View Full Version : Bill Murray gets into oil drilling

06-16-2023, 07:51 PM
So touching and romantic that at his time of life, it seems he found true love with this new lady. May they live happily ever after.

Unexpected: Kelis has spoken out on her rumoured romance with actor Bill Murray . The singer, 43, and the Ghostbusters star, 72, have been 'getting close for a while'

I'm sure they have a lot in common.




I aint bin dun did dat!
06-16-2023, 11:52 PM
I saw this the other day and it made me sick. I loved Bill Murray. Oh well, Holly wood is a cesspool and liberalism is very contagious to anyone who lives there.

06-17-2023, 12:05 AM
so touching and romantic that at his time of life, it seems he found true love with this new lady. May they live happily ever after.

I'm sure they have a lot in common.





06-17-2023, 10:49 AM
I liked him on SNL especially when he did the lounge singer and news caster. He would intervew Garrett Morris in drag dressed up like Diana Ross. Pretty funny stuff.

animal mother
06-17-2023, 02:12 PM
I loved him as Carl the greenskeeper in “Caddyshack “. He has always been a cooch hound but with human woman. I guess no one is immune to dementia.

06-17-2023, 05:51 PM
Ah, the joys of beastiality. Good luck Mr. Murray. You're gonna need it. That beast will crack your skull open for $100.

Ray Cizzums
06-17-2023, 07:33 PM
Bill's schtick held up for decades, but blew up in his face the last time he tried to make a movie. His good natured carousing
with his female co-stars got him "@metoo-ed", the studio wokies groveled, shut down the production, followed by Murray foolishly
attempting to apologize to the mob. That is always a bad idea. Rather than finish a great career on a sour note, he appears to have
hired a PR company, and what better way to ingratiate himself to the wokes, than by dating a stank buffarilla ? This is exactly the
kind of damage control celebrities pay big money for. Coconut-headed Giants running back Tiki Barber had a great career, then he
retired, bad mouthed Eli Manning - who then won the Super Bowl. He alienated all the Giants fans. He managed to get a job in sports television,
then dumped his wife - pregnant with twins, and ran off with a 24 year old NBC intern. They shit-canned him forthwith, and he was now hated
by everyone, everywhere. He hired a PR firm to unfuck his train wreck, but he never got another television gig, instead being relegated to NY
sports radio. :lol

06-18-2023, 01:53 PM
Bill's schtick held up for decades, but blew up in his face the last time he tried to make a movie. His good natured carousing
with his female co-stars got him "@metoo-ed", the studio wokies groveled, shut down the production, followed by Murray foolishly
attempting to apologize to the mob. That is always a bad idea. Rather than finish a great career on a sour note, he appears to have
hired a PR company, and what better way to ingratiate himself to the wokes, than by dating a stank buffarilla ? This is exactly the
kind of damage control celebrities pay big money for. Coconut-headed Giants running back Tiki Barber had a great career, then he
retired, bad mouthed Eli Manning - who then won the Super Bowl. He alienated all the Giants fans. He managed to get a job in sports television,
then dumped his wife - pregnant with twins, and ran off with a 24 year old NBC intern. They shit-canned him forthwith, and he was now hated
by everyone, everywhere. He hired a PR firm to unfuck his train wreck, but he never got another television gig, instead being relegated to NY
sports radio. :lol

Funny you mention Tiki Barber, he was all over television and radio right after he retired. I haven't thought about him for about 10 years, lol.

06-18-2023, 11:57 PM
Seems like this would be a good 'Groundhog Day' remake. A pissed off sow throwing hot grease at him every day, over and over...

Jim Crow
06-19-2023, 06:36 AM
Not too surprising.Most actors are nigger worshipping libtards.Just,some are worse than others,like D negro and now this fucking jackass!Which is one of the reasons I don’t watch any new movies or TV shows.

06-19-2023, 11:24 AM
Not too surprising.Most actors are nigger worshipping libtards.Just,some are worse than others,like D negro and now this fucking jackass!Which is one of the reasons I don’t watch any new movies or TV shows.

Even if they aren't nigger lovers they have to pretend they are or get blacklisted.

One of the few who hasn't bowed to political correctness is Gary Oldman.

accused Hollywood of rendering anyone who didn’t vote for 12 Years a Slave at the Oscars a racist.

“political correctness is crap…take a f—ing joke. Get over it.”

I can't believe he's still working after all this heresy:


Jim Crow
06-19-2023, 04:24 PM
Even if they aren't nigger lovers they have to pretend they are or get blacklisted.

One of the few who hasn't bowed to political correctness is Gary Oldman.

I can't believe he's still working after all this heresy:

Sounds like he doesn’t give a shit! I like that attitude!

Niggers are Useless
06-19-2023, 05:08 PM
Damn, I liked Bill Murray and now he goes and betrays his race. He needs to watch out, a full fledged chimpout from this sow will end him. Niggers are time bombs they will chimpout and humans never know when that will be. Rule one Bill you should know better.