View Full Version : Nigger reparations lawyer gets batwings

08-05-2023, 08:40 AM
I never heard of this spook, but apparently he was a lawyer for dead crapper Tupac.


Ray Cizzums
08-05-2023, 09:27 AM
I never heard of this spook, but apparently he was a lawyer for dead crapper Tupac.

He probably had Tupac's "root" up his ass a few times. He "taught" Obongo and Big Mike ?
Where did they bury this nigger ? I need to take a shit....

Whitey Ford
08-06-2023, 06:41 PM
I was just reading this. It is the ultimate nigger sob story.

Ogletree grew up on "the wrong side of the tracks" in the Central California town of Merced in a house made of cargo boxes with an outhouse. His parents, who fled the Jim Crow South with just fourth- and 10th-grade educations, barely got by as seasonal farmworkers. Ogletree said he too worked the fields as a kid, picking peaches, almonds and cotton.

But his parents always stressed the importance of education, and Ogletree often recalled how he would take out 20 books at a time from the local library and how reading became his escape and his ambition.

"I could be somebody that I wasn't," he explained to Julian Bond in an interview at the University of Virginia in 2004. "I was no longer Black or poor. I was an explorer. I was a creator. I was an astronomer. And finally, it sort of removed shackles that I thought I had on my mind, and it made me imagine then [that] I could do anything."

Humble beginnings of an apefirmative action magic nigger. :lol

Ogletree used to joke with his sister, a police officer, that she would lock people up and he would get people off. That sister's life ended tragically in 1982, when she was found stabbed to death in her home, with her 3-year-old son crying beside her.


Ever since they met at the D.C. public defender's office in 1979, Sweet shared Ogletree's passion for civil rights work — and for fishing, another exploit in which Ogletree's determination and nerve served him well.

And, like his best friend obongo, he liked Martha's Vineyard.

On one of their many tuna-fishing trips, Sweet said, they found themselves stuck 50 miles off Martha's Vineyard with a dead motor as an unexpected storm whipped up 20-foot seas and sharks circled. While others on board angsted in fear, Sweet said, Ogletree threw out a line.

"Tree catches this huge shark while we were all sitting there!" Sweet laughed. "He wasn't even worried. That's just Tree. [He was saying,] 'Man, we're going to be all right. It's gonna work out.'"

aaahhhhh beez catchin' sharks an' sheeeit.

Essentially, this is just another magic nigger. Empowered by the forces of liberal white guilt and affirmative action. He probably spent the last two decades of his life an Alzheimer's plagued vegetable with a full time nurse wiping his butt for him, and the first mentally competent and cognizant years doing nothing of any real consequence, importance or noteworthiness. But, there is no affirmative action in hell, thankfully.

08-07-2023, 02:03 PM
Nig be gone.....Next !