View Full Version : 16 Year Old Nigger Sow Stabs Another 16 Nigger Sow to Death Over McNuggets Sauce

Nigger Wrangler
08-31-2023, 03:02 AM
The new school year has started out exactly as one would expect in the nation's capital. Nigger on nigger violence.

The two nigger sows stopped at McDonald's for some McNuggets. The sows got in the car and got in an argument over the sauce. As one would expect from a nigger, violence ensued. One sow murdered the other sow. Perfectly reasonable response from a nigger!

Just like us!

As you can imagine, the "community" is upset over the loss of such a valuable commodity: A nigger.

In reality absolutely nothing of value was lost.

One good nigger, one nigger off to Nigger University. A win-win.


09-02-2023, 09:24 AM
A gooding over a plastic sauce pack is actually a new unreported nigger activity. It's like David Attenborrough announcing the discovery of a new species. We'll have to file this among the last chicken wing and ' muh fugga made me drop muh cheeze bugger ' incidents. More nigger reference material for our coon studies.

Defund Welfare
09-02-2023, 06:40 PM
Niggers killing each other over junk food is its own comedy genre. Instead of “Ow my balls!” you could have “Ow my welfare!” where niggers are offered deals at their favorite nigger chow haunts and watch them kill each other over dipping sauce, mayonnaise, cold fries, and other inconveniences.
I’d watch it all day.