View Full Version : Uh, niggers being niggers?

07-17-2023, 07:08 PM

I was not sure where to put this, but it is essentially a story of niggers being niggers.

Ray Cizzums
07-17-2023, 08:12 PM
Jeezuz H Christ, school-teaching schvartzer-lover Adam Schwartz really laying on the agitprop extra thick.
"But in left-behind neighborhoods that have been starved of investment, where the trauma of gun violence
exacts its heaviest toll, another press conference won’t help kids". The humans left the neighborhood behind,
for good reason - an infestation of nigger parasites. The only investment that would help is a B-52 napalm strike.
The "trauma of gun violence" is inflicted by his pet niggers. Do the "maffs" : No niggers = No "gun violence".

07-17-2023, 09:28 PM
Jeezuz H Christ, school-teaching schvartzer-lover Adam Schwartz really laying on the agitprop extra thick.
"But in left-behind neighborhoods that have been starved of investment, where the trauma of gun violence
exacts its heaviest toll, another press conference won’t help kids". The humans left the neighborhood behind,
for good reason - an infestation of nigger parasites. The only investment that would help is a B-52 napalm strike.
The "trauma of gun violence" is inflicted by his pet niggers. Do the "maffs" : No niggers = No "gun violence".

Has anyone told Adam who is shooting the sprogs and the big niggers? Does he know, or does he think some YTs are sneaking into the hood at night, batwinging groids?

Probably not, but it's still YT's fault. Can't be the fault of the niggers, who have never, in all of history been able to assimilate into human society. Never have, never will.

How did I know Adam would look just like this? A typical, weak-ass cuck with a douchebag hairdo.


07-18-2023, 08:53 AM
Yeah what a total cuck. It's always whitey's fault when these shitapes fuck up. No libturd ever holds them accountable for anything.