View Full Version : Couldn’t hold back my anger towards a sow!

Jim Crow
08-13-2023, 02:23 PM
Yesterday,my work parter rode together to work for a few hrs,so we’d be on pace for Mon.On the way home we passed by a pizza place that I think has the best pizza in the area. So, I got him to stop in and I got us each a couple slices and drinks.
It’s around noon on a Saturday in a business area, so the place is empty. We’re the only ones eating in. I always like sitting at the bar near the door facing the window.A fat sow comes waddling in. It’s shorter than I am.and probably weighs three times as much.(I’m 5’5” 130lbs)
So, this fat ass niggress picks up two jumbo pies and proceeds to leave. It’s struggling to get out the door, because of its fat fucking jiggly ass. it does not bother to ask anyone for help. Of course, the stupid nigger gets one of the pies slammed in the door.
I laugh. Because it is funny,and because of the clown nigger’s stupidity. Even though I hate niggers, I was sitting right next to the door, and if it asked me politely to hold the door, I would’ve out of respect for the owner. I know the owner and have done some work for him at his house.
Anyway, sowzilla starts ranting. The counterperson ask it to hand them the pizza, to fix it. At this time, my partner and I are refilling our drinks and getting ready to walk out the door.the sow calls me a racist bitch. I just couldn’t hold back. I replied.“Fuck you nigger!” .
My partner sort of rushes me out the door because he did not want it to go further. But he did tell me on the way home that I was absolutely right to get pissed. We were sitting there, finishing our lunch and some fat nigress expected me to hold a door open for it without even asking.
Anyway, I phoned the owner and apologized to him because I didn’t want any bad blood between us. He replied laughingly in his Itallian accent “youa owa me a Pironi beer the nexta time you coma here”. I guess he laughed so loud he spilt his beer!

Ray Cizzums
08-13-2023, 03:23 PM
Yesterday,my work parter rode together to work for a few hrs,so we’d be on pace for Mon.On the way home we passed by a pizza place that I think has the best pizza in the area. So, I got him to stop in and I got us each a couple slices and drinks.
It’s around noon on a Saturday in a business area, so the place is empty. We’re the only ones eating in. I always like sitting at the bar near the door facing the window.A fat sow comes waddling in. It’s shorter than I am.and probably weighs three times as much.(I’m 5’5” 130lbs)
So, this fat ass niggress picks up two jumbo pies and proceeds to leave. It’s struggling to get out the door, because of its fat fucking jiggly ass. it does not bother to ask anyone for help. Of course, the stupid nigger gets one of the pies slammed in the door.
I laugh. Because it is funny,and because of the clown nigger’s stupidity. Even though I hate niggers, I was sitting right next to the door, and if it asked me politely to hold the door, I would’ve out of respect for the owner. I know the owner and have done some work for him at his house.
Anyway, sowzilla starts ranting. The counterperson ask it to hand them the pizza, to fix it. At this time, my partner and I are refilling our drinks and getting ready to walk out the door.the sow calls me a racist bitch. I just couldn’t hold back. I replied.“Fuck you nigger!” .
My partner sort of rushes me out the door because he did not want it to go further. But he did tell me on the way home that I was absolutely right to get pissed. We were sitting there, finishing our lunch and some fat nigress expected me to hold a door open for it without even asking.
Anyway, I phoned the owner and apologized to him because I didn’t want any bad blood between us. He replied laughingly in his Itallian accent “youa owa me a Pironi beer the nexta time you coma here”. I guess he laughed so loud he spilt his beer!
A human female, I'll jump up and assist in a heartbeat, same as you. But in the tri-state area, the "Hold the door" scam is a common tactic,
used by younger nigger vagrants to initiate an unwanted encounter. Sometimes it's a hustle for a "tip", an offer of muh dikk, etc. - that leads to following
someone to their car, with no good way to disengage. Twice in the past year (once in Ct.), women have been shot, followed by the NY Post characterizing
the incident as "Man incensed by impolite woman opens fire" - because she didn't say thank you for a nigger door holder. This implies the innocent negro
had every right to be outraged, and of course you thank said negro for his act of chivalry. Then, I swear, half of the cucks in the comments section are on
board with this logic - "Well, she shouldn't have been rude", or "I always say thank you". Before I got banned, I'd tell these rubes that it's a standard nigger scam, and there is no right answer - the armed negro carefully timed his approach to the door, with ill intent from the get go. Tell the womenfolk to stop short of, or walk by, any door that a nigger just happens to be heading for, at the same they are. It's not a coincidence....

Tar Remover
08-13-2023, 03:46 PM

GOOD, JIM! Fuck that jiggly bag of black jello, the only door I'd hold open for it is the door to a wood chipper!

Tar Remover
08-13-2023, 03:48 PM
A human female, I'll jump up and assist in a heartbeat, same as you. But in the tri-state area, the "Hold the door" scam is a common tactic,
used by younger nigger vagrants to initiate an unwanted encounter. Sometimes it's a hustle for a "tip", an offer of muh dikk, etc. - that leads to following
someone to their car, with no good way to disengage. Twice in the past year (once in Ct.), women have been shot, followed by the NY Post characterizing
the incident as "Man incensed by impolite woman opens fire" - because she didn't say thank you for a nigger door holder. This implies the innocent negro
had every right to be outraged, and of course you thank said negro for his act of chivalry. Then, I swear, half of the cucks in the comments section are on
board with this logic - "Well, she shouldn't have been rude", or "I always say thank you". Before I got banned, I'd tell these rubes that it's a standard nigger scam, and there is no right answer - the armed negro carefully timed his approach to the door, with ill intent from the get go. Tell the womenfolk to stop short of, or walk by, any door that a nigger just happens to be heading for, at the same they are. It's not a coincidence....

AGREED, Ray! Always let niggers knuckle off.

I aint bin dun did dat!
08-13-2023, 09:42 PM
Haha, May be a sail foam video coming of you Jim.

08-14-2023, 07:06 PM
You are a true American!!!!

08-15-2023, 11:52 PM
I try to hold doors for DECENT looking humans. No niggers, no border niggers, no Mohammedans. Border niggers, I learned from experience look at you as if "why did he open the door for me?" and instead of thanking me, give me a sour ugly faced midget look. No way for niggers. Perhaps I'm a racist.

Jim Crow
08-20-2023, 09:18 AM
Haha, May be a sail foam video coming of you Jim.

That is always a concern,since I own a five star business. And if the thing took a swing at me, I would have to defend myself. That’s why I always try to “keep quiet and walk away”. Once you commit yourself to the insanity,you’re fucked. Once you walk through that door, it can go in any bad direction. and you know the law will probably side with the nigger. It’s getting to the point that if you call a nigger, a nigger, they consider it a crime. Lately,seems like no matter how hard I try to avoid a confrontation with a groid, it just happens anyway.

08-20-2023, 09:28 AM
Yesterday,my work parter rode together to work for a few hrs,so we’d be on pace for Mon.On the way home we passed by a pizza place that I think has the best pizza in the area. So, I got him to stop in and I got us each a couple slices and drinks.
It’s around noon on a Saturday in a business area, so the place is empty. We’re the only ones eating in. I always like sitting at the bar near the door facing the window.A fat sow comes waddling in. It’s shorter than I am.and probably weighs three times as much.(I’m 5’5” 130lbs)
So, this fat ass niggress picks up two jumbo pies and proceeds to leave. It’s struggling to get out the door, because of its fat fucking jiggly ass. it does not bother to ask anyone for help. Of course, the stupid nigger gets one of the pies slammed in the door.
I laugh. Because it is funny,and because of the clown nigger’s stupidity. Even though I hate niggers, I was sitting right next to the door, and if it asked me politely to hold the door, I would’ve out of respect for the owner. I know the owner and have done some work for him at his house.
Anyway, sowzilla starts ranting. The counterperson ask it to hand them the pizza, to fix it. At this time, my partner and I are refilling our drinks and getting ready to walk out the door.the sow calls me a racist bitch. I just couldn’t hold back. I replied.“Fuck you nigger!” .
My partner sort of rushes me out the door because he did not want it to go further. But he did tell me on the way home that I was absolutely right to get pissed. We were sitting there, finishing our lunch and some fat nigress expected me to hold a door open for it without even asking.
Anyway, I phoned the owner and apologized to him because I didn’t want any bad blood between us. He replied laughingly in his Itallian accent “youa owa me a Pironi beer the nexta time you coma here”. I guess he laughed so loud he spilt his beer!

Nice work, Jim!!

08-22-2023, 05:38 AM
A human female, I'll jump up and assist in a heartbeat, same as you.
I stopped doing that a few years ago, except for seniors. Because, in the aftermath of the 3rd wave feminazi movement and #metoo craze, I was blamed of sexism more than once because I did hold up / opened a door. My ex-employer (large US company) even requested in a company safety training course that men should under no circumstances give first aid to women if the woman cannot be asked beforehand if she agrees: If not responsive, then don't help. Even if she might die.

But in the tri-state area, the "Hold the door" scam is a common tactic,
used by younger nigger vagrants to initiate an unwanted encounter. Sometimes it's a hustle for a "tip", an offer of muh dikk, etc. - that leads to following
someone to their car, with no good way to disengage. Twice in the past year (once in Ct.), women have been shot, followed by the NY Post characterizing
the incident as "Man incensed by impolite woman opens fire" - because she didn't say thank you for a nigger door holder. This implies the innocent negro
had every right to be outraged, and of course you thank said negro for his act of chivalry. Then, I swear, half of the cucks in the comments section are on
board with this logic - "Well, she shouldn't have been rude", or "I always say thank you". Before I got banned, I'd tell these rubes that it's a standard nigger scam, and there is no right answer - the armed negro carefully timed his approach to the door, with ill intent from the get go. Tell the womenfolk to stop short of, or walk by, any door that a nigger just happens to be heading for, at the same they are. It's not a coincidence....

So true! Avoid the groid, they are never up to anything good, ever!

08-26-2023, 02:58 PM
Niggers always find a way to twist their hold da doe scam into something that can be used against the victim. Doesn't say thank you = rude, deserves to get ape-attacked. Says thank you, better pay up some gibs for a "tip."

Once, several years ago, in my way of whiteness I said thank you to a door-holding nigger and it ooked "you can thanks me by gibbin me yo numba."

Me: "No."

It: "Whatchoo mean, no?"

Me: "Are you that dense that you don't know what no means?"

It: "Iz yoo sayin I'm dumb cuz I be black?"

Me: "Do I really have to say it?"

It: (proceeds to begin a category N chimpout)

Me: (extends my hand towards the nearest large and heavy object)

At that point a security guard escorted the nigger off the premises and it chimped off into the night. Kept two eyes out when I left in case Sambo was waiting, but niggers have short attention spans, probably got distracted by a nickel on the ground or something.

Ray Cizzums
08-26-2023, 09:21 PM
Niggers always find a way to twist their hold da doe scam into something that can be used against the victim. Doesn't say thank you = rude, deserves to get ape-attacked. Says thank you, better pay up some gibs for a "tip."

Once, several years ago, in my way of whiteness I said thank you to a door-holding nigger and it ooked "you can thanks me by gibbin me yo numba."

Me: "No."

It: "Whatchoo mean, no?"

Me: "Are you that dense that you don't know what no means?"

It: "Iz yoo sayin I'm dumb cuz I be black?"

Me: "Do I really have to say it?"
It: (proceeds to begin a category N chimpout)
Me: (extends my hand towards the nearest large and heavy object)
At that point a security guard escorted the nigger off the premises and it chimped off into the night. Kept two eyes out when I left in case Sambo was waiting, but niggers have short attention spans, probably got distracted by a nickel on the ground or something.
Ladies always have to be on defense, and any chance to help them out, you just do it, and move on.
In NYC, you learn to observe from a distance, just so the creeps notice you, looking at them....

Niggers are Useless
08-26-2023, 10:23 PM
I wonder what white liberal piece of shit taught niggers the ho da door scam. We all know they are not smart enough to come up with something like that on their own. I would immediately be on guard if a shit beast apetempted to do anything nice as niggers never do anything that isn't in their own interests.

09-04-2023, 10:49 PM
I generally time it so I can avoid anybody at a door. I don't like any confrontation or interaction with anybody, humans and of course not niggers. I like to keep myself to myself.