View Full Version : Fulton County clerk she boon axe-a-dentally leaked Trump charges by hitting the "send" button instead of the "save"

Whitey Ford
08-16-2023, 05:24 PM
Fulton County clerk who leaked Trump charges says she accidentally hit 'send' instead of 'save'

Fat, stupid niggers + white guilt + Soros money + corrupt liberal democrat assholes = the death of America. :(

The Fulton County Clerk of Courts admitted to accidentally releasing the fourth indictment on former President Donald Trump. She said she pressed send instead of save on the document.

"I am human," Ché Alexander told Channel 2's Tom Jones on Tuesday. She was apparently under a lot of pressure to make sure the process went smoothly and made the oncoming indictment public.

No, you are not "human," you are a big fat, useless, stupid, fat and smelly baboon ape.

Alexander told Jones that she wanted to get the indictment to the public as soon as possible. "And that's how the mishap happened," she said.

"I have no dog in this fight," Alexander added.

What's up with the nigger fascination with dog fighting, anyway?

Alexander's office has reportedly received threats over the incident such as, "I'm coming to get you," and others.


Ray Cizzums
08-16-2023, 06:10 PM
Fulton County clerk who leaked Trump charges says she accidentally hit 'send' instead of 'save'

Fat, stupid niggers + white guilt + Soros money + corrupt liberal democrat assholes = the death of America. :(
No, you are not "human," you are a big fat, useless, stupid, fat and smelly baboon ape.

Definitely not human - and pretty far from sub-human. Welfare and ape-firmative action have devolved the negro, in plain sight.
When Ms. fat 'n ugly mates with whatever lazy, dumb-ass nigger is passing by, for several generations - you get Che' Alexander...

Niggers are Useless
08-16-2023, 07:04 PM
Is that fat sow wrangled? It looks like it's doing a perp walk. That doesn't make sense. Niggers are arrest proof and above the law. What the hell is going on here? Oh, on second look it's probably giving the buck a handy.
I am not shocked that some diversity hire nigger sow did something like this and then immediately blames someone else and says it dindu it was the rayciss computer mixing up the words send and save. Diversity hires are societies downfall.

I aint bin dun did dat!
08-17-2023, 12:42 AM
One of their favorite phrases when referring to rayciss whites is “a hit dog will holler”. I guess they did learn something from dey mastas because it sounds like some old hillbilly shit to me.

08-17-2023, 09:27 AM
If you shrink the government, you'll start to remove these niggers from their over privileged positions. These niggers are purely employed for their political usefulness. They are lazy, culpable, dangerous and carefree, all sheltered under the tree of ' dass rayciss. ' - The only way to get them gone is to start reducing bloated government departments and returning value to the tax payers. My town has a very small government and minimal infrastructure. It works great. Keeps the coons from inundating the process. This is by design.