View Full Version : NIgger run Philadelphia Sheriff's Dept "loses" 185 guns

Whitey Ford
09-25-2023, 08:40 PM
Philadelphia Sheriff’s Department Lost 185 Guns, Including 76 Duty Weapons


The Philadelphia Sheriff’s Department has lost over 185 firearms, including 76 duty weapons, according to the Philadelphia Controller’s Office. The original number of service guns the controller found missing after a three-year investigation was 101.

The Sheriff’s Department also claims it gave some guns to retired officers and former employees.
Pennsylvania implements universal background checks, and no evidence exists showing any of the guns underwent transfer via a federal firearms licensee (FFL) or that the recipient filled out an ATF Form 4473. This implies that the transferer never ran a check on the transferee through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).


Sheriff Rochelle Bilal claims that the Controller’s Office report is misleading. She claims the missing duty firearms are due solely to “recordkeeping” errors. She blamed the Controller’s Office for waiting so long to audit the Sheriff’s Department’s guns. They completed the last audit ten years ago. Many in the gun community take issue with the Sheriff’s excuse since FFLs do not get a pass because of the time between audits.


Ray Cizzums
09-26-2023, 11:25 AM
Buffarilla sheriff Rochelle ? Philly is already an African cesspool, so what's the harm ? She'll find a way to make it worse of course, but WGAF ?
An undersheriff named "Shabazz" ? Anyone with that name is a YT-hatin' nigger asshole....

09-27-2023, 11:25 AM
Holy crap! No more niggers goin' to jail in Filthidelphia... "Shabazz"? .............Riiigghhhttt......

Not a good place to be white.

animal mother
09-27-2023, 01:24 PM
The Philadelphia Sheriff’s Department has lost over 185 firearms, including 76 duty weapons, according to the Philadelphia Controller’s Office. The original number of service guns the controller found missing after a three-year investigation was 101.

The only positive thing to come out of this is an increase in bat wings issued.

Jim Crow
09-27-2023, 03:25 PM
I’m certain that those guns be in the possession of boiz in da hood!