View Full Version : Blubbalicious groid sporting double Ds tries to rob CA jewelry store

09-04-2023, 11:09 AM
This is the moment an attempted thief was chased out of a jewelry store in California (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/california/index.html) after receiving a beatdown from employees he had just bear sprayed.

In the shocking footage, a shirtless nigger with flying moobs is seen running out of Meza's Jewelry Store in El Monte as workers chase him away from the shop.

Cops told local outlets the groid entered the store Saturday afternoon and began shattering display cases after he sprayed the employees to pull off his theft.

Maybe the employees will be arrested for assault. I guess there will soon be no stores in CA since niggers have been given free rein to rob them as they wish.

The video is pretty funny. Fat Albert should have robbed Victoria's Secret for a good underwire bra and some Spanx to support the FUPA.




09-04-2023, 01:35 PM
Had a helluva butt "craik" too... they didn't even bother blurring the moobs.

Ray Cizzums
09-04-2023, 06:59 PM
I wish these foreign store owners would realize that wood implements are just not suitable for beating a negro. A steel rod, some 1/2" to 3/4" pipe,
an aluminum bat, a nice piece of threaded rod - or my personal favorite : a 33" piece of 3/4" re-bar. If any of the aforementioned were applied to
ole' Big Tits Willie, A: he wouldn't have left that store on his feet, and B: he might not be out stealing the next day. As it is, there's no one looking for
him, and he'd be let go immediately if there was. They had their chance to tee off on that congoloid, and failed to hospitalize him, for lack of a
proper nigger-beatin' stick....

Niggers are Useless
09-04-2023, 07:04 PM
That thing must be living in one of those nigger food desserts that whites are blamed for when they pull their stores out of fuxated areas. Just looking at those moobs bouncing is reason to put an eye bleach warning on the video. If those store employees had a firearm that would have been an easy shot to make, broad side of a barn comes to mind. Soon CA will have nothing but libtards, mexicans and niggers and sand nigger bodegas. All the human owned business' will be gone.

09-04-2023, 07:39 PM
Notice that the Daily Mail. UK has moderated comments on this story, as they always do when reporting TNB - even the absolute worst, like imported Africoons having machete battles on the streets - just to make sure no one says an uncomplimentary word about savage criminiggers.

So will the Libtards haul out the usual excuse, "Oh, the poor nigger. He was probably hongry, so oppressed and denied"?

Ray Cizzums
09-04-2023, 09:05 PM
So will the Libtards haul out the usual excuse, "Oh, the poor nigger. He was probably hongry, so oppressed and denied"?

Even the most libtarded fool can see that this roly-poly jaboon hasn't missed a meal in 20 years.
But the stress of whitey's raycizzums is what made him obese, so there's that....

09-05-2023, 12:38 AM
Even the most libtarded fool can see that this roly-poly jaboon hasn't missed a meal in 20 years.
But the stress of whitey's raycizzums is what made him obese, so there's that....

This " some serious " . What with the price of the daily 10 piece and 2 jumbo sides being put out of reach by "Bidenomics" what's a hongry buffarillo to do ?
Also they really hate seeing all those billions of moe gibs being shipped off to some YT in another country when they should be the ones squandering it right here !

09-05-2023, 12:45 AM
Use cat o nines on that blubber whale carcass.

09-05-2023, 10:36 AM
Even the most libtarded fool can see that this roly-poly jaboon hasn't missed a meal in 20 years.
But the stress of whitey's raycizzums is what made him obese, so there's that....

I don't wish to contradict, but in a recent Harvard study of obese niggers it was concluded that YT so oppresses and discriminates against niggroes that they can't get the great jobs for which they are qualified and dserve > Have to live on welfare> can't afford healthy food with the fruits, veg, and lean meats they crave > live on Purple Drank, Flaming Cheetos and frah chiggun.

Therefore, YT is to blame for fat niggers.

Oh, wait. This is the same Harvard that concluded that "not only women give birth". Never mind.

Ray Cizzums
09-05-2023, 02:59 PM
I don't wish to contradict, but in a recent Harvard study of obese niggers it was concluded that YT so oppresses and discriminates against niggroes that they can't get the great jobs for which they are qualified and dserve > Have to live on welfare> can't afford healthy food with the fruits, veg, and lean meats they crave > live on Purple Drank, Flaming Cheetos and frah chiggun. Therefore, YT is to blame for fat niggers.
Any chance their 3rd grade edumacation, gym sock-scented Afro fright wig, and awful attitude was "figgered" into that equation ?
Not to mention funions, mapuh bacon and skittles....

09-05-2023, 05:07 PM
Any chance their 3rd grade edumacation, gym sock-scented Afro fright wig, and awful attitude was "figgered" into that equation ?
Not to mention funions, mapuh bacon and skittles....

Sheeiiiit! :rofl