View Full Version : Cumdumpster she boon of (c)rapper wants to drain Georgia's biggest lake 'cuz her sproglet rockfished

Whitey Ford
07-15-2023, 10:01 AM
Water beez rayshish, muhfugga!
Usher’s ex-wife Tameka Foster fights to drain Georgia lake after son’s fatal accident


This 'Tameka' clearly believes (like most niggers) that she is the center of the known universe and everything and everyone else is required to bow before its every whim.

The ex-wife of R&B singer Usher is urging officials to drain Georgia’s largest lake, where her 11-year-old son was fatally struck by a jet ski in 2012.

Tameka Foster, 52, has collected more than 3,300 signatures since May 30 on a Change.org petition calling for “urgent action to address the dangers” associated with Georgia’s Lake Sidney Lanier. Foster believes it is “imperative to drain, comprehensively clean, restore, and implement improved safety measures” at the lake to ensure the well-being of people engaging in personal watercraft and recreational activities.

A jet ski struck Foster’s son Kile Glover, who was floating on an inner tube being pulled by a pontoon boat in the lake. Kile was airlifted to Children’s Healthcare at Egleston Hospital in Atlanta. He had no brain activity when Usher, who had helped to raise the boy since he was 4, joined Foster at the hospital. Kile was removed from life support two weeks after the accident.

No brain activity is typical of niggers. And the lake was named after the Whitey Sidney Lanier, which means that it is obviously rayshish.

Jeffery Hubbard, a close friend of Kile’s father (Bounce TV founder Ryan Glover), was reportedly driving the jet ski erratically when the accident happened. He was found guilty in 2014 of homicide by vessel, serious injury by vessel, and reckless operation and unlawful operation of personal watercraft, and he was cited for a boat traffic violation.

So, it was an incompetent nigger on a jet ski that killed this niglet! Don't ban incompetent, stupid niggers from operating watercraft that they don't know how to control, because that would be rayshish! Just drain the whole damned lake instead! Nigger Logic 101. :lol

https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2023-07-14/usher-tameka-foster-drain-georgia-lake-lanier-accident-killed-son#:~:text=Usher's%20ex%2Dwife%20Tameka%20Foster% 20is%20petitioning%20to%20drain%20Georgia's,11%2Dy ear%2Dold%20son.&text=The%20ex%2Dwife%20of%20R%26B,a%20jet%20ski%20 in%202012.