View Full Version : Libtards chimp: Kansas defines what a woman is

06-11-2023, 04:49 AM
That's not fighting back against niggers, but against woke genderasts:

Kansas has a new law that clearly defines men and women. Dem. Senator Laura Kelly of course vetoed, but the Kansas Legislature overrode her veto of Senate Bill (SB) 180.
In case you don't want to read the pdf, here are the most important points:

Section 1. (a) Notwithstanding any provision of state law to the contrary, with respect to the application of an individual’s biological sex pursuant to any state law or rules and regulations, the following shall apply:

(1) An individual’s “sex” means such individual’s biological sex, either male or female, at birth;

(2) a “female” is an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to produce ova, and a “male” is an individual whose biological reproductive system is developed to fertilize the ova of a female;

(3) the terms “woman” and “girl” refer to human females, and the terms “man” and “boy” refer to human males;

(4) the term “mother” means a parent of the female sex, and the term “father” means a parent of the male sex;

(5) with respect to biological sex, the term “equal” does not mean “same” or “identical”;

(6) with respect to biological sex, separate accommodations are not inherently unequal; and

(7) an individual born with a medically verifiable diagnosis of “disorder/differences in sex development” shall be provided legal protections and accommodations afforded under the Americans with disabilities act and applicable Kansas statutes.

They didn't even mention "gender" with one word. Did hell just freeze? Weren't it 8am, I'd open a beer :-). By the way, the Dhimmicrat senator claimed that she opposed the law, because many companies had said that they won't do business with "discriminating states". That's probably even true, still shows how rotten Dhimmicrats are.

Defund Welfare
06-11-2023, 07:50 AM
I never minded this stuff until recently, it’s evolved into a big pharma cash grab to sell drugs and surgeries to impressionable children. I was a bit younger then but I sort of recall around the 90s and 2000s when the obsessions were ramping up with diagnosing kids with ADD and similar conditions to prescribe drugs that few people really needed without caring about the side effects. This feels very similar.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a lot of paid shills all over the communities of the rainbow people that feed them bad advice or counseling, and keep the market open.
It’s a very messy topic but I’m glad to see more states put their foot down on this, we have enough political racket already.

06-11-2023, 11:23 AM
That's not fighting back against niggers, but against woke genderasts:

Kansas has a new law that clearly defines men and women. Dem. Senator Laura Kelly of course vetoed, but the Kansas Legislature overrode her veto of Senate Bill (SB) 180.
In case you don't want to read the pdf, here are the most important points:

They didn't even mention "gender" with one word. Did hell just freeze? Weren't it 8am, I'd open a beer :-). By the way, the Dhimmicrat senator claimed that she opposed the law, because many companies had said that they won't do business with "discriminating states". That's probably even true, still shows how rotten Dhimmicrats are.

Sorry, but just as my male dog didn't become a female after castration, a man can't be a woman no matter what he cuts off.

The trannies are fleeing what they call tranny "genocide", outraged that they may not be able to pump children full of hormones and permanently mutilate them. "Genocide"! Dramatic much? They should all go to California and live happily ever after.

'Genocidal': Transgender people begin to flee states with anti-LGBTQ laws

When Texas officials announced their intentions to launch child abuse investigations involving people who provide gender-affirming care (https://abcnews.go.com/US/map-gender-affirming-care-targeted-us/story?id=97443087) for their transgender children, Susan’s heart dropped.

Susan has a 7-year-old transgender daughter, Elsa, whose parents asked that she be referred to by a pseudonym for safety reasons, who they say may one day need such care.

Yeah, when I was 7, I was a tomboy and told my mother I wanted to BE a boy. By the time I was 13, I had long since forgotten all about that nonsense and loved being a girl. Imagine if my parents had rushed me to surgery and drugs as a child. Suicide might have been the outcome.


06-15-2023, 11:37 AM
The gender nonsense makes me sick. The trannies act as if we don't cave into all their demands, we are going to kill them by causing them to commit suicide en masse.

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-01-2023, 09:49 PM
The gender nonsense makes me sick. The trannies act as if we don't cave into all their demands, we are going to kill them by causing them to commit suicide en masse.
Exactly. How about this trannies, you fuck whatever hole you want with whatever severed body parts missing or otherwise, don’t tell me about it and I go on being me. Don’t announce it on facebook, don’t announce it on whatever platform you are thinking of announcing it on. It will be ok. I don’t need to know. Nobody else needs to know.