View Full Version : Nigger Mayor Caught Thieving

Nigger Wrangler
07-08-2023, 10:13 PM
Yes, I know niggers and stealing is as common as breathing, but this is a story of dindu and apologies.

Nigger Khalid Kamau, the mayor of South Fulton, Georgia is in chains after felony trespassing and felony burglary.

Nigger Khalid claims he "just wanted to see the house" and "thought it was abandonded!" That's some serious monkeyshines!

The owner of the home was AT home, and held nigger Khalid at gunpoint until the po-po arrived to haul his shifty black ass off to jail.

The nigger "apologizes"... for being a common thief.

Niggers, by law, shouldn't be able to hold public office.


07-09-2023, 07:31 AM
Niggers, by law, shouldn't be able to hold public office.

niggers, by law, shouldn't have civil rights or citizenship. if I could, I'd replace every single nigger in the USA with an equal number of illegal immigrants from Mexico and ship the niggers back to Africa. at least with the "undocumented workers," there is a possibility that within a few generations they will integrate into American society and become positively contributing members of our nation.

07-09-2023, 10:08 AM
Most niggers are immune under ' racizzimz ' cries. Backing off and letting the nigger get away with its crimes is frequently the preferred option - it means less attention to the town and the standing down of gangs of planned thuggery that will swarm on the situation and cause havoc and unwanted media hype. All you can do to safeguard yourself and family, is to move as far away from niggers as your possibly can. Stay away from niggers at all costs. It's just not worth it I'm afraid.

Niggers are Useless
07-09-2023, 06:37 PM
What amazes me is how these chimps make it into an elected office. They barely have the brains to walk upright let alone run a political campaign. Too bad the Homeowner didn't apply the Castle doctrine and force a special election. Of course I don't know if Georgia has Castle. Either way Home invasion.

Nigger Wrangler
07-10-2023, 01:40 AM
What amazes me is how these chimps make it into an elected office. They barely have the brains to walk upright let alone run a political campaign. Too bad the Homeowner didn't apply the Castle doctrine and force a special election. Of course I don't know if Georgia has Castle. Either way Home invasion.

A little follow up, the nigger was removed as mayor, and the mayor pro tempor, a nigger sow, has been sworn in as acting mayor. So the city is still run by non-humans. That close to Atlanta, I'm sure it's mostly niggers there anyway. So the townsfolk don't deserve any better.

Tar Remover
07-11-2023, 02:30 PM
It CAN'T be....... Deys jus like us.......

Chimp Detester
07-11-2023, 09:05 PM
It always does my heart good to see:
1. Niggers (NWABs) arresting a nigger.
2. A nigger news anchor introducing the story.
3. A nigger losing its ill-gotten job over TNB.
4. A nigger locked up at NU.

07-11-2023, 11:21 PM
It always does my heart good to see:
1. Niggers (NWABs) arresting a nigger.
2. A nigger news anchor introducing the story.
3. A nigger losing its ill-gotten job over TNB.
4. A nigger locked up at NU.

and it's all ' good for business ' for the nigger industry !

JB Stoner
07-14-2023, 08:39 AM
South Fulton is the blackest city in Georgia and I could be wrong but I believe it’s the blackest city in the United States. It’s probably a case of niggers robbing niggers.

Tar Remover
08-03-2023, 09:44 PM
If they would have waited and watched a little longer, they likely would have caught him sucking off a crackhead....