View Full Version : Chicago niggermayor Johnson wants gov't run food stores to replace Walmart and Whole Foods

09-17-2023, 10:36 PM

Walmart and Whole Foods can't make a profit in the crime-ridden shithole of Chicago, so what does this brilliant niggermayor want to do about it?

Does the niggermayor want to increase police patrols and prosecute shoplifters and other miscreants? No, of course not! This genius wants to open government run food stores, presumably to operate at a loss (subsidized by tax dollars).

The mayor’s office added that "Historic disinvestment has led to inequitable access to food retail across Chicago, and these existing inequities have been exacerbated as at least six grocery stores closed on the South and West sides over the past two years."
It cited data from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture estimated that 63.5% of residents in West Englewood and 52% of East Garfield Park residents live more than half a mile from their nearest grocery store. It added that "food access and security link directly to environmental and racial justice. 37% of Black residents and 29% of Latine/x residents are food insecure, compared to 19% of residents overall."

The niggermayor also seems oblivious to the fact that Chicago already has a half-billion dollar deficit.

The city of Chicago’s budgetary woes could factor into its capacity to move forward with the city-owned grocery store project using municipal funding following the conclusion of the feasibility study. Last week, Johnson’s office also announced a projected budget gap of $538 million for the upcoming 2024 fiscal year.

Stupid niggermayor, why not just control crime? But I guess that's too simple a solution for a socialist niggermayor.

Marse Igor
09-18-2023, 12:17 AM
Not the worst idea in the world I guess if jiggaboo chow huts keep the beasts away from Human shoppers and are appropriately stocked with nigger victuals:


Ray Cizzums
09-18-2023, 01:45 AM

Walmart and Whole Foods can't make a profit in the crime-ridden shithole of Chicago, so what does this brilliant niggermayor want to do about it?

Does the niggermayor want to increase police patrols and prosecute shoplifters and other miscreants? No, of course not! This genius wants to open government run food stores, presumably to operate at a loss (subsidized by tax dollars).

Nigger "security" and ''access" to you-name-it is always about the gibs muhs...

09-19-2023, 12:49 PM
The niggermayor also seems oblivious to the fact that Chicago already has a half-billion dollar deficit.

Stupid niggermayor, why not just control crime? But I guess that's too simple a solution for a socialist niggermayor.

That's the only the solution the nigger mind can really process, getting something for "free" . Gibs muh dats, or takes muh dats.
Chicago has already run out of other people's money. The city is on it's way to being the next nigger destroyed Detroit.

Niggers are Useless
09-19-2023, 06:41 PM
Good Idea Nigger. Now just turn The main park and Several Nigger schools into landfills for the white suburbs, all your niggers can go there and pick thru all the food they want and they won't have to pay for anything. White libtards living in chicago suburbs can feel good about themselves for all the food they donate to these new Gubbimint run Food stores while they continue to pay all the taxes for all the other free nigger gibs. It's a win win.

Whitey Ford
09-21-2023, 09:16 AM
Niggers have this strange and curious idea that there exists a great big ol' Horn of Plenty that just somehow sprang out of nowhere and that they aren't getting their fair share of it. One must produce before one can consume, and niggers sure do know how to consume. It's the producing part that they can never quite understand.


09-21-2023, 10:25 PM
The greatest failure in human history: believing niggers are humans, when all evidence shows they are feral savage animals, period. There's a reason all races of man know they are different: they're butt ugly, violent, and lazy.