View Full Version : Thousands of Hayshees storm Mexican asylum office

09-19-2023, 11:05 AM
TAPACHULA, Mexico (AP) — Migrants, mostly from Haiti, burst into an asylum office in southern Mexico on Monday, demanding papers.
Throngs of migrants knocked over metal barricades and rushed into the office in the city of Tapachula, pushing past National Guard officers and police stationed at the office. Some of the migrants were trampled by their colleagues in the rush.


Their "colleagues"?? Are the Hayshees all doctors, engineers, or architects? :lol

What's going on? I thought the Mexicans/police could be pretty brutal yet they didn't harm one nappy hair on the groids' empty heads.

Maybe they'll all be escorted to the border where private planes will be waiting for them.



09-19-2023, 02:21 PM
https://h104216-dcdn.mp.lura.live/1/938825/pvw_lin/7D5/0B5/7D50B57C25ACA6E0F9344CC8487BC3D4_8.jpg?aktaexp=169 5151501&aktasgn=8bb6d235da25ea35e6bf7ccd71b8f101

Yay .. more spiggers !!

As usual niggers have no gratitude for anything tho. We are surely getting the "best and brightest" that Hayshee and Apefrica has to offer.
Or maybe the "worst and blightest". Our own countries are showing utter contempt , and dare I say hatred for us.
Well the insane libturd mob is, who are as dumb and useless as their new "importees".


09-19-2023, 04:42 PM
https://h104216-dcdn.mp.lura.live/1/938825/pvw_lin/7D5/0B5/7D50B57C25ACA6E0F9344CC8487BC3D4_8.jpg?aktaexp=169 5151501&aktasgn=8bb6d235da25ea35e6bf7ccd71b8f101

Yay .. more spiggers !!

As usual niggers have no gratitude for anything tho. We are surely getting the "best and brightest" that Hayshee and Apefrica has to offer.
Or maybe the "worst and blightest". Our own countries are showing utter contempt , and dare I say hatred for us.
Well the insane libturd mob is, who are as dumb and useless as their new "importees".


Probably a couple of niggers and their collegues with a high double-digit IQ. Instead of 65, maybe 75.

Niggers are Useless
09-19-2023, 06:23 PM
https://h104216-dcdn.mp.lura.live/1/938825/pvw_lin/7D5/0B5/7D50B57C25ACA6E0F9344CC8487BC3D4_8.jpg?aktaexp=169 5151501&aktasgn=8bb6d235da25ea35e6bf7ccd71b8f101

Yay .. more spiggers !!

As usual niggers have no gratitude for anything tho. We are surely getting the "best and brightest" that Hayshee and Apefrica has to offer.
Or maybe the "worst and blightest". Our own countries are showing utter contempt , and dare I say hatred for us.
Well the insane libturd mob is, who are as dumb and useless as their new "importees".


Those Niggers in the boats are all waving, they just can't wait to be put up in a four star hotel, fly on our private flights and then rape our white women with impunity. Thanks Joe child sniffer Biden and Down low Nigger Obama you built this.

Whitey Ford
09-23-2023, 06:54 PM
What's going on? I thought the Mexicans/police could be pretty brutal yet they didn't harm one nappy hair on the groids' empty heads.

They know that the US Govt wants these precious little human treasures to arrive safe and sound here in the US so they can vote Democrap and abuse our welfare system. ;)
If the dindus do something stupid to piss off the drug cartels down there, you might get to see some hot batwing action.

As usual niggers have no gratitude for anything tho.

Ain't that the truth!

09-26-2023, 02:16 PM
Niggers are born useless. There's no fix except return to sender.

10-06-2023, 12:35 AM
What's going on? I thought the Mexicans/police could be pretty brutal yet they didn't harm one nappy hair on the groids' empty heads.

Maybe they'll all be escorted to the border where private planes will be waiting for them.

They know that the US Govt wants these precious little human treasures to arrive safe and sound here in the US so they can vote Democrap and abuse our welfare system. ;)

The Mexican government does everything it can to expedite human "migrants" across the border. Draining our economy is great revenge against Gringo, and their ultimate weapon against the U.S. is sending us niggers. A small pack of genuine Apefricoons is worse than a million dirty bombs.

Whitey Ford
10-06-2023, 01:36 AM
The Mexican government does everything it can to expedite human "migrants" across the border. Draining our economy is great revenge against Gringo, and their ultimate weapon against the U.S. is sending us niggers. A small pack of genuine Apefricoons is worse than a million dirty bombs.

You want to read a good book about the history of Mexico, read The History of Mexico by Burton Kirkwood (https://www.amazon.com/History-Mexico-Burton-Kirkwood/dp/1403962588). The problem with Mexico is that it went down the socialist path. It had two great Presidents in a row, culminating in the third, Porfirio Diaz. Porfirio was like the Trump of Mexico . During his 31 year tenure, he brought Mexico out of the third world and into the first world. He financed the first national railroad system, made deals to build state of the art factories and then partnered with oil companies to cultivate the Mexican oil industry and put thousands of Mexican citizens to work. This period of Mexican prosperity came to be known as the Porfiriato. A lot of liberal assholes will try to paint Porfirio and his tenure as a "dictatorship" much like they try to paint Trump (or any other populist) badly.

But, some malcontent asshats weren't content with job creation, wage earning and progress. The most notable liberal, progressive socialist of that ilk was a certain Jose Vasconcelos. He hated Porfirio and the whole concept of earning a living and being productive in general. He received funding from the Soviet govt to publish a socialist paper called Timón. He managed to get some funding from disgruntled American socialists, the Soviets and other sources to cobble together enough wealth to stage a coup. Together with Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa they managed to stage a coup and topple the Diaz administration and replace it with a socialist govt headed by an idiot named Francisco Maduro.

But, they were idiots and didn't know how to run a govt. After a series of assassinations and other misadventures, they were overthrown. Then, a true dictator emerged. Plutarco Elías Calles emerged and his time in office became known as the Maximato as he called himself El Jefe Maximo. He was a true dictator. This whole idea of the socialist ideal of share and share alike was quickly trampled underfoot. The resources of Mexico and the wealth it generated from; oil, minerals, agriculture, etc weren't shared amongst the populace as promised. They were hoarded amongst the tiny elite, which is what communism/socialism produces.

And this is why Mexico struggles until this very day. It went down the socialist path. Which is where Biden and the current marxist admin is trying to take America too.

10-06-2023, 10:13 AM
A little off-topic, but speaking of niggers with nappy hair, I read somewhere that nigger hair is actually a type of wool that can be carded, spun and felted just like sheep wool. Human hair cannot. NOBODY can ever convince me these Homo erecti are "just like us"!

10-06-2023, 01:30 PM
A little off-topic, but speaking of niggers with nappy hair, I read somewhere that nigger hair is actually a type of wool that can be carded, spun and felted just like sheep wool. Human hair cannot. NOBODY can ever convince me these Homo erecti are "just like us"!

Nigger hair is ovoid in shape. Why? It evolved that way to help fight lice infestations. The little bastards have a rough time holding on