View Full Version : US Marshals Do a Drive-By on Sky Comma Nigger in Arizona

Nigger Wrangler
09-21-2023, 04:59 PM
This is one of the wildest things I've seen on police cam.

US Marshals had been looking for violent nigger savage Ny'Kendreon Pride and after locating the violent nigger, decided to take him down on the street. First deploying a flash-bang and then less-lethal rounds. The nigger had an illegally modified handgun (of course) and pulled it out. The Marshals put the nigger savage down immediately.

Pride had been engaged in multiple armed robberies in the past few days.

Perfect ending.

We could use a lot more of this.

The amount of people, in the comments, crying over the demise of this violent nigger is absolutely insane. Progressivism is a disease.


09-21-2023, 05:28 PM
You'd be mad too if someone shot your pet. Difference is, our pets are domesticated, niggers are feral savages.

Tar Remover
10-10-2023, 12:54 PM
:lol GOOD! What is a "Sky Comma" nigger?

Niggers are Useless
10-10-2023, 06:35 PM
23525Nigger, you lose. Good job Officers. Do this as often as you want, I don't mind.

Ray Cizzums
10-10-2023, 07:11 PM
:lol GOOD! What is a "Sky Comma" nigger?

A jaboon whose buffarilla mammy gets a little carried away with the ebonics, after she "gibs birf",
and makes up a ridiculous name for the "chile" - that includes an apostrophe, a.k.a. a "Sky comma".
As in this case, with the offender named "Ny'Kendreon" Pride. For fucks sake, just name the kid Nigger,
and get it over with. :lol

10-10-2023, 08:47 PM
Or N'Igger !

I'd compromize there :lol

Tar Remover
10-11-2023, 04:35 AM
Or N'Igger !

I'd compromize there :lol:rofl:rofl:rofl