View Full Version : Vibrant, cultural enrichment turning Canadian Public Schools into a violent, dirty battlefield

Whitey Ford
06-19-2023, 08:03 AM
‘Terminal Decline’: Ontario Teachers Plead for Help as Schools Descend into Violent Mayhem


“Student behavior at Aquinas has been permitted to devolve at an ever quickening pace to levels that have routinely proven dangerous and is, in my opinion, bordering on criminal.”

Timothy’s letter cited five instances in which teachers had been violently threatened by students. He described open drug dealing in bathrooms, marijuana smoking in stairwells, and a failure to uphold the student uniform code making it “near impossible to tell student from intruder.” Timothy signed off with the prophetic words: “It is growing more violent by the day and at this point I just pray no one is seriously injured because of the dangerous culture that I believe has been permitted to develop under this administration.”

On the last day of the 2021-2022 academic school year, June 24, at least two vicious fights broke out between students, neither of which resulted in a police or administrative investigation. In one video, a fight between two male students devolved into a swarming attack with multiple bystanders joining in, stomping and pummeling a downed student. At one point, the dazed kid is kicked directly in the face.

Attempts to enforce Catholic school uniforms are futile. “They start swearing at you. Who the f*** are you? Do you know who you’re f***ing talking to?” Murphy says. Ask a student for their name? Don’t even bother. “We’ve lost the hallways,” Murphy, who keeps tabs on developments at St. Thomas Aquinas, confessed.

“Students will come up to your face and tell you to ‘f*** off’. Students will ignore any boundaries or structure remaining at our school. Students have shown time and time again that they are unwilling to uphold any type of decency towards staff and students in the building,” the letter reads.

The plea included a laundry list of other instances of “disorderly conduct” that had “transpired from September until now” including students defecating “on the floor of bathrooms and rub[ing] their feces on the wall” and “threatening others with Exacto knives or hitting each other so hard with a meter stick that their tooth falls out.”


06-19-2023, 10:14 PM
‘Terminal Decline’: Ontario Teachers Plead for Help as Schools Descend into Violent Mayhem



Justin the cuck welcomes all the migrants, since he doesn't personally have to deal with them. In Ontario the niggers are mostly Caribboons. Teachers (and cops) in Ontario are not equipped to deal with feral groids. This kind of behavior and violence is unknown to them.