View Full Version : Arkansas ends 'Apefrican-Americoon History' courses

Whitey Ford
08-16-2023, 03:18 PM
Outrage as Arkansas tells high schools to drop AP African American course


Advocacy groups are outraged after the Arkansas department of education warned state high schools not to offer an advanced placement course on African American history.

The admonition from Arkansas education officials is the latest example of conservative lawmakers limiting education on racial history, sexual orientation and other topics they label as “indoctrination”.

If by "indoctrination" they mean 'bullshit,' I concur. :lol

The Arkansas Education Association (AEA), a professional organization of educators in the state, said the latest decision is of “grave concern” to its members and other citizens worried about “the abandonment of teaching African American history and culture”.

“Having this course pulled out from under our students at this late juncture is just another marginalizing move that has already played out in other states,” said a statement from AEA president April Reisma, which was shared with the Guardian.

"..marginalizing move.." :lol
Every day on the TV, on the radio, movies and magazines there will always be a disproportionate amount of dindus. One thing they aren't is "MARGINALIZED!"

In a statement to the Guardian, NAACP president and chief executive officer Derrick Johnson called the decision “abhorrent” and an “attempt to strip high school students of an opportunity to get a jumpstart on their college degree”.

A "jumpstart" on what kind of college degree? Nigger Studies? :lol

The department said that the course may violate state’s Literacy, Empowerment, Accountability, Networking and Safety (Learns) Act, a new law passed this spring under Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee, a Republican and former White House press secretary during Donald Trump’s presidency.

The Learns Act limits curriculum on a range of topics including gender, sexual orientation and subjects that would “indoctrinate students with ideologies, such as Critical Race Theory”.

Awesome! https://i.imgur.com/2WrdRyh.gif

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/15/arkansas-high-school-african-american-ap-course#:~:text=On%20Monday%2C%20the%20first%20day, class%2C%20the%20Arkansas%20Times%20reported.

Whitey Ford
08-16-2023, 03:24 PM



08-17-2023, 09:03 AM
Niggers are good for business. They are very profitable. Keeping them around ensures much tax payer directed wealth for their puppeteers. Niggers are honestly worth more than gold to their keepers. If you removed all of those government entities that coddle the nigger for their personal financial gain, then the nigger would suddenly become worthless. I always remember a slave story. The nigger said once it was freed from slavery, if you fell in the river nobody would rescue you, you'd be left to drown. When it was a slave and had value, folk would dive in to save it as the nigger was somebody's property. Is this where we're heading ? Remove the need and you'll solve the problem.