View Full Version : Schneeka and Takeia try to smuggle drugs

08-06-2023, 10:48 AM
Yeah, just another day in NegroeLand. The best part of the story is the comment section. The MSM isn't fooling anyone by not posting pictures of the felonious sows, not with those most niggery of stupid names.

Two sista sheboons allegedly smuggled close to 5 kilograms of cocaine in their luggage last month while taking a week-long cruise from Miami through Mexico and the Caribbean, a report from a federal investigator says.

According to court documents, malignant sows Schneeka Parker and Takeia Herder have been charged with conspiracy to import a controlled substance and importation of a controlled substance. A sealed indictment was entered into the docket Thursday.


"Hey sis, listen up, I gotta plan. I'ma schneeka the drugs in the backpacks...you takeia them thru security. Got it!"

"Schneeka Parker and Takeia Herder....... probably more crazy white people with names like that...lolol"


Whitey Ford
08-06-2023, 09:08 PM

A search of Herder's phone by law enforcement found a series of WhatsApp text messages and voice and video calls with a Jamaican phone number. She had sent a message two days before the cruise to a contact listed as "Kenny Jamaica."

The message, in part, read: "I don't know what u doing but am not doing it no more so what ever u got going on let it stop playing with me and now you not going to pick up the phone." There was no response to the message.

:lol :lol

Ray Cizzums
08-06-2023, 10:54 PM
Yeah, just another day in NegroeLand. The best part of the story is the comment section. The MSM isn't fooling anyone by not posting pictures of the felonious sows, not with those most niggery of stupid names.

Trusting two sows with ten pounds of blow ? That Kenny Jamacia is a criminal "mastermind".
Lock those porkers up ! :lol

08-07-2023, 08:07 AM
The fucking child like names that these niggers give each other bites them in the ass. No other creatures on earth label themselves with such moronity as the nigger. They assume they are installing their chillunz with powerful and resistant names, but really they're just clueing as all up to hey, ho..negro coming...clear the aisles. Helps us all avoid the stupid fucking beasts. Especially in the HR department. Seeing a resume from Takei on your desk just smells of nigger ' hayah ' and all the trouble it brings under the CROWN act. Niggers must be avoided at all costs and any help they can give us is much, even if unwillingly, deeply appreciated.