View Full Version : Nigger Mammy Shoots It's Teenape Sprog Over Video Game

Nigger Wrangler
07-06-2023, 12:06 AM
From the Department of Ain't Niggers Wonderful Parents...

Nigger mammy sow Jaquana Butler (34) shoots it's 17 year old teen niglet during an argument over dat video game.

This isn't the first encounter with Atlanta law enforcement, as Jaquana has a long history of niglet abuse and niglet abandonment.

Though I can certainly understand the desire to abandon a nigger, especially one in it's teenage years. You have a dangerous animal at this point, but those just further points out the difference between niggers and humans.

Humans, for the most part, love and nurture. Niggers don't even understand what that means.


Jim Crow
07-06-2023, 06:47 AM
“Teenaper was alert and breathing when cops arrived”.That’s sad.Sow couldn’t even summon the bat fairy w/multiple shots and close range.Use a knife next time nigger biatch!

Tar Remover
08-02-2023, 04:39 AM
Gee, no batwings? That's too bad.....

08-02-2023, 06:03 AM
Though I can certainly understand the desire to abandon a nigger, especially one in it's teenage years. You have a dangerous animal at this point, but those just further points out the difference between niggers and humans.


Once that growing nigger starts to out eat you and compete with the chicken bucket, it's a no brainer.