View Full Version : Apelanta nigger mayor goes full batshit loony Woke Cultural Marxist

Whitey Ford
09-10-2023, 07:31 PM
Major U.S. city declares 'waitress,' 'man-made' and many more words 'offensive'


Democratic Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens announced a 24-page guide for inclusive language on Thursday that provides sanctioned terms for city officials to use.

Atlanta now has official government definitions for terms such as “microaggressions” and “gender identity,” and lays out specific phrases government officials should and should not use, according to the guide. Dickens claimed that the guide would help change culture in Atlanta to be more “welcoming” and urged city residents to also rely on the guide in their everyday lives.

The guide promotes critical race theory as a recognition “that racism is more than the result of individual bias and prejudice,” and defines racism as an issue promulgated in the U.S. by white people. It argues that “white dominant culture” has used white supremacy to establish “cultural norms, practices, and functions” to force everyone to behave under its “authority.”

Atlanta’s guide also urges government officials to practice “cultural humility” and to avoid cultural appropriation from “personal use” of “symbols, art, language, [and] customs” from other groups. It labels race and gender as “social constructs” used to categorize people who fall outside of “societal norms.”

The guide lists a plethora of terms it deems “offensive,” including “illegal immigrant,” “homosexual,” “man-made” and “waitress.” It also argues that deportation is a “threat to human rights” and is a weapon used to harm immigrants.

“Deportation [is] [t]he forced removal of an immigrant from the country they immigrated to typically because of a ‘crime’,” the guide claims. “However, immigrants are more harshly criminalized thus deportation is weaponized. Deportation is a threat to human rights including the right to family unity, the right to seek asylum from persecution, the right to humane treatment in detention, the right to due process, and the rights of children.”
