View Full Version : North Africoons attack French woman for wearing bathing suit.

07-22-2023, 02:28 PM
A dozen of North Africans tried to assassinate a 19-year-old model in Toulouse, France, this past Wednesday because “she wasn’t dressing properly.” Her name is Anissa. When they started to follow her, she had no idea what was happening. They broke her nose, stabbed her, and disfigured the young woman having to receive more than 50 stitches throughout her body.

Since most of them are minors, this attempted *francocide will not have harsh consequences for the aggressors, while the young Anissa will bear a lifelong trauma.

*Francocide: a new term which refers to the "violent colonisation" of France by foreigners.

I think it's time for not just France, but all of human-populated Europe to form a rebellion.


Jim Crow
07-23-2023, 08:34 AM
Nigger looks in the mirror and sees it’s boot lips steel wool pad hair bugg eyes gorilla nostrils tar black smelly skin.It knows it’s vile and ugly!When it sees a beautiful white blonde. Soft white skin, beautiful, soft hair, big blue eyes,very attractive. Of course, the nigger is jealous. It wants to destroy what we humans came to enjoy. That is another reason niggers needed to remain in the uncivilized jungles of Africa!

07-23-2023, 03:16 PM
Well, feminists wanted to get rid of "patriarchy", they got what they asked for. On the other hand, her name is "Anissa", therefore i'd guess she's a mudslime from Algeria as well. (I met two Anissas in my life, both were ass-lifters.)

07-23-2023, 05:11 PM
Well, feminists wanted to get rid of "patriarchy", they got what they asked for. On the other hand, her name is "Anissa", therefore i'd guess she's a mudslime from Algeria as well. (I met two Anissas in my life, both were ass-lifters.)

I don't know what she is, but she didn't deserve to be beaten and stabbed. She may be a Muzzie too, but the same thing, and worse, is happening to purely human women all over Europe who have to be afraid to go out in public for fear of being raped and murdered by niggers and muzzies.

Government bodies, who live rather well on the enormous taxes they suck up at the public trough, will do nothing to help their citizens lest someone call them "rayciss' or "politically incorrect".

Niggers are Useless
07-23-2023, 05:28 PM
North African - makes me think mooslimes or some closely related sand nigger. This kind of shit by these invaders is happening all over Europe and Great Britain. Now with the retard in the whitehouse keeping the US borders open, this shit will become a common occurrence in all Dem shithole nigger fuxated cities as well.