View Full Version : Chicago sheboons are dis proportionally affected by crime

06-14-2023, 02:10 PM
Nigger website says it is because of racist work requirements for medicade and other gibs programs.

06-14-2023, 02:30 PM
Wow, I blame their low IQs and lower morals of these sub-humanoids. If they want to confirm negative racial stereotypes, that is on them,

“Addressing the issue of violent crime will be a top priority of newly-elected Mayor Brandon Johnson.” LOL, scum like this nigger increase crime.

Niggers are Useless
06-14-2023, 05:21 PM
Wow, I blame their low IQs and lower morals of these sub-humanoids. If they want to confirm negative racial stereotypes, that is on them,

“Addressing the issue of violent crime will be a top priority of newly-elected Mayor Brandon Johnson.” LOL, scum like this nigger increase crime.

Mayor Brandon Johnson. LOL
A nigger can never solve anything. But anyhoo
Lets Go Brandon!!

06-14-2023, 05:39 PM
Wow, I blame their low IQs and lower morals of these sub-humanoids. If they want to confirm negative racial stereotypes, that is on them,

“Addressing the issue of violent crime will be a top priority of newly-elected Mayor Brandon Johnson.” LOL, scum like this nigger increase crime.

Sheboons are even more savage, depraved, lazy, and violent than the bucks.

I'm sure Mayor Nigger Johnson is uniquely qualified to solve the nigger problem, just as Mayor Nigger Adams has quelled the groid violence in NYC.

Johnson? Adams? I'm pretty sure those names are appropriated. Niggers trace they roots to ancient Egypt but can't figure who they pappys and grandpappys are.

This is one sharp-looking buck.

06-14-2023, 07:20 PM
Sheboons are even more savage, depraved, lazy, and violent than the bucks.

I'm sure Mayor Nigger Johnson is uniquely qualified to solve the nigger problem, just as Mayor Nigger Adams has quelled the groid violence in NYC.

Johnson? Adams? I'm pretty sure those names are appropriated. Niggers trace they roots to ancient Egypt but can't figure who they pappys and grandpappys are.

This is one sharp-looking buck.
22792Even Adams is better than this pathetic nog.

06-14-2023, 09:41 PM
The master mayonnaise racists sure do like to create new alt accounts in order to make it appear like they have support.

It doesn’t change the fact that they MUST use sock puppets and impersonation of non-racists in order to look as though they have that support.

In other words, they have to lie by all ways available.

This comment caught my eye. Am I now a master mayonnaise racist now, random posting nigger ? Still better than being a nigger ain't it ? :lol

It sure is funny when these fucking string heads try to play human.

I aint bin dun did dat!
06-14-2023, 11:09 PM
This comment caught my eye. Am I now a master mayonnaise racist now, random posting nigger ? Still better than being a nigger ain't it ? :lol

It sure is funny when these fucking string heads try to play human.
They call me mayo monster and other even more dimwitted variations of mayonnaise “insults” all the time. It’s hilarious, a creature literally the color of shit, has the balls to comment on the color of humans.

06-14-2023, 11:33 PM
Even Adams is better than this pathetic nog.

Yes, I guess so. He's trying to "End Gun Violence" by wearing a tacky pimp jacket. Sorry, Mayor but to end gun violence you'll need to end all the niggers.


06-15-2023, 12:10 AM
Yes, I guess so. He's trying to "End Gun Violence" by wearing a tacky pimp jacket. Sorry, Mayor but to end gun violence you'll need to end all the niggers.

22793Groidian "End Gun Violence" events always seem to end in gunfire. They are sick jokes.

I aint bin dun did dat!
06-15-2023, 12:29 AM
Yes, I guess so. He's trying to "End Gun Violence" by wearing a tacky pimp jacket. Sorry, Mayor but to end gun violence you'll need to end all the niggers.


Hilarious isn’t it? Liberals and niggers act like this is some unsolvable fucking equation when it is literally 2+2.

06-15-2023, 01:23 AM
Wow, I blame their low IQs and lower morals of these sub-humanoids. If they want to confirm negative racial stereotypes, that is on them,

“Addressing the issue of violent crime will be a top priority of newly-elected Mayor Brandon Johnson.” LOL, scum like this nigger increase crime.

IMAGINE, that?!

06-15-2023, 02:09 AM
Yes, I guess so. He's trying to "End Gun Violence" by wearing a tacky pimp jacket. Sorry, Mayor but to end gun violence you'll need to end all the niggers.


Freedom of speech doesn't include monkey illogic. Look at that graffiti on the nigger's back.

If all niggers ended, stopped existing, it'd be the day humans can cure cancer. Eliminate hunger. End wars. Well maybe not end wars. But it's a start.