View Full Version : "I've been shot before!" Violent Nigger Sow Meets Electricity in Oklahoma

Nigger Wrangler
08-24-2023, 06:14 PM
Edmond, Oklahoma

31 year old nigger sow Nicole Sanders is a walking cliche. TNB personified!

First off the nigger shows up at school to take a student out of class. The girl "appeared distressed" by the thought of leaving with the crazed nigger, a relative, so staff called the mother of the nigger sowlet, who told the school the NOT to let her kid go with the crazed nigger sow under any circumstances.

Being a nigger, the sow went ballistic and attacked staff. The school police officer came and pulled the insane nigger of the school secretary. Fresh from a violent attack the first words from the nigger was a proclamation of "I can't breathe!" The second "I've been shot before!!" After more struggling, niggerbabble and can't breeves, the officer used his taser to put the nigger down. One of the few times a taser actually works! Fun to watch.

The nigger also claimed to have placed bombs in the school, so the police bomb squad had to waste tax dollars searching.

There's a grocery list of charges but not attempted kidnapping or making terroristic threats. Not sure why not.

One thing about it, nigger sows are far more violent, irrational, and unpredictable than a nigger buck!

Holy hell!


08-25-2023, 07:35 AM
Whenever I comment on Police Activity (((youtube))) sends me a warning. It's an FIB honeytrap to seek out nigger haters.

Ray Cizzums
08-25-2023, 01:02 PM
I thought Gorilla Monsoon was dead....

Niggers are Useless
08-25-2023, 08:18 PM
It’s getting to the point that whatever a nigger says becomes truth. Cops are so scared of interactions with niggers that they can’t even do their job. They take an ooking nigger down and they loose their careers. We have devolved so far that right is now wrong and wrong is now right. Anyone remember the Bible? We are IN Sodom and ghamora. Remember to not look back.

Tar Remover
08-25-2023, 11:39 PM
Because you can't LEGALLY "kidnap" an animal.....