View Full Version : Let the Butt Hurt Begin as Campus Cops Warn Students About Rampaging Coons

08-25-2023, 11:31 AM
23143 23144

I'm frankly amazed that this even happened on a college campus. Congrats to the Campus Police. Their primary job is to keep students safe, not make guilty locals feel good about themselves. And the best part is the hand wringing from the politicians.

"The police union flier reported that “murders have doubled, burglaries are up 33 percent and motor vehicle thefts are up 56 percent,” in the first seven months of the year. The numbers are accurate. But Mayor Justin Elicker called them cherry-picked and misleading. He noted that violent crime has decreased by 29.2 percent since 2020. Although homicides are up, the number of shootings has come down. “Overall, over the past three years or so, crime is down,” he said, adding, “While the actual numbers may be accurate, they don’t present the full picture of what’s going on.”

Even the mayor admits the crime statistics are accurate but we can't hurt the feelings of niggers and nigger lovers. And what a great counter argument. "Shootings are down but homicides are up." I guess the coons are becoming more accurate.

Regardless, well done Yale campus police!


Ray Cizzums
08-25-2023, 12:52 PM
23143 23144

I'm frankly amazed that this even happened on a college campus. Congrats to the Campus Police. Their primary job is to keep students safe, not make guilty locals feel good about themselves. And the best part is the hand wringing from the politicians.

"The police union flier reported that “murders have doubled, burglaries are up 33 percent and motor vehicle thefts are up 56 percent,” in the first seven months of the year. The numbers are accurate. But Mayor Justin Elicker called them cherry-picked and misleading. He noted that violent crime has decreased by 29.2 percent since 2020. Although homicides are up, the number of shootings has come down. “Overall, over the past three years or so, crime is down,” he said, adding, “While the actual numbers may be accurate, they don’t present the full picture of what’s going on.”

[SIZE=4]Even the mayor admits the crime statistics are accurate but we can't hurt the feelings of niggers and nigger lovers. And what a great counter argument. "Shootings are down but homicides are up." I guess the coons are becoming more accurate.
Regardless, well done Yale campus police!

The lefty pukes at Barnard College, a private women's school at NYC's Columbia University, discontinued their usual warning about the local housing project niggers, given to incoming freshman students. Most of them are the children of libturd idiots, and have never seen hard core welfare niggers, during their sheltered, privileged lives. Turned loose on the plains of the Serengeti, these newborn calves are easy prey. Petite princess Tessa Majors, head filled with "They're just like us" nonsense, was previously relieved of her cell phone by the "teens". Yet two weeks later, she's trying to buy weed from niggers in the notorious Morningside Park, and gets robbed and stabbed to death by said 'teens". Despite the media excuse machine being kicked into overdrive, two of the three niggers got long sentences, for what it's worth. Those niggers will be out in 10 years or less, I guarantee it.

08-25-2023, 02:53 PM
They should know by now that coons don't go to school to learn. Just to gang fight. And any learning they do is at home where their nigger parents teach them how to survive. Survive like get out there and steal the cars that sit there. Or get to the stores and steal what ever you need for the day. The nigger parents do it so they just pass it on.

Niggers are Useless
08-25-2023, 07:55 PM
I just spent a wonderful week of nigger free life. So far niggers have yet to figure out how to camp. As far as these young entitled libtard bitches go. …. Enjoy your pets. Hashhhahahahahahaha

08-25-2023, 08:28 PM
Hopefully, the next batch of rotten and wretched politicians will be violated enough by the marauding rampant niggers, that they will learn the hard way that their nigger pets are lethal. I'm afraid most of them have been so strictly mentally programmed by the system, that they'll never see that the emperor has no clothes on. Suffering a little nigger violence is part of the price to get on in life and build a successful career and sustained wealth for themselves. Niggers are good for business. The risk is worth the reward. It's a sick world we live in.

DR Spook
08-25-2023, 09:05 PM
My daughter started college a few weeks ago. I made her sit and read through Chimpout with a special emphasis on the mudshark mortuary threads. She came to me afterwards and said “don’t worry dad, I’ll always aboid the groid. You taught me that from birth”.

08-25-2023, 10:20 PM
Nig Haven CT is just another niggerfuxated shithole.

08-26-2023, 02:29 PM
Didn't even mention race and still the fragile libtard crybaby snowflakes got butthurt and triggered.

Whitey Ford
08-26-2023, 06:36 PM
The amazing part of this story is that there is actually some law enforcement left in this country that aren't afraid to do their job.

08-27-2023, 01:01 AM
My daughter started college a few weeks ago. I made her sit and read through Chimpout with a special emphasis on the mudshark mortuary threads.

I applaud you for upholding your parental responsibilities.
May she be successful and advance civilization beyond where we have to deal with this dark plague.