View Full Version : San Antonio PD: "The robbery didn't go well for the robbers."

Nigger Wrangler
07-07-2023, 10:47 PM
This happened at an ATM on Military Drive on San Antonio, Texas.

A man was withdrawing money from an ATM when two "men" approached. One on foot, one in a car. They demanded the money. The would-be victim shot and killed both of them.

No description of the dead criminals, or if they were armed, but this has nigger written all over it. Many in the comments section agree.

San Antonio is a blue collar town. Not all that tolerant of monkeyshines.

At any rate, score on for the good guys.


07-08-2023, 05:45 PM
You can always tell niggers were involved because the mothers of the dead criminals will go to the media and ask why the shooter isn't being brought up on charges for murder, and that the shooter had no right to defend himself, and that it was just an armed robbery. The niggers dindu nuffins wrong and di int deserve to die.

07-08-2023, 10:56 PM
Well it can't be niggers as the newscaster described the perps as ' two men ' - and we all know niggers aren't of our kind.

Tar Remover
08-02-2023, 12:22 PM
It DID go well for the rest of us, though!

Ray Cizzums
08-02-2023, 01:06 PM
Well it can't be niggers as the newscaster described the perps as ' two men ' - and we all know niggers aren't of our kind.

This highlights a common tactic used by the woolly schvugger - a backup nigger, observing from a distance. Give niggers credit
for two things : appearing out of nowhere, surprising their victims, and using an extra smashnose, just-in-case. I guy I fished with
disarmed a "teen" robber, was giving him a beating, and was then shot in the back by the backup nigger. He was so badly wounded
he'll never work again, and the two schvuggies only got 4-6 years, courtesy of a nigger prosecutor and judge...