View Full Version : Beware of Mohammed the "White Supremacist Neo-Nazi"

Whitey Ford
08-15-2023, 01:02 AM
Revealed: neo-Nazi active club counts several of US military as members


A neo-Nazi “active club” counts several current and former members of the United States military as its members, the Guardian has learned, including a lance corporal machine gunner currently in detention on insubordination charges and a former US Marine Corps staff sergeant who was booted from the service for stealing large quantities of ammunition.

Lance corporal machine gunner Mohammed Wadaa and former Marine Corps staff sergeant Gunnar Naughton are part of the Clockwork Crew, California’s first ‘active club,’ according to the group’s own internal research records and social media posts, as well as law enforcement sources.

Active clubs – white nationalists and neo-fascist fight clubs that train in combat sports – are a growing concern for US law enforcement. Their recruitment among active and former members of the military underscores both the broadening appeal of the fitness-centric organising model and the American armed services’ persistent struggle with extremism within the ranks.

Last year, the SPLC listed the Clockwork Crew as a designated hate group over the participation of some members in a 2022 hate march.

A "hate march!" I hate marching, too. :lol
But, if those sh*td*cks over @ the SPLC say they are evil, then they must be. :)

“They’re trying to recreate the cell-based, ready-made force that RAM had where five to 20 people can go out and intimidate people with propaganda, flyer-ing, and highly aggressive posturing,” said Tischauser, referring to the Rise Above Movement, the now-defunct street-fighting neo-Nazi crew whose members have been targeted by federal authorities for participating in street violence against political opponents in California and Virginia during the presidency of Donald Trump.

Orange Man Bad! Muh conflation, muh Associative Conditioning!

The Clockwork Crew was co-founded by Mohammed Wadaa, a lance corporal with the 3rd battalion, 5th regiment of the 1st United States Marine Corps division out of Camp Pendleton, the Marine Corps base just north of San Diego and one of the largest in the country. Photographs from Wadaa’s Telegram posts show he lives on base in Camp Pendleton in a room adorned with a poster of Adolf Hitler.

Sounds like another glownigger plot to me. :lol


08-18-2023, 03:39 PM
There's nought as queer as folk.....literally ! What a fucking whacko bunch.

08-19-2023, 07:51 PM
Very intimidating in their pretty pink and fuschia matchy-matchy uniforms. The SS had nothing on these badasses.