View Full Version : Biggest nigger fraternity in the U.S. pulls its convention and its '$4.6 million impact' out of Florida because racisms

Whitey Ford
08-06-2023, 05:56 PM
$4.6 million impact? That's a lot of KFC takeout, malt likka sales, newpoat smokin' and monkeyball clown shoes.
Black fraternity pulls convention and its ‘projected $4.6M impact’ out of Florida over ‘harmful, racist policies’


The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity General President Dr. Willis, L. Lonzer, III announced on July 26th at a current convention on Thursday the relocation of the Fraternity’s 99th General Convention and 119th Anniversary Convention from Orlando, Florida, which was scheduled to take place in 2025.


Dr. Willis, L. Lonzer, III- now that's a $10.00 name for a two bit nigger.

APAF characterized the new controversial K-12 curriculum for African American history, as erasing “Florida’s role in slavery and oppression, declaring that “African Americans who endured slavery benefited from the horrific and torturous institution,” and blaming the victims of slavery.

Actually, niggers were the biggest benefactors of slavery. They were only enslaved for a short time, economic benefit for this was wiped out long ago and whitey has been picking up the tab for that now for over 100 years. Niggers should celebrate slavery. It was the best thing ever happen to them.

They also reported that the convention is estimated to bring $4.6 million in “economic impact” for the Sunshine State.

How many millions is it going to cost for police overtime, clean up expenses, hospital bills to treat gunshot wounded niggers and other various and miscellaneous expenditures whitey has to pay to support the feral negroid beast? Probably about $10 million or so.

“Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. has an unmatched legacy of social justice, advocacy, and leadership for the Black community,” said Lonzer.

Alpha Phi Alpha? We wuz Greeks? Cultural appropriation!

“Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. has an unmatched legacy of social justice, advocacy, and leadership for the Black community,” said Lonzer.


He went on to say, “In this environment of manufactured division and attacks on the Black community, Alpha Phi Alpha refuses to direct a projected $4.6 million convention economic impact to a place hostile to the communities we serve. Although we are moving our convention from Florida, Alpha Phi Alpha will continue to support the strong advocacy of Alpha Brothers and other advocates fighting against the continued assault on our communities in Florida by Governor Ron DeSantis.”

"....to the communities we serve." If the nigger propensity for high crime, drug use, welfare abuse and screaming ray-shish! is service, then please kindly piss off back to Apefrica and "serve" there, instead.

APAF is part of a coalition of groups pushing back against DeSantis’ policies. According to FOX 13, other organizations are pulling their conventions out of the state such as the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE).

The world of engineering will do just fine without a bunch of niggers. We wuzzz enjineerz!

Members of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity Morehouse Chapter attends the “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” Atlanta screening.Getty Images for Disney

The NAACP President & CEO Derrick Johnson released a statement calling the new standards “an attempt to bring our country back to a 19th century America where Black life was not valued, nor our rights protected.”

"Black life" is way, way, way overvalued in comparison to whatever value it contributed to modern existence.



08-07-2023, 10:05 AM
These fucking niggers keep pretending to be human, but time and time again they just show they're out of their depth. Broken streets, shit everywhere, guns, hoes, crack, baby daddys and welfare checks are the nigger's domain. Any venture outside of their natural habitat and the panic erupts. Just like when you see a nigger shuffling down the street yelling into its Obama phone, it's literally grabbing on to its electronic tree branch to compensate for its exposure. It's like a kid's blanket, a security device, exposed in the open, out of its natural ghetto habitat. Like a monkey on the plains, yearning for its canopy.

Ray Cizzums
08-07-2023, 10:47 AM
The "$4.6 million dollar impact" is what it would cost state and local government, hospitals and businesses. White customers disappear,
followed by niggers shoplifting, dine-and-dashing, trashing businesses, stiffing waitresses, littering. It has a lasting effect on any human
tourists caught up in it unawares, and they'll never return. How much you wanna bet that restaurants, bars and clubs mysteriously close,
when these "fraternity" niggers invade ?

08-07-2023, 12:01 PM
The "$4.6 million dollar impact" is what it would cost state and local government, hospitals and businesses. White customers disappear,
followed by niggers shoplifting, dine-and-dashing, trashing businesses, stiffing waitresses, littering. It has a lasting effect on any human
tourists caught up in it unawares, and they'll never return. How much you wanna bet that restaurants, bars and clubs mysteriously close,
when these "fraternity" niggers invade ?

But it's the usual crowd who profit from the nigger gravy train. Violence and hospital admissions need money and investigation plus a whole bunch of monkey monitor lawyers to ensure that raycizzms isn't occurring. This is the good ship nigger that never stops sailing. So many ' good gigs ' would vanish if the nigger disappeared. It's business as usual Ray. Nobody cares for the little guy, they're just small change.

animal mother
08-07-2023, 12:37 PM
Imagine if some human white society decided not to have their gathering in say Chicago or Baltimore because of, well, niggers?

Ray Cizzums
08-07-2023, 08:02 PM
But it's the usual crowd who profit from the nigger gravy train. Violence and hospital admissions need money and investigation plus a whole bunch of monkey monitor lawyers to ensure that raycizzms isn't occurring. This is the good ship nigger that never stops sailing. So many ' good gigs ' would vanish if the nigger disappeared. It's business as usual Ray. Nobody cares for the little guy, they're just small change.
We've had a couple of family-owned bars and restaurants that FaceBook niggers threatened with a "Boycott".
They said okay, we don't have a problem with that. News pukes were right there for the "Gotcha" moment - they
got nothing. Thirty niggers with signs showed up, and were ignored - except by the pukes. The regulars filed in,
the niggers....didn't. Business from humans picks up, when the wokies act up...

I aint bin dun did dat!
08-08-2023, 01:23 AM
We've had a couple of family-owned bars and restaurants that FaceBook niggers threatened with a "Boycott".
They said okay, we don't have a problem with that. News pukes were right there for the "Gotcha" moment - they
got nothing. Thirty niggers with signs showed up, and were ignored - except by the pukes. The regulars filed in,
the niggers....didn't. Business from humans picks up, when the wokies act up...
I would pay a premium at a bar with “no niggers allowed” signs.

Ray Cizzums
08-08-2023, 09:44 AM
I would pay a premium at a bar with “no niggers allowed” signs.

The bar was in Queens. Some softball league nigger was looking for a place to host their post-game bongo parties. He tells the owner
"We'll be needin' some Ciroc and Henny, and rap music on the juke box". The owner said "I'll pass" - and the FB nigger "boycott" was on.
The owner was quoted by the pukes - "It's my place. No one tells me what to sell, or what goes on in here". He just shrugged when the
niggers "protested" outside, and said "Whatever".

08-12-2023, 06:53 AM
If you're a Floridian human this appears to be nothing more than good news.

It's already overrun with gollywogs, their groid "frat party" would have only added to the mayhem. The menace is finding its way
into many formerly nice and orderly neighborhoods now. Thus the attendant public disturbances and street fights are also starting to appear.

Take that 4.6 mill and stuff it up your "blaik" asses, but above all don't change your nigger minds, go somewhere else !

Ray Cizzums
08-12-2023, 08:07 AM
If you're a Floridian human this appears to be nothing more than good news.

It's already overrun with gollywogs, their groid "frat party" would have only added to the mayhem. The menace is finding its way
into many formerly nice and orderly neighborhoods now. Thus the attendant public disturbances and street fights are also starting to appear.

Take that 4.6 mill and stuff it up your "blaik" asses, but above all don't change your nigger minds, go somewhere else !
That was funny, when most of the businesses in Myrtle Beach, SC closed for "Black Bike Week". Nigger "activists", egged on by news
pukes, sued and won - even though owners had previously suffered losses and destruction. Some said their entire wait staff refused to
come to work. The jigs pointed out that the businesses welcomed white bikers with open arms. Well, duh - those are humans, not apes.
Larger venues agreed to open, but insisted on payment in advance, tips included. They hired off-duty cops as security, and the city walled
off traffic into a "circuit", which kept the motorized monkeys contained. They also had an early curfew, enforced by a riot squad. The
niggers saw they couldn't get away with their usual monkeyshines, and went elsewhere the next year...

08-12-2023, 12:44 PM
T They also had an early curfew, enforced by a riot squad. The
niggers saw they couldn't get away with their usual monkeyshines, and went elsewhere the next year...

Damn skrait, in the South they still have places where they indicate to the groid hordes that the niggerishness will not be coddled.
The purple and blue states never get it.. so they'll just get more purple and blue beatings, and abandoned by anyone who cares about the quality of life they have.
Libtards never intend to learn this, so down the toilet you go with your pets. We'll wall you off eventually and let you have your Mad Max Beyond Niggerdome society.

Niggers are Useless
08-12-2023, 02:11 PM
That is yet another major Win for Florida. Way to go. Bye Niggers!
Niggers Are Always Causing Problems loudest ooker actually thinks people in Florida care? Thats really funny.
Niggers don't bring money anywhere, they bring crime, rape and murder. Fuck you Niggers get bent.

Niggers are Useless
08-12-2023, 02:14 PM
Imagine if some human white society decided not to have their gathering in say Chicago or Baltimore because of, well, niggers?

Post of the Day!

08-14-2023, 04:59 PM
]That is yet another major Win for Florida. Way to go. Bye Niggers![/B]
Niggers Are Always Causing Problems loudest ooker actually thinks people in Florida care? Thats really funny.
Niggers don't bring money anywhere, they bring crime, rape and murder. Fuck you Niggers get bent.
Exactly! If they would only follow their words, I bet they'll chimp out at nigger-bike week, springbreak etc. like every year.