View Full Version : Juneteenth Nigger holiday is upon us

06-16-2023, 03:14 PM
Here we go, another day of nigger worship, of pandering to niggers good, whitey bad rhetoric. As if they need to be freed. They were worthless then, even more so now. Did our country become better when niggers were unleashed and now considered human and equal? Even niggers themselves don't believe it. They believe in not working yet getting benefits. Stealing, raping, murdering, then blame it all on oppression.

They're lazy, and within themselves, can't behave as humans. Worth honoring? Fuck no, damn all you niggers, your days of niggetry will be ending.

06-16-2023, 07:45 PM
Junteenf should bring a pretty good harvest of batwings, we hope.

06-16-2023, 07:57 PM
Junteenf should bring a pretty good harvest of batwings, we hope.

One would hope! A good ol' joomteemf barbeque shootout. As long as no humans get hit, let the niggers shoot it out.

I aint bin dun did dat!
06-16-2023, 11:40 PM
One would hope! A good ol' joomteemf barbeque shootout. As long as no humans get hit, let the niggers shoot it out.
I would donate to a cause that sponsored caches of firearms being dropped into the niggerhood every weekend. The niggers could pose with it on social media along with whatever small amount of cash they have, right before heading to da bbq to target practice with the new weapon on its fellow niggers.