View Full Version : Serial asshole Gavin Newsom wants to amend the US Constitution to seriously restrict gun ownership

Whitey Ford
06-08-2023, 02:00 PM
Gavin Newsom wants 28th Amendment for guns in U.S. Constitution

America's least favorite botox faced asshole just won't STFU. :fume

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Gavin Newsom is seeking an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would restrict gun ownership — a daunting and likely quixotic response to the deadliest wave of mass shootings in U.S. history that would nonetheless position California as the most aggressive state in the union on gun control.

The Democratic governor’s proposal would raise the federal minimum age to buy a firearm to 21 from 18; mandate universal background checks; institute a “reasonable” waiting period for all gun purchases and ban assault rifles nationally.

Newsom acknowledged the seemingly unimaginable hurdles to creating a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. But his plan is distinctly Newsom: designed to draw maximum public attention on an issue where he sees Americans’ views as being far ahead of their governments’. In the interview, Newsom said his motivation to act on guns was inspired by a rollback of gun control measures in courts amid the unending series of mass killings. Specifically, he said, it’s meant to address “the echo chamber of despair out there today.”

The "echo chamber of despair of depair" out there isn't guns. It's the open borders, drugs and illegal aliens pouring over it. And as long as those borders are open, outlaws will alwys be able to get plenty of guns. Newsom wants to make America as lawless a shithole as Mexico.

Newsom and the state Legislature in Sacramento are set to kickoff a nationwide process that would require support from 34 states to trigger a convention. California state Sen. Aisha Wahab, (D-Hayward), and Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles) are expected to carry the bill, backed by a host of outside gun-safety groups.

This asshole is trying to hold an Article V Convention (https://www.commoncause.org/our-work/constitution-courts-and-democracy-issues/article-v-convention/#:~:text=What%20is%20an%20Article%20V,Convention%2 0outlined%20in%20the%20Constitution.) to ammend the Constitution. He'd need two-thirds of state legislatures (34 states) to pull that off. What an asshole.

Getting 33 other states on board would be almost impossibly difficult. Democrats now control 20 state legislatures across the country. But Newsom, who seeded his political committee with $10 million and has spent time on the national stage trolling Republican Govs. Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbott of Texas, has for years crusaded against the gun industry and reaped the political benefits in a state where voters broadly support strong curbs on firearms.

Newsom laid the groundwork for his gubernatorial run by championing a 2016 ballot initiative regulating ammunition sales. As governor, he has signed bills restricting ghost guns, barring companies from marketing firearms to minors and preventing people under 21 from purchasing certain weapons.

That loathsome little son of a whore gets more annoying every day. I wish God would kill him with Holy Fire.

06-11-2023, 01:10 PM
Gavin Newsom wants 28th Amendment for guns in U.S. Constitution

America's least favorite botox faced asshole just won't STFU. :fume

The "echo chamber of despair of depair" out there isn't guns. It's the open borders, drugs and illegal aliens pouring over it. And as long as those borders are open, outlaws will alwys be able to get plenty of guns. Newsom wants to make America as lawless a shithole as Mexico.

This asshole is trying to hold an Article V Convention (https://www.commoncause.org/our-work/constitution-courts-and-democracy-issues/article-v-convention/#:~:text=What%20is%20an%20Article%20V,Convention%2 0outlined%20in%20the%20Constitution.) to ammend the Constitution. He'd need two-thirds of state legislatures (34 states) to pull that off. What an asshole.

That loathsome little son of a whore gets more annoying every day. I wish God would kill him with Holy Fire.

Nasty piglosi's beta-cuck, soy-boy nephew!! Just as PATHETIC as his 83 year old auntie!!

Tar Remover
06-22-2023, 07:50 PM
He can suck my sweaty nutsack too. Good luck collecting them, Nuisance.