View Full Version : Why are you afraid?

07-24-2023, 09:31 AM
I'm asking this question because I would like to know the real answer

All of these forums are scared to death of posts about violence.
Who are you all afraid of?
I know nothing about today's internet but in the 90s I had forums attached to our websites and wasn't shaking in my boots about a member talking about violence against anyone or anything.

So what gives today?
Who has your leash that you have to be watchful of what you say?
That's all I wanted to know.

Who is is it that you are afraid of?
😊 thanks kindly for the information.
If you're allowed to say their name....

07-26-2023, 09:37 AM
advertising intended violence is an assured way to get the hate crime police fired up and banging on your door. The whole hate crime hoax is simply to ensure that the fire lighters can not be challenged for their wickedness. Biden was so proud recently to announce that lynching is now a hate crime. When did the US have a lynching problem ? It's all part of the fear mantra that makes sure you can not call out the folk that profit from the nigger protection industry. It's big business and keeps a lot of pools heated.

Niggers are great for business ! They are more enslaved now then they ever were...kept in the right spot to ensure profitability.

07-26-2023, 11:00 AM
I'm asking this question because I would like to know the real answer

All of these forums are scared to death of posts about violence.
Who are you all afraid of?
I know nothing about today's internet but in the 90s I had forums attached to our websites and wasn't shaking in my boots about a member talking about violence against anyone or anything.

So what gives today?
Who has your leash that you have to be watchful of what you say?
That's all I wanted to know.

Who is is it that you are afraid of?
 thanks kindly for the information.
If you're allowed to say their name....

Therein lies the answer. A lot has changed since then to the point where if anyone is caught criticizing niggers, not expressing proper sorrow and outrage at criminal niggers being locked up, or saying one word - no matter how mild or vague - that could be construed as racist, they can lose their livelihoods or even get arrested for "hate crimes". Even quoting statistics is seen as racist.

So you can see why no one with any sense wants to be "outed" and hunted down by a mob of hypocritical Libtards wailing on social media. We're not "scared to death". We just prefer not to lose this forum or get sued in these very litigious times.

Defund Welfare
07-26-2023, 04:48 PM
Most if not all the violence comes from niggers and their sand cousins. Go ask some niggers why they shoot McDonald’s employees over cold fries and drive cars into buildings over buscuits; Or jumps over the counters at their local 7-11 to kill the worker because their EBT was declined when they were trying to buy some flaming Cheetos. Make sure you set your glow switch to off, niggers don’t like it.
I don’t think anyone’s afraid but rather they just don’t act impulsively like niggers.

07-27-2023, 06:18 AM
Go ask some niggers why they shoot McDonald’s employees over cold fries

this one is understandable though :lol

07-27-2023, 12:10 PM
Simply put, free speech is not about inciting or fomenting violence. Talking about specific acts of violence, where, when, etc. is not covered by the First Amendment. Talking about broad, nebulous ideas like "we will fight on", etc. are general and nonspecific so that's free speech.

CO staff will err on the side of caution. No incitement of any violence is acceptable.

Tar Remover
08-01-2023, 09:34 PM
No fear, common sense.
Stupid question. Have you no sense? And you aren't asking for answers, you already formulated your own, now stop wasting our time.
Thank you.

08-01-2023, 11:16 PM
You kinda have to wonder about someone that comes here, calls us pussies, and then asks us why we aren't interested in discussing plans on how to violate US federal laws. Kinda feels like a glownigger is trying to get us in trouble.

Tar Remover
08-02-2023, 12:12 PM
You kinda have to wonder about someone that comes here, calls us pussies, and then asks us why we aren't interested in discussing plans on how to violate US federal laws. Kinda feels like a glownigger is trying to get us in trouble.

It's probably that mentally ill idiot Blackdix Phormi (Noblax Phormi) sneaking his retarded douche baggery here once again. Chimpout.org booted his stupid ass a long time ago, but he keeps showing up here like a nigger at a liquor store. Fuckin' idiot. We recognize his writing style, EVEN when he tries to hide it.
He needs to drag his unwashed, bald headed, swastika tattooed ass back to Stormcunt and fuck off.