She doesn't care what I say about them either. I sent her a picture of a homo erectus and she said it is just another nigger. She's never offended by anything. We have so much in common.

10-16-2023, 04:53 AM
I'm with my current girlfriend since 2016. It's mostly a friendship and companionship. No kids between both of us, but our main interests are animals, dogs and cats specifically. She grew up in a fancy San Diego location, used to do horse events and that kind of sheeeit. I've never owned a horse. But she doesn't act like a princess, but you can tell she's highly educated. Works at a public university.

I always call Nigeria "Niggeria" but I don't get a response. But this post is when I get responses:

1. I complain that Snoop Nigger looks like a criminal. I can't believe Martha Stewart hangs out with it, not that I really care about MS. I'm just tired of seeing it in commercials. GF says that why do I care, he's just into his music which is crap

2. A few years ago I was complaining I can't stand brillo, and how wild wool looks uncivilized. She says why don't I just let them enjoy their life, it's their hair anyway, why do I have to be so negative. I said it's ugly and dirty looking. No response.

3. About two weeks ago, I was commenting on how niggers act like dancing, sa-shaying, doing some monkey moves that you never see other humans do. They think they can act like animals and be thought of as cool or smooth. I mentioned 2 niggers in commercials. Here she says again, "I don't know what you mean" I said, the "boogying and dancing and opening their mouths". No, I don't see anything wrong with it, she says. I said you know what I mean. Look. Humans don't do that. Oh you're just being racist.

Well you know I'm racist. No response after that.

I enjoy her company but I wish she can be more astute to nigger foolishness. I'm not looking for a fight, but I wish I can drive her to admit niggers are animals. For the record, she admits blacks have low academic scores, are vulgar, are violent, yet get away with it. She also opposes border niggers.

There's no muh-dikk anyway, I'm not attracted to her in that way anyway. We just enjoy animals, movies, British drama and comedy, and dog events.

I know it's hard to find a good woman who hasn't burned coal or isn't a liberal who worships niggers. This one has only been with one person, her ex-husband. I'm not planning on leaving her, I'm just unsuccessful in convincing her all niggers are no good.

That's my rant. I suppose there may be other wimminz out there as opposed to the apes as I am, it's just the odds are so low.

Ever thought about the Slavic or Chinese women? They're not all nigger loving cucks like the women here. Polish women are better as well.

10-16-2023, 12:42 PM
I've thought about it, but I'm worried about the cultural and language differences. I also want a very intelligent woman who I can have analytical discussions, so they must have a perfect command of the English language. This current one is intelligent, except when it comes to niggers. She still thinks they are people and not Homo erectus. Thanks though for the suggestion.

10-16-2023, 03:05 PM
My wife doesn’t like niggers but she doesn’t hate them like I do. I say the word around my kids sometimes and she gives me the side eye. I do try to keep it to a minimal because I don’t want them repeating it at school for obvious reasons. She listens to my nigger bashing quite often.

My girlfriend does nigger bashing with me. She's a KEEPER!!

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-16-2023, 04:17 PM
My girlfriend does nigger bashing with me. She's a KEEPER!!
My wife hates em too. She just doesn’t go as far as I do. We have been together since we were 18 so we get each other.

10-16-2023, 05:28 PM
My wife hates em too. She just doesn’t go as far as I do. We have been together since we were 18 so we get each other.

That's a BEAUTIFUL thing!! I'm happy for you brother!!

Niggers are Useless
10-16-2023, 05:46 PM
My girlfriend does nigger bashing with me. She's a KEEPER!!

Same: except wife in my case.

10-16-2023, 06:19 PM
Same: except wife in my case.

You made an EXCELLANT choice!!

10-16-2023, 06:54 PM
I thought a few days if I should reply here, because that's a dangerous topic :-). Thing is, women and men are different. (Even though today in science that is unpopular, but you can still find a lot of papers, mostly from pre-2000 dealing with the differences and their causes.)
Very simplified/generalized (it's never entirely black and white!): Women tend to be pack animals, they don't like to swim against the current. Men are loners, or at least can live as loners - which is a horror for almost all women. For that reason, many women hate it to oppose the mainstream opinion, because that "doesn't feel good". Even if they know rationally that the mainstream is wrong!

So, I'd say as long as you like her, and you've got similar interests etc., it is ok to disagree on some topics, that's just normal. But as long as she is ok with your stance on niggers, and as long as she's aware enough to not endanger herself (or you), I'd be ok with that.
It's hard enough to find someone you like. What I personally wouldn't tolerate is if she had nigger friends, or if she insisted on convincing me that niggers are human. There are limits :D.

10-16-2023, 09:27 PM
I thought a few days if I should reply here, because that's a dangerous topic :-). Thing is, women and men are different. (Even though today in science that is unpopular, but you can still find a lot of papers, mostly from pre-2000 dealing with the differences and their causes.)
Very simplified/generalized (it's never entirely black and white!): Women tend to be pack animals, they don't like to swim against the current. Men are loners, or at least can live as loners - which is a horror for almost all women. For that reason, many women hate it to oppose the mainstream opinion, because that "doesn't feel good". Even if they know rationally that the mainstream is wrong!

So, I'd say as long as you like her, and you've got similar interests etc., it is ok to disagree on some topics, that's just normal. But as long as she is ok with your stance on niggers, and as long as she's aware enough to not endanger herself (or you), I'd be ok with that.
It's hard enough to find someone you like. What I personally wouldn't tolerate is if she had nigger friends, or if she insisted on convincing me that niggers are human. There are limits :D.

In all fairness, we here at CO do think niggers are animals, and not part of Homo sapiens. We're tough, because we need to be, because it's the truth. It's hard to really find a woman who will agree with you outright about niggers as erectus. Hey I really believe it, based on science. We're called racists when we're actually speciests.

I have not talked about our different species theory.She acknowledges that yes, she knows I'm a racist, but I correct her. I said nothing wrong with immigration, provided it's legal. She knows I hate sows, sometimes I say the sow looks unattractive, not saying outright ugly, and she agrees. I call Nigerians niggerians. I get away with that.

I'm just trying to keep a balance of civility. I score points when I say there's no great structures or philosophies from Africa. She agrees. But her argument always is, let goof the hate.

10-16-2023, 09:29 PM
I thought a few days if I should reply here, because that's a dangerous topic :-). Thing is, women and men are different. (Even though today in science that is unpopular, but you can still find a lot of papers, mostly from pre-2000 dealing with the differences and their causes.)
Very simplified/generalized (it's never entirely black and white!): Women tend to be pack animals, they don't like to swim against the current. Men are loners, or at least can live as loners - which is a horror for almost all women. For that reason, many women hate it to oppose the mainstream opinion, because that "doesn't feel good". Even if they know rationally that the mainstream is wrong!

So, I'd say as long as you like her, and you've got similar interests etc., it is ok to disagree on some topics, that's just normal. But as long as she is ok with your stance on niggers, and as long as she's aware enough to not endanger herself (or you), I'd be ok with that.
It's hard enough to find someone you like. What I personally wouldn't tolerate is if she had nigger friends, or if she insisted on convincing me that niggers are human. There are limits :D.

In all fairness, we here at CO do think niggers are animals, and not part of Homo sapiens. We're tough, because we need to be, because it's the truth. It's hard to really find a woman who will agree with you outright about niggers as erectus. Hey I really believe it, based on science. We're called racists when we're actually speciests.

I have not talked about our different species theory.She acknowledges that yes, she knows I'm a racist, but I correct her. I said nothing wrong with immigration, provided it's legal. She knows I hate sows, sometimes I say the sow looks unattractive, not saying outright ugly, and she agrees. I call Nigerians niggerians. I get away with that.

I'm just trying to keep a balance of civility. I score points when I say there's no great structures or philosophies from Africa. She agrees. But her argument always is, let go of the hate.

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-16-2023, 10:40 PM
That's a BEAUTIFUL thing!! I'm happy for you brother!!
Thanks brother! I feel the same for you. Get your girl on here! :lol

10-17-2023, 06:56 AM
Thanks brother! I feel the same for you. Get your girl on here! :lol

I'm trying!!

10-17-2023, 07:00 AM
In all fairness, we here at CO do think niggers are animals, and not part of Homo sapiens. We're tough, because we need to be, because it's the truth. It's hard to really find a woman who will agree with you outright about niggers as erectus. Hey I really believe it, based on science. We're called racists when we're actually speciests.
So do I. They are homo-erectus, we are human! For this reason, strictly speaking, we cannot be racist.

I have not talked about our different species theory.She acknowledges that yes, she knows I'm a racist, but I correct her. I said nothing wrong with immigration, provided it's legal. She knows I hate sows, sometimes I say the sow looks unattractive, not saying outright ugly, and she agrees. I call Nigerians niggerians. I get away with that.

I'm just trying to keep a balance of civility. I score points when I say there's no great structures or philosophies from Africa. She agrees. But her argument always is, let goof the hate.
That's the best you can do.