View Full Version : Aunt Jemima look-alike Social Media Influencer "Meatball" racks up six felonies livestreaming her looting of Filthadelphia

Whitey Ford
09-28-2023, 02:23 PM
Teary-eyed influencer ‘Meatball’ who livestreamed Philadelphia looting mayhem is charged with 6 felonies


The Philadelphia social media influencer arrested while she livestreamed Tuesday night’s looting mayhem fought back tears as she was charged with six felonies.

Dayjia Blackwell, better known as “Meatball,” shared her firsthand view of the chaos, in which looters targeted several businesses including Apple, Foot Locker and Lululemon, before being caught.

In the videos posted to her Instagram Stories, Blackwell can be heard laughing and cheering on the other looters as she stood by and watched the chaos unfold.

At one point during her stream, Blackwell turned to face her camera and challenged the cops to arrest her.

“Tell the police they’re either gonna lock me up tonight, or it’s gonna get lit, it’s gonna be a movie,” she said at one point.


09-28-2023, 03:39 PM
Well with ole Aunt Jammima the nigger could flip the pancake. Now with the Meatball we can flip the finger to the nigger. I'm sure you know which one!

Defund Welfare
09-28-2023, 08:57 PM
That fat sack of shit is already out. Try to contain your surprise.

Ray Cizzums
09-28-2023, 09:44 PM
I sure hope this thing has been sterilized....23427

Niggers are Useless
09-28-2023, 09:48 PM
I'm not giving the sow any credits by watching her documentary of typical nigger behavior. All the niggers the cops had to wrangle in this display of their normal state of being have probably been released and are now in contract negotiations for a spot on the city council or posing for statues dedicated to niggers getting them reparations. Philly loves niggers and nigger crime. They voted for it, now it's time to relax and let the niggers nig.

09-29-2023, 07:16 AM
Nigger sowgrillas are the lowest form of life. :bobble

09-29-2023, 10:38 AM
They is jus' bein' theyselfs. And now they are free to be what they are and always have been. "People"? Yeah, right.

Ray Cizzums
09-29-2023, 01:07 PM
They is jus' bein' theyselfs. And now they are free to be what they are and always have been. "People"? Yeah, right.

The devolution of niggers is picking up speed, with each incredibly fucked up generation. Fatter, blacker, uglier, and dumber than ever, these welfare-bred
congoloids are turning into livestock, at best, with a high percentage of feral predators like "Meatball". The libturds have selectively bred the human traits
out of the "African diaspora", and created a truly inferior class of archaic hominid, as primitive as any sub-Saharan African retard. Not to mention being
unidentifiable as male or female. God help us all, with these animals running loose...

09-29-2023, 04:25 PM
If I remember correctly, didn't Aunt Jemima said it was the inventor of pancakes, and therefore asserting that it has a major contribution to American culture? Not that I care.

Even if I was a rich guy in the 1700s, I would not want a nigger preparing my food. I might get poisoned. Exception will be to clean the toilets. I don't want to see feral monkey faces inside my house.

Come to think of it, I don't think any nigger has been to any residence I've had. Rayciss, probably.

09-29-2023, 04:34 PM
Teary-eyed influencer ‘Meatball’ who livestreamed Philadelphia looting mayhem is charged with 6 felonies



LOOKS AT MEEZ!! That's how RETARDED, sub-simian primates ALWAYS get caught!! Posting SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT on social Media!!

09-29-2023, 08:47 PM
They post this stuff online because they know they won't be jailed for their crimes and flaunt at everyone that they can't be arrested because "racism" and other stupid bullshit. Liberal states get what they asked for, let them suffer in their diversified paradise they created for themselves.

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-29-2023, 09:54 PM
Look how quickly a mob of niggers can turn a city into Haiti. Left to their own devices niggers would loot every store out there, half the shit looted would just be destroyed. Gorcery stores would be in shambles. If nobody brings them more food, some white liberal flies into the destroyed niggerhood and makes a commercial to send em money and food. Fuck niggers! Stupid beasts.

09-30-2023, 02:21 PM
“Video evidence in this case which we’ve uncovered demonstrates completely that officer Dial got out of his car, ordered (Irizarry) to show his hands, and then heard ‘gun,’” McMonagle said.

Garcia, Irizarry’s aunt, said the family believes there may have been a language barrier between Irizarry and the police because he did not speak English well. He had moved from Puerto Rico to Philadelphia seven years ago, she said.https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/26/us/police-shooting-charges-eddie-irizarry/index.html
So the spigger has been in the US FOR SEVEN years but his little brain couldn't grasp English?

09-30-2023, 07:50 PM
I spent a night in Monkeydelphia last week. I had to mingle briefly with a few coons, as had no choice as I was compelled to be on best behavior, but even those niggers were all complaining and looking to go somewhere less niggery. When the niggers are looking to up bananas and move on, it must be a fucking intolerable ghetto even for them to survive in.