View Full Version : Teenaper gets wrangled by massive sow at.. where else.. Mucky D's

09-18-2023, 03:47 PM
Somehow I suspect this budding little felon mini snakehead did something to provoke the sow

Most likely dissaspecks and some type of sweet and sour sauce was involved...

A protest is scheduled to be held on Saturday (09-16-23) at the McDonald’s store at 1728 Lomita Blvd., Lomita (CA) to demand justice for Kassidy Jones a 13-year-old African American honor roll student who was viciously attacked and beaten inside McDonald’s by a grown woman.



Ray Cizzums
09-18-2023, 05:09 PM
Somehow I suspect this budding little felon mini snakehead did something to provoke the sow

Most likely dissaspecks and some type of sweet and sour sauce was involved...

I suspect she got that beating from a white woman, because of the no justice, no peace narrative being pushed by the news pukes.
What the mini-sow did to provoke the situation will, of course, be ignored. That woman did a good job lumping up Kassidy's monkey puss.
Why would McDonald's be in BLM's crosshairs, for fuck's sake ?

Niggers are Useless
09-18-2023, 05:56 PM
The future felon factory probably ooked off at the salt water nigger sow and then the chimpout ensued. Either way it appears to be NHI otherwise the White womans identity would be on every channel and President poopey pants would be inviting the felon factory to the white house. Wait for the Nigger lotto apetempt or go fund a chimp.
The nigger in the mug shot with the doesn't look even close to the felon factory that got it's ass beat. Is this another case of treyvon skittles martin where the niglet photos are shown to deflect blame?

09-18-2023, 05:58 PM
Why would McDonald's be in BLM's crosshairs, for fuck's sake ?

Thanks to their libtard enablers, "Nigger rigged" has taken on a whole new meaning.

Anything that happens to promote a nigger is supposed to result in rainbows and sunshine gushing out of everyone's ass
or either Mo' gibs and corporate shakedowns for anything that happened they didn't like !

09-19-2023, 10:54 AM
Oh, FFS!!! Nigger mammies beat they niglets worse than that!

09-19-2023, 11:38 AM
Oh, FFS!!! Nigger mammies beat they niglets worse than that!

:lmao:lmao:lmao :potd

09-19-2023, 12:28 PM
Looked to me like a Hispanic female beat the mouthy nigger. It was satisfying to watch. No one in their right mind would intervene to save a nigger.

09-19-2023, 07:24 PM
From watching the video and reading the story:

- The so-called "mini" sow definitely looks older than 13, more like 18. Primitive species like niggers reach physical maturity earlier than more advanced species like humans, so a 13-year-old sheboon is definitely "fair game" for an adult human woman.
- As other posters have stated, there's definitely some "trayboonery" going on with teensow's mugshot (named for the fake news media splashing pics of 12-year-old Trayboon Martin all over our TV screens when he was a 6'3" 17-year-old thug).
- The other woman was probably Hispanic, not white, but will be falsely labeled "white" just like Zimmerman in order to stir up racial tensions to the fullest and incite the maximum level of rioting and looting.
- This definitely started as a fight, not a one-sided beatdown. The teensow just started crying when she started losing the fight.
- The teensow is 100% lying, her story makes zero sense. She claims the other woman attacked her for absolutely no reason at all. It never happens like that. Even if the big woman was mentally ill (which should be a strike against the controlled media for exploiting mental illness to stir up race rioting), it still takes SOMETHING to set them off. I've been around mentally ill people and none of them has ever attacked me completely unprovoked. The teensow did SOMETHING, that's a guarantee.
- The chance that the non-nigger woman is a "raciss Karen" is 0%. Either she was legitimately provoked, she's mentally ill, or both.
- You actually CAN give niggers black eyes and fat lips (but you still can't give them an education).

09-19-2023, 07:33 PM
- The other woman was probably Hispanic, not white, but will be falsely labeled "white" just like Zimmerman in order to stir up racial tensions to the fullest and incite the maximum level of rioting and looting.

Whatever it is, it is definitely experienced in the ways of the sheboon beatdown.
It goes for the weavy snakes right off the bat ! You can tell she's no stranger to throwing down with hoodrat hos.

09-20-2023, 04:06 AM
Niggers are always beating, eating and muhdicking niglets. Its in their dnape

09-20-2023, 01:19 PM
A nigger gorilla sow could have dismembered the teenaper with a meat cleaver and none of those #BurnLootMurder ghouls WGAFF

09-20-2023, 02:09 PM
Somehow I suspect this budding little felon mini snakehead did something to provoke the sow

Most likely dissaspecks and some type of sweet and sour sauce was involved...



Probably tried to not pay for it's Mcnuggets!!

09-22-2023, 06:51 PM
From watching the video and reading the story:

- The so-called "mini" sow definitely looks older than 13, more like 18. Primitive species like niggers reach physical maturity earlier than more advanced species like humans, so a 13-year-old sheboon is definitely "fair game" for an adult human woman.
- As other posters have stated, there's definitely some "trayboonery" going on with teensow's mugshot (named for the fake news media splashing pics of 12-year-old Trayboon Martin all over our TV screens when he was a 6'3" 17-year-old thug).
- The other woman was probably Hispanic, not white, but will be falsely labeled "white" just like Zimmerman in order to stir up racial tensions to the fullest and incite the maximum level of rioting and looting.
- This definitely started as a fight, not a one-sided beatdown. The teensow just started crying when she started losing the fight.
- The teensow is 100% lying, her story makes zero sense. She claims the other woman attacked her for absolutely no reason at all. It never happens like that. Even if the big woman was mentally ill (which should be a strike against the controlled media for exploiting mental illness to stir up race rioting), it still takes SOMETHING to set them off. I've been around mentally ill people and none of them has ever attacked me completely unprovoked. The teensow did SOMETHING, that's a guarantee.
- The chance that the non-nigger woman is a "raciss Karen" is 0%. Either she was legitimately provoked, she's mentally ill, or both.
- You actually CAN give niggers black eyes and fat lips (but you still can't give them an education).

Q: "How can you tell when a nigger is lying?
A: "Its bootlips are moving."

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-23-2023, 12:15 AM
“We wonts jussisss”. Shut up niggers! You want gibs not justice. I watch you niggers chop each other up, tire necklace each other, set your heads on fire, run over people with cars, shoot 2 year olds in the head without a single fuck given. Hell, you retards laugh while you do these things. You don’t give a flying shit about this sowlet. Fuck I hate niggers.

09-23-2023, 01:04 AM
“We wonts jussisss”. Shut up niggers! You want gibs not justice. I watch you niggers chop each other up, tire necklace each other, set your heads on fire, run over people with cars, shoot 2 year olds in the head without a single fuck given. Hell, you retards laugh while you do these things. You don’t give a flying shit about this sowlet. Fuck I hate niggers.

You notice in the video even mammy has to edit itself on the fly. It messes up and calls it a "FIGHT" just like niggers always do when they kick some YT in the head when he isn't looking.
Then mammy realized.. oh it wasn't a FIGHT, muh baybuh got "BEAT" . Total BS straight to the face of the world.

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-24-2023, 10:58 PM
You notice in the video even mammy has to edit itself on the fly. It messes up and calls it a "FIGHT" just like niggers always do when they kick some YT in the head when he isn't looking.
Then mammy realized.. oh it wasn't a FIGHT, muh baybuh got "BEAT" . Total BS straight to the face of the world.
They’re so dimwitted/retarded they think we all believe their crocodile tears for “victims” like George the groid Floyd or any other goodified, assaulted, dissaspeckded nigger. They see an ends to a means here. They see something to gain. They have no compassion for fellow niggers even their own sproglets. They hate each other. 100 niggers just died at the hands of other niggers while I typed this and we thank the niggers that did so and wish them a happy goodification of other niggers career.