View Full Version : Niggers Feel They're Not Coddled Enough

09-27-2023, 07:38 PM
Bing is usually a gold mine for finding out these ridiculous stories of nigger and nigger lovers world wide. One interesting article in particular that I saw today was that 4 out of 5 niggers see "racist depictions on the news". When I read that headline I knew that this country is going to go deeper down the nigger hell hole as if it wasn't already a nigger nightmare enough as it is. I get the feeling that in the future the news aren't going to report niggers killing humans at all. Now see this; The article states that niggers think
the news about Black people is often more negative than it is toward other racial or ethnic groups. And why do they suppose that is? Which group of people are often out of control, killing, robbing and destroying things for the stupidest of reasons? No other group of people ook and eek louder than the pesky niggers. Every little damn thing has to be about them, they are among the loudest most obnoxious and annoying group of "people" to ever exist. What the hell do these pests what? I am NOT going to kiss a niggers ass just because I am told to by the propagandist media who idolized this monkey business. Be prepared everyone, I have a feeling that nigger coddling is not over yet and the news might even begin to skew more to covering up the nigger crimes even more. Don't be surprised when the news outlets start doing this. You heard it here first folks! Again, it's a hunch but it's probably not far off from the truth.
