View Full Version : Nigmart trip

07-24-2023, 05:53 PM
I had to make a stop at the local nigmart to pick up a few things. It is a about 50% human and 50% nigger. Most of the employees are niggers. The cashier I went to was a sheboon, like 75% of them. The crazy thing though, there was another boon, had to be pushing 400lbs, that I guess was there to bag groceries or something. I only had 2 items, so it didn't do anything. It had earings, but had a deep voice like a buck. Nightmare material for sure. Then when I was walking to the parking lot I stepped in front of a car that was parked in the fire lane, and the retarded nigger started moving and nearly ran me over, lol. I live in an almost entirely white neighborhood, but to venture out to get basic necessities involves dealing with the pavement apes.

Niggers are Useless
07-24-2023, 06:06 PM
Nigger probably was under the impression that if it hit a white guy it could sue for the white guys 10,000 no fault insurance, not realizing the white guy has to first be in a vehicle. Sorry you had to be around the groids, but it is nigmart so knowing is half the battle.

07-24-2023, 06:23 PM
Nigger probably was under the impression that if it hit a white guy it could sue for the white guys 10,000 no fault insurance, not realizing the white guy has to first be in a vehicle. Sorry you had to be around the groids, but it is nigmart so knowing is half the battle.

That is true, I try to avoid the place as much as possible.

Jim Crow
07-25-2023, 07:46 AM
I always have problems with the nigger door greeter as I am leaving w/my groceries. good monkey always asked me for my receipt,while niggers are wheeling carts full of stuff right out!
I told the black piece of shit to “fuck off”. It’s just walks away from me and did leave me alone for a while. But I guess that 35 pack of Zephyrhills water made him try to detain me after I told nigger to fuck off.
Grabbed my arm. I squeezed its trapezius muscle just right. Nigger let out a little yelp and let go. Called security on it’s radio. No one did shit! I invited the nigger to come grab my arm in the parking lot w/no witnesses.
Been there once since and I made sure I had a 35 pack of water under my cart as I left.Nigger was there.It did not even look at me as I left. after all, that’s what they got cameras for. And if they didn’t trust me, they should have a cashier instead of self check out.

08-01-2023, 09:43 AM
I notice that Wogmarts in high intensity tar areas do not have the self checkouts. They are a path to thievery. Wogmart calls nigger theft ' shrinkage '

08-02-2023, 06:43 AM
I notice that Wogmarts in high intensity tar areas do not have the self checkouts. They are a path to thievery. Wogmart calls nigger theft ' shrinkage '

Yeah, they had one at this location, but it only lasted about six months.

08-02-2023, 07:24 AM
Yeah, they had one at this location, but it only lasted about six months.

You have to pick your times carefully going to CoonMart. I find that around 9 or 10pm seems to be the most efficient and safest time to visit...with Glock in pocket of course. You can get in and out quick and most niggers are just starting to high on up in their hoods at this time, before plaguing their streets with loud music and gun shots.

Ray Cizzums
08-02-2023, 09:39 AM
You have to pick your times carefully going to CoonMart. I find that around 9 or 10pm seems to be the most efficient and safest time to visit...with Glock in pocket of course. You can get in and out quick and most niggers are just starting to high on up in their hoods at this time, before plaguing their streets with loud music and gun shots.
"Nigger dawn" is 3PM, but but during the summer of 2020 riots and looting, some hefty sheboons were up early, with shoppin' carts loaded,
at the upstate Walmart I go to. I had noticed two sheriff's deputies talking to store personnel when I entered, and the 'boons were having a
conference on the back aisle, which I overheard. One says "It looks like they's waitin' fo us up there", and another replied "It sho doo".
I made some jungle noises from the next aisle, and heard them muttering something. A while later employees were putting the merch
from the carts back on the shelf. If they did walk out with it, I was going get stabby on their tires. The upstate niggers are afraid of "woodchucks",
which is what prison inmate niggers call any white guy who lives up there. The "dangerous rifle nut" stereotype is well deserved, and wow, are
those guys stealthy in the woods....