View Full Version : Famous niggers in Histerry! First drag queen.

06-13-2023, 02:57 PM
Are all nigger bucks on the downlow?

Niggers have certainly contributed so much. Where would we be without drag queens?

The First Self-Proclaimed Drag Queen Was a Formerly Enslaved Nigger.

In the late 19th century, William Dorsey Swann’s private balls attracted unwelcome attention from authorities and the press

As the Washington Critic (https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82000205/1887-01-15/ed-1/seq-3/)reported in January 1887, police officers who raided one such gathering were surprised to encounter six Black bucks “dressed in elegant female attire,” including “corsets, bustles, long hose and slippers.” The following April, the Evening Star (https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1888-04-13/ed-1/seq-6/)reported on a raid that targeted men in “female attire of many colors,” as well as “gaudy costumes of silk and satin.” On both occasions, authorities arrested the party guests and charged them with “being suspicious characters.”



Jim Crow
06-13-2023, 03:38 PM
You mean infamous!
Niggers have never done anything productive in history. So liberals have to congratulate them for the negative shit! Or make up shit like how they invented electricity or did something useful. Which, of course is a bold faced lie. How fucking pathetic!What a useless species of beast!

Niggers are Useless
06-13-2023, 06:15 PM

The buck on the right looks allot like MooSchell. Could that be a young Barry Hussien on the left?
O bama Wedding photo perhaps?

Ray Cizzums
06-13-2023, 07:45 PM
Whether it's the Haitian niggers, who murdered every white man, woman and child in 1804, or rampaging African tribes
today - the first thing the bucks do is dress up in women's clothes, makeup, wigs and silly hats.

I aint bin dun did dat!
06-13-2023, 11:54 PM
Are all nigger bucks on the downlow?

Niggers have certainly contributed so much. Where would we be without drag queens?


Nowadays niggers claim to be the first everything. Egyptians, Vikings, Kangz, Quainz, you name it, they were it. I even saw one comment that Pythagoras stole the pythagorean theorem from niggers. :lol That one had me going. Anyways, I am good with them having the first faggot nigger drag queen. As a matter of fact, they can be known as the ultimate sexually degenerate pieces of shit that they are for all eternity.

Whitey Ford
06-14-2023, 08:11 AM
Funfact: Overrated musician nigger Miles Davis' younger brother was a dragfag. He complained that his sister used to dress him up like a doll when he was little, and that he thought that was what caused that.

06-14-2023, 11:13 AM
Funfact: Overrated musician nigger Miles Davis' younger brother was a dragfag. He complained that his sister used to dress him up like a doll when he was little, and that he thought that was what caused that.

Hmm. I think Miles himself might have leaned in that direction as well.


06-14-2023, 11:14 AM

The buck on the right looks allot like MooSchell. Could that be a young Barry Hussien on the left?
O bama Wedding photo perhaps?

There IS a resemblance.


Whitey Ford
06-14-2023, 11:25 AM
Hmm. I think Miles himself might have leaned in that direction as well.


Here's a cut-and-paste story from Miles' autobiography about him and Charlie Parker. Parker was probably the most niggery nigger who ever lived.

Miles Davis on Charlie Parker:

"He was a great and genius musician, man, but he was also on of the slimiest and greediest motherfuckers who ever lived in this world, at least that I ever met. He was something.
I remember one time we was coming down to The Street to play from uptown and Bird had this white bitch in the back of the taxi with us. He had done already shot up a lot of heroin and now the motherfucker’s eating chicken— his favorite food — and drinking whiskey and telling the bitch to get down and suck his dick. Now, I wasn’t used to that kind of shit back then— I was hardly even drinking, I think I had just started smoking— and I definitely wasn’t into drugs yet because I was only nineteen years old and hadn’t seen no shit like that before. Anyway, Bird noticed that I was getting kind of uptight with the woman sucking all over his dick and everything, and him sucking on her pussy. So he asked if something was wrong with me, and if his doing this was bothering me. When I told him that I felt uncomfortable with them doing what they were doing in front of me, with her licking and slapping her tongue like a dog all over his dick and him making all that moaning noise in between taking bites of chicken, I told him, “Yeah, it’s bothering me.” So you know what that motherfucker said? He told me that if it was bothering me, then I should turn my head and not pay attention I couldn’t believe that shit, that he actually said that to me. The cab was real small and we all three were in the backseat, so where was I supposed to turn my head? What I did was to stick my head outside the taxi window, but I could still hear them motherfuckers getting down and in between, Bird smacking his lips all over that fried chicken. Like I said, he was something, all right."