View Full Version : Nigger put Strawberry Sherbert in the freezer

Whitey Ford
09-27-2023, 11:18 PM

A potent mix of grief and rage filled the courtroom Tuesday as a judge ensured that the man who shot his girlfriend and then crammed her body into a refrigerator will spend his remaining years behind bars.

Calling him an incorrigible reoffender whom society must be protected from, Superior Court Judge Robert D. Krause sentenced Nathan Cooper, 54, to consecutive life sentences for shooting Sherbert Maddox, his professed girlfriend, and then leaving her to bleed to death instead of calling 911.

“It’s clear from your comments today … that you persist with the baseless claim that it was an accident,” Krause said in rejecting as fiction Cooper’s testimony that the gun accidentally discharged as he moved to wipe away water Maddox had splashed at him.

Krause said that account didn’t square evidence of the cruel and venomous man Cooper revealed himself to be in multiple text messages sent to friends and family. He disparaged Maddox, who went by Strawberry, as the “worst chick I’ve ever ran [sic] into in my life.” Another read “I swear on my mother this ain’t going to end well.”

Evidence at trial showed that Cooper shot 40-year-old Maddox in the shower at 43 Parkis Ave. in the city’s Elmwood neighborhood and continued to do drugs for days instead of calling for help. He called a friend to bring him shrink wrap and proceeded to wrap it around her body before shoving her into a refrigerator with a note that read “I don’t trust you.”


09-28-2023, 10:50 AM


09-28-2023, 01:49 PM
It wuz an accident...AKA dindu nuffins. For a race that claims to be magical inventors an sheeit, niggers sure can't come up with any new excuses.

Ray Cizzums
09-28-2023, 02:12 PM
She was a lot less obnoxious "chilling out" inside the 'fridge, I'm guessing...