View Full Version : Viva Le George Floyd: Parisian wogs, frogs,nogs give give fiery protest after cops shoot Nahel

Whitey Ford
06-29-2023, 09:27 PM
Paris is enjoying its first ever “George Floyd” moment and everything is going according to the script…


Paris is currently experiencing their first ever George Floyd effect. The festivities broke out following the police shooting of a 17-year-old named Nahel M. during a pursuit. The all-too familiar narrative appears to be unfolding quite nicely: widespread looting, raging fires, riotous protests, and demands for the implicated officer’s head on a platter. Even celebrities are capitalizing on the surge of public outrage with useless and dopey statements. The George Floyd playbook, it seems, remains unchanged.

And of course, no George Floyd moment would be the same without copious amounts of looting.

Just as we’ve seen in the U.S., the left-wing mainstream media in Paris has cemented its narrative: an innocent young man, who did nothing wrong, was cruelly “executed” by law enforcement. They’re continually broadcasting this story, ensuring the public remains in a state of simmering fury.


Protests and unrest erupted in the Paris region overnight after police shot dead a 17-year-old who failed to stop when ordered to by traffic police.

Video circulating on social media shows a police officer pointing a gun at the driver of a car, before a gunshot is heard. The car then crashes to a stop.

The teenager, named as Nahel, died of bullet wounds in the chest despite help from emergency services.

The officer accused of shooting him has been detained on homicide charges.

The shooting triggered a series of protests on Tuesday night in Nanterre, the area just west of Paris where the teenager was killed. Some 31 people were arrested following the disorder.

Nahel is the second person this year in France to have been killed in a police shooting during a traffic stop. Last year, a record 13 people died in this way.

However, as we all know, there’s two sides to every story. In this case, the other side of the story is that the young man was driving recklessly, with no license, and when he was pulled over, he refused to cooperate with police, threatened them, and then sped off.


Whitey Ford
06-29-2023, 09:31 PM


06-29-2023, 10:06 PM
Civil war is inevitable in France. Everybody knows that Muslims are a disaster wherever they are planted. No more marches for peace and candle lit vigils, rainbow flags and cries of unity hand in hand will stop this inferno. I pray for our beautiful indigenous gallic friends. Viva la France !!

06-29-2023, 10:41 PM
Niggers and Mudshits always bring down countries. But Muzzies aren't as bad as feral jiggaboos.

06-30-2023, 12:01 AM
Niggers and Mudshits always bring down countries. But Muzzies aren't as bad as feral jiggaboos.

Unfortunately , Europe the often gets worst of both worlds, asslifter congoloids !

This is what "equity" looks like for dabbling in North Apefrica.

I aint bin dun did dat!
06-30-2023, 12:12 AM
Want some more niggers over there? We have plenty you can have France.

06-30-2023, 10:13 AM
Unfortunately , Europe the often gets worst of both worlds, asslifter congoloids !

This is what "equity" looks like for dabbling in North Apefrica. Yes Muzzzy Niggers are shit squared.

07-04-2023, 01:10 PM
All European capitals are finished now that violent, savage invaders are welcomed instead of being repelled as they were historically.



Horrific videos:


07-04-2023, 04:18 PM
Niggers and Mudshits always bring down countries.

But Muzzies aren't as bad as feral jiggaboos.
I agree and disagree at the same time: Muzzies (unless of the nigger species) are usually humans that gave up their human membership by becoming ass-lifters. The problem is, that their superior intellect (compared to niggers) makes them even more dangerous to western societies than niggers. Whereas niggers of course are more violent and dangerous in everyday life. But both of them have no place in human societies!

07-04-2023, 07:40 PM
I think we can see that the winds are changing direction and this may be cause for hope:

A fundraiser for the police officer who shot a 17-year-old in France (https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/france-shooting-unrest-paris-macron_uk_649d4f38e4b065a315b6e35e)has received four times the donations sent to the dead muzzie’s family.

“This police officer is the victim of a national witch-hunt and it is a disgrace. The fundraising effort... is the symbol of a France that says no (to) this treachery.”

He also told Euronews (https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2023/07/04/man-behind-fundraiser-for-policeman-who-shot-nahel-blames-teens-family-and-justice-system-): “If you don’t obey the police, you’re putting your finger in a spiral which, once again, can lead to tragedy. In this case, Nahel committed suicide, nothing more, nothing less.”


07-05-2023, 04:03 AM
I think we can see that the winds are changing direction and this may be cause for hope:



Gawd I hope so.
The woke shit is nothing more than forced denial of reality.
The majority knows this... and the niggers and their coddlers, are just starting to push us far enough to say.. enough is enough !

France is taking it up the ass because they "coon-stitutionally" have forbade calling a spade a SPADE.

But then sadly, France is historically and hysterically known to enjoy taking it up the ass !

Perhaps the beta cuck Frenchmen have decided to get off the surrender monkey pot.

07-05-2023, 05:29 AM
Gawd I hope so.
The woke shit is nothing more than forced denial of reality.
The majority knows this... and the niggers and their coddlers, are just starting to push us far enough to say.. enough is enough !

France is taking it up the ass because they "coon-stitutionally" have forbade calling a spade a SPADE.

But then sadly, France is historically and hysterically known to enjoy taking it up the ass !

Perhaps the beta cuck Frenchmen have decided to get off the surrender monkey pot.

Thing is, French people are usually passive and don't care about politics as long as they can have a stress free life. Very similar to Germans. But there are a few things that don't go well with French people (e.g. EU tried to forbid certain types of food, or anti-smoking laws). But as soon as they've enouth, they can become very violent. That could happen pretty soon, because the nigger chimpouts and violent ass-lifter thing is nothing new in France:
Last year, niggers burnt down a big train station in Paris, ~800 attacks on churches last year etc. Usually media just hides that, especially in other coutries. (Sweden and even Norway have similar problems). The left knows what happens when people unite (remember French Revolution lead to revolutions all over Europe. And that was because of 10% taxes. 10%!! Germany has 90% right now).
Luckily people seem to start to wake up: According to polls, In Switzerland, the "nazi" party SVP now is the biggest party ( https://www.bazonline.ch/die-svp-legt-ueberraschend-zu-394648275941 ), in Germany the AFD now is on second place, just 2% behind the Merkel CDU, and in France it's entirely possible that Marine Le Pen (Front National) will become the next president. The next elections in Europe will be interesting!

Chimpouts in France:

07-05-2023, 12:15 PM
I've heard there's a small Thai community in Sweden, but I don't hear them burning and looting. I don't understand why West European countries allow nigger and Muslim migration. It's like wanting to destroy your culture.

Same in the US, Hispanic border niggers come like locusts and are coddled, told of their rights, and treated like they just want the same opportunity as anyone else, when the first thing they did was to break the prevailing laws of the US.

And when here, my brother curses their children, who within weeks act like privileged wetback assholes breaking chairs, vandalizes the area, while their parents sell dirty food in carts, unlicensed. Filthy, filthy invading bastards. All of them.

Jim Crow
07-05-2023, 08:03 PM
Niggers and Mudshits always bring down countries. But Muzzies aren't as bad as feral jiggaboos.

I beg to differ! They’re actually both equally bad in their own ways.Muzlimes are just as rapey and murderous as niggers.And just as disgusting too!They don’t call them sand niggers for nothing!

07-06-2023, 08:38 AM
I've heard there's a small Thai community in Sweden, but I don't hear them burning and looting. I don't understand why West European countries allow nigger and Muslim migration. It's like wanting to destroy your culture.
Socialists do want to destroy our culture! They openly say so, just listen to what they say. Just instead of "destroy" they use words like "overcome patriarchy" or "deconstruct society". But that's their goal, destroy society to establish a socialist paradise. (Not a single one of them ever was able to tell me why / how this "paradise" will look like.)

07-06-2023, 08:57 AM
If one wanted to "overcome patriarchy", the last people they'd want around are Mudshits.