View Full Version : Chainsaw nigger Erik dismembers his Latina burner Maria

Whitey Ford
09-16-2023, 05:39 PM
Bond denied for man accused of dismembering girlfriend with chainsaw 5 years ago


The search is finally over for a man accused of dismembering the body of a woman with a chainsaw in 2018.

Erik Arceneaux has been on the run for four years since he was charged in the death of the 29-year-old single mother.

In June 2018, Maria Jimenez-Rodriguez was reported missing after failing to show up for work. She was last seen dropping her daughter off with a babysitter. Although her body has never been found, in August 2019, Arceneaux was charged with her murder and has been on the run ever since.

Arcenaux is accused of chopping up Jimenez-Rodriguez's body with a chainsaw and disposing of it.

After managing to escape authorities for years, the 51-year-old was arrested by the Gulf Coast Violent Offender Task Force in a Walmart parking lot in southeast Houston on Thursday, sources told ABC13. Records show he was booked into the Harris County jail Thursday afternoon.

At the time of her disappearance, police said Arcenaux and Jimenez-Rodriguez were dating. However, family members later said he was the victim's trainer and found letters from him asking to be more than friends.


09-16-2023, 08:25 PM
From the article, she may not be a filthy burner... 'Friends' apparently. Letters were found from the ape requesting they develop a relationship that would lead to beastiality... and hence the murder???

In any event, never EVER enter into any kind of relationship with these beasts.... The result: Chopped up with a chainsaw....

She may be yet one more innocent ape-victim...

Ray Cizzums
09-16-2023, 08:56 PM
From the article, she may not be a filthy burner... 'Friends' apparently. Letters were found from the ape requesting they develop a relationship that would lead to beastiality... and hence the murder???
In any event, never EVER enter into any kind of relationship with these beasts.... The result: Chopped up with a chainsaw....
She may be yet one more innocent ape-victim...

She turned down an offer of muh-dikk ? Nigger couldn't handle it. "Dat's disrespeck".
I can't believe this jaboon managed to start a chainsaw....

09-17-2023, 08:24 AM
I can't believe this jaboon managed to start a chainsaw....

My thoughts exactly. As if the shit-ape could figure out where to put the fuel much less how much oil to use in a 32:1 fuel mix. I'm figuring an electric chainsaw.

Jim Crow
09-17-2023, 09:44 AM
Once they go black,they can never go back.Because the nigger deads them! And in all reality, we really don’t want them back. Once a human chick has slept with a nigger,theys better off daid!

09-17-2023, 10:46 AM
From the article, she may not be a filthy burner... 'Friends' apparently. Letters were found from the ape requesting they develop a relationship that would lead to beastiality... and hence the murder???

In any event, never EVER enter into any kind of relationship with these beasts.... The result: Chopped up with a chainsaw....

She may be yet one more innocent ape-victim...

What kind of "single mother" buddies up to a big nigger buck? There's no such thing as a nigger friend, or having a "relationship" with one. If he was hanging around it was only to get muh dik and maybe share in any benefits she was getting. If she said "no" that sealed her fate.

No woman can dump a nigger or refuse to spread for one. We've seen time and again how this ends in rape, murder, and dismemberment. Niggers do not deal with frustration or annoyance as we do. Low IQs, violent tendnacies and complete lack of control result in savage attacks.

This is so easily avoidable if you stay away from niggers.I'd like to sympathize but I can't. How much sympathy would I get if I went to Yellowstone, decided to pet the bison and got flung 10 feet in the air? I would be told,"You should have stayed far away from them, you idiot."

09-17-2023, 08:46 PM
What kind of "single mother" buddies up to a big nigger buck? There's no such thing as a nigger friend, or having a "relationship" with one. If he was hanging around it was only to get muh dik and maybe share in any benefits she was getting. If she said "no" that sealed her fate.

No woman can dump a nigger or refuse to spread for one. We've seen time and again how this ends in rape, murder, and dismemberment. Niggers do not deal with frustration or annoyance as we do. Low IQs, violent tendnacies and complete lack of control result in savage attacks.

This is so easily avoidable if you stay away from niggers.I'd like to sympathize but I can't. How much sympathy would I get if I went to Yellowstone, decided to pet the bison and got flung 10 feet in the air? I would be told,"You should have stayed far away from them, you idiot."

Your Clear thinking is refreshing. I do think, tho, if she did not fornicate with the beast, she's in a different class than one who soiled herself with a radiator hose

Just in my feed today


09-17-2023, 09:16 PM
Your Clear thinking is refreshing. I do think, tho, if she did not fornicate with the beast, she's in a different class than one who soiled herself with a radiator hose

Just in my feed today


That's some super-ugly mutt she has there. Does this slut think her story is unique? Breed with a nigger, and being a "single mother" - which is guaranteed - is the least of your worries.

It seems the woman in the article had this nigger as her trainer. Any association with niggers is highly dangerous. Avoid the groid!

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-17-2023, 09:30 PM
Your Clear thinking is refreshing. I do think, tho, if she did not fornicate with the beast, she's in a different class than one who soiled herself with a radiator hose

Just in my feed today


I don’t know how you can breed with a buck and then raise this thing afterwards that looks nothing like you.

09-19-2023, 01:01 AM
I don’t know how you can breed with a buck and then raise this thing afterwards that looks nothing like you.

How can you not hold anything but resentment towards such a creature... It will never amount to anything and it's ruined your life.... An oft told story...Early 2012, Micro beach hotel, Island of Saipan. I had just returned and was staying there looking for more permanent digs. A Chinese woman with an ABSOLUTELY out of control shitlet... She knew almost no English but you could tell she really hated the little beast. To make a long story short, she was arrested after the shitlet disappeared. Not sure of the exact details but she walked the little beast into the jungle and only she came out. Eventually arrested, I think she fled and returned home from one of the Freely Associated States like Pohnpei or some shit. The shitlet was never found. Not unheard of...50,000 Japanese on the island prior to the battle in WWII, only 18,000 bodies were ever accounted for. The Japanese 'Bone Collectors' visit the island every year and burn the bones of who they find to bring back to Yasukuni Shrine...They've found nowhere near all the dead still around the Island... I used to come across them hiking...Regularly... Amazing place... I miss it


09-19-2023, 01:09 AM
That's some super-ugly mutt she has there. Does this slut think her story is unique? Breed with a nigger, and being a "single mother" - which is guaranteed - is the least of your worries.

It seems the woman in the article had this nigger as her trainer. Any association with niggers is highly dangerous. Avoid the groid!

Their lives are ruined...Great stats on such outcomes...


09-19-2023, 09:38 AM
Their lives are ruined...Great stats on such outcomes...


I recall reading stats on how hooking up with a nigger hugely increases a woman's chances of being murdered, compared to her chances with YT partners. They DO get killed by YT men, but considering what a small minority male groids are and how many women they kill it's "staggering" indeed.


09-19-2023, 11:39 AM
I recall reading stats on how hooking up with a nigger hugely increases a woman's chances of being murdered, compared to her chances with YT partners. They DO get killed by YT men, but considering what a small minority male groids are and how many women they kill it's "staggering" indeed.


Gotta love 'Tyrone'.... Great photoshop work... I downloaded that one.. Would love to see those murder stats.

Niggers are Useless
09-19-2023, 06:50 PM
I am still stuck on this line
"however victims family later said he was the victims trainer and found letter from him asking to be more than friends"

What the Hell? When did niggers learn to write? I'm guessing this nigger beat his other white whore until she wrote the letter for him. Just saying that has me confused almost as much as the chainsaw part. I think it would be fun to leave a chainsaw in a nigger neighborhood and see how long it takes for one of them to figure out. he probably had help there also.

09-19-2023, 08:17 PM
Any contact with a nigger can be fatal. Simple fact. Similar to lions, it may just take one contact. Why in heaven's name would this clueless woman befriend a slimy nigger?

09-20-2023, 11:04 AM
That's some super-ugly mutt she has there.


And here's dinero's filthy sprog.....Just as revolting


09-20-2023, 03:14 PM
I am still stuck on this line
"however victims family later said he was the victims trainer and found letter from him asking to be more than friends"

What the Hell? When did niggers learn to write? I'm guessing this nigger beat his other white whore until she wrote the letter for him. Just saying that has me confused almost as much as the chainsaw part. I think it would be fun to leave a chainsaw in a nigger neighborhood and see how long it takes for one of them to figure out. he probably had help there also.

It doesn't say it was literate. :lol No doubt it was incomprehensible jibbering, filled with misspelled obscenities.

09-23-2023, 09:13 AM
Your Clear thinking is refreshing. I do think, tho, if she did not fornicate with the beast, she's in a different class than one who soiled herself with a radiator hose

Just in my feed today


Big smile with your future felonious frankenstein freak, you have a bright future talking to law enforcement about your mistakes.

09-23-2023, 11:31 AM
Your Clear thinking is refreshing. I do think, tho, if she did not fornicate with the beast, she's in a different class than one who soiled herself with a radiator hose

Just in my feed today


I got curious. So, we now live in a world where some whore can bareback an MIA nigger, shit out sometthing like this - it's called "Prince" BTW - laden herself with botox, filters, fake hair, fake nails, fake eyelashes, fake boobs, inflated lips, fake teeth, and fake tan and end up not in shame, but in TikTok fame.

Even worse, she's made a million dollars by being a shameless plastic slut. 1.6 million "followers".

09-23-2023, 01:45 PM
I got curious. So, we now live in a world where some whore can bareback an MIA nigger, shit out sometthing like this - it's called "Prince" BTW - laden herself with botox, filters, fake hair, fake nails, fake eyelashes, fake boobs, inflated lips, fake teeth, and fake tan and end up not in shame, but in TikTok fame.

Even worse, she's made a million dollars by being a shameless plastic slut. 1.6 million "followers".

As usual..great research. Such 'success' could breed copy cats.... As if there are not enough filthy mutant sprog in the world...

09-23-2023, 03:27 PM
I got curious. So, we now live in a world where some whore can bareback an MIA nigger, shit out sometthing like this - it's called "Prince" BTW - laden herself with botox, filters, fake hair, fake nails, fake eyelashes, fake boobs, inflated lips, fake teeth, and fake tan and end up not in shame, but in TikTok fame.

Even worse, she's made a million dollars by being a shameless plastic slut. 1.6 million "followers".

You mean she didn't turn up with an Onlyfools account too so she can trollop troll money out of misinformed humans unaware of her debased mudsharkism ?


Whore really gets around. She hates her tattoos now , sure she just loves her other "mistakes" huh


07-28-2024, 03:53 PM
...laden herself with botox, filters, fake hair, fake nails, fake eyelashes, fake boobs, inflated lips, fake teeth...Who knows if the following victim was a Mudshark or not, given that she originated from South America which could mean anything:


https://duckduckgo.com/?hps=1&q=Ibrahima+B+vergewaltigung+Wien&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fheute-at-prod-images.imgix.net%2F2024%2F04%2F17%2Fc510cecf-e64f-4faf-ac98-380dcc7f662b.jpeg%3Frect%3D0%252C209%252C4000%252C 2250%26auto%3Dformat%252Ccompress%26w%3D768

Wanted to pull teeth with pliers

“Morality guard” rapes Viennese :rolleyes: woman for hours

Ibrahima B. became radicalized with Muslim friends abroad and then inflicted horrific violence on a woman in Vienna. Now the accusation is there.
What the Vienna public prosecutor's office accuses 23-year-old Ibrahima B. of in its six-page indictment leaves you speechless. As reported, the unemployed man, who was born in Guinea, may have become radicalized during a stay abroad in France. He visited Muslim friends there and when he returned to Austria he wanted his girlfriend Elsa I (name changed) to live the way he thought was right.

He wanted her to wear a headscarf

As early as September 2023, the suspect met the South American-born woman, who has been in Austria for more than two decades, in a club near Schwedenplatz. She was currently going through a divorce and was initially happy about carefree times and some affection. But after the trip to France, her boyfriend became unbearable and acted as a "moral guardian"; forced her to wear a headscarf, checked her cell phone and located her. When she was looking for a place to go out on Instagram, Ibrahima B. finally went completely crazy.

20 punches to the face

In a shocking orgy of violence, he is said to have punched her in the face 20 times - alternating with his right and left fist - and broken her nose. Even when blood was sprayed, he did not let go of his victim and is said to have choked him four times almost to the point of unconsciousness.
"You'll see what I do to you," he is said to have intimidated the woman and then pulled a pair of pliers from under the bed. "I'll pull your teeth out," he threatened, according to the prosecution. As the woman rolled over onto her stomach, he tore out clumps of her hair and filmed her - to always remind her of "what happens if you don't obey."

"I will destroy you"

The 23-year-old: "No matter where you are, look, I will always be here and even if it's been a year, I will destroy you. You may not even think about me anymore, but I will destroy you!"
Forced to have sexual intercourse several times
The public prosecutor about the suspect's alleged actions: "He always acted with the intention of hurting his victim and using violence to make him compliant." Elsa I is said to have been raped several times in recent months - her ordeal sometimes lasted hours. She is said to have been scratched, hit and bitten.

Particularly disgusting: Ibrahima B. whispered that he loved his girlfriend, but would kill her. After actually finding a pistol in the box one day, Elsa I., in fear of her life, confided in a friend and filed a complaint. Ibrahima B. has been in custody at the Vienna-Josefstadt prison since the beginning of June.

The suspect faces ten years in prison

He denied everything to the police, but after two interviews with the victim and findings from the Floridsdorf clinic, the investigators had no doubts about the information provided by the woman, who is legally represented by star lawyer Philipp Wolm. Her tormentor Ibrahima B. will soon have to answer before a jury in Vienna. He faces up to ten years in prison. It is the presumption of innocence.


07-29-2024, 10:21 PM
Even if the poor vic didn't hook up with the ape, she broke Rule #1, she did business with a nigger. I made that mistake but learned fast.