View Full Version : Timothy Chimpkins Found Guilty Of Murder - You Will Not Believe The Wild Wool In The Courtroom

Ray Cizzums
08-26-2023, 11:07 AM
Look at the broad spectrum of idiotic nigger hurra doos on display in a court of law. The defendant, the fambly - wigs, weaves, shit-twizzlers, rope-a-dopes, nest-o-snakes, bunch-o-broccoli and burn victim - not one normal head in the courtroom. Back in the day, your lawyer would tell you to get a GI haircut, and dress appropriately, when appearing before a judge. They were in Dallas-Ft. Worth, in July - which means not one of them ever breaks a sweat, or that 'doo gets chucked in the trash. Nigger school shooter was out on low bail for years, because "he wuz bullied", then gets only an 11 year sentence. If he was a human it would be 30 years....


Whitey Ford
08-26-2023, 06:55 PM
Macrame head nigger. He could hang a planter off his head with those cables. :lol

08-26-2023, 07:20 PM
Look at the broad spectrum of idiotic nigger hurra doos on display in a court of law. The defendant, the fambly - wigs, weaves, shit-twizzlers, rope-a-dopes, nest-o-snakes, bunch-o-broccoli and burn victim - not one normal head in the courtroom. Back in the day, your lawyer would tell you to get a GI haircut, and dress appropriately, when appearing before a judge. They were in Dallas-Ft. Worth, in July - which means not one of them ever breaks a sweat, or that 'doo gets chucked in the trash. Nigger school shooter was out on low bail for years, because "he wuz bullied", then gets only an 11 year sentence. If he was a human it would be 30 years....


A truly dazzling array of wigs, weaves, and snakehead hairdids. Wow. THat buck is going to get quite an education in NU. I hope he knows how to toss salad but if not, he'll surely learn. Have fun, Li'l Black Sambo.

08-26-2023, 08:14 PM
Timothy Chimpkins Found Guilty Of Murder

Mammy's over there rockin' and bobbin' to the verdict... just wantin' to holla out "muh baybuh dinduNUFFIN waaaaaaa "

I wonder why they let that hate YT hurra doo doo in the courtroom at all, it even has maggot sprinkles in it.

Anyways, bye bye murder-nog, wipe your monkey paw in them stinky locks and grease up that Hershey Highway for some hard time fudgepackin' ! :lol

Niggers are Useless
08-26-2023, 10:39 PM
I bet they had to fumigate that courtroom. Can you imagine the smell in that place. Ugh.