View Full Version : The truth about a white cop supposedly harassing a nigger for ID

07-27-2017, 05:38 PM
The cellphone video captures a moment when a Harris County constable stopped 20-year-old Marlin Gipson as he and his brothers were passing out business cards for his lawn service last week.

Constable administrator Alen Rosen said Gipson left because of an outstanding misdemeanor assault warrant.

"So when originally stopped and questioned by the officer, that was why he really didn't want to say who we was," Rosen said.

Constables came to his house later that day. Gipson recorded that, too. He said constables broke down his door, tased him and sicced a K-9 on him that left bite marks on his arm.

"We gave Mr. Gipson, before the police dog went upstairs, we told him four different times, we even yelled, 'police dog, police dog come out,'" Rosen explained.

Lawn service my ass. The niggers were casing houses, maybe to see who's home. They're a little more clever, though, because $10 worth of business cards makes them seem legitimate when questioned.


That's why when the cops come, and you know it's for an outstanding warrant, give yourself the fuck up. And am I the only one who doesn't believe these wounds? Not a hint of bandage or antibiotics on alleged bites that deep?


Buck Simian
07-27-2017, 06:06 PM
I hope the dog didn't get sick from biting that walking stack of ebola.

07-27-2017, 08:39 PM
I'll bet they had a solicitors permit from the local municipality?