View Full Version : It's national crown day today folks ! Nigger locks/ropes/strings/cornrows/frizzle etc all be legal

07-03-2023, 05:29 PM
The vile pubic hair that niggers have festooned upon their filthy oily heads - has been legally protected by law, incase you didn't know.

Niggers and their profiteering enablers will be celebrating today, as July 03 is National Crown day, where we are reminded that discriminating against that stinking mop of cranium snakes is illegal and punishable by " dass rayciss ! "

Click at your peril folks....


Ray Cizzums
07-03-2023, 06:03 PM
The vile pubic hair that niggers have festooned upon their filthy oily heads - has been legally protected by law, incase you didn't know.

Niggers and their profiteering enablers will be celebrating today, as July 03 is National Crown day, where we are reminded that discriminating against that stinking mop of cranium snakes is illegal and punishable by " dass rayciss ! "
Now, no matter what ridiculous hurra doo a nigger thinks up, it's protected by law. The brillo-puff, mickey ears, nest-o-snakes, court jester, shit-twizzlers, rope-a-dope, scrub brush, exploded parrot, coconut fuzz, shit-cigars, "box weave", cornrows, the hurra-copter, chop meat, burn victim, privet hedge, and Whoopie's infamous sun-dried-dogshit - we are all required to look at, and smell the stink of, all of the aforementioned. This is just the usual gift to trial lawyer shysters, who should be gorilla glued to a log, and wood chipped on pay-per-view, along with their nigger pets...

07-03-2023, 06:23 PM
Now, no matter what ridiculous hurra doo a nigger thinks up, it's protected by law. The brillo-puff, mickey ears, nest-o-snakes, court jester, shit-twizzlers, rope-a-dope, scrub brush, exploded parrot, coconut fuzz, shit-cigars, "box weave", cornrows, the hurra-copter, chop meat, burn victim, privet hedge, and Whoopie's infamous sun-dried-dogshit - we are all required to look at, and smell the stink of, all of the aforementioned. This is just the usual gift to trial lawyer shysters, who should be gorilla glued to a log, and wood chipped on pay-per-view, along with their nigger pets...


Brilliant Ray :lol :lol :lol


Jim Crow
07-03-2023, 08:37 PM
Nigger’s brillo head doo’s are downright rediculous! Niggers are too stupid to realize how stupid they look!Personally, I like the low wool cut niggerdoo “ the tennis ball head” .Because,I’d like to serve it with a large tennis racket!