View Full Version : Florida Women Batwings Hefty Buffarilla Mammy Home Invader, Gets Railroaded By Sheriff

Ray Cizzums
06-07-2023, 10:04 AM
A poor human lady was arrested, for defending herself from a marauding welfare babymomma, who
was attempting to break down her front door. The stank mammy's 4 shitlings had been tormenting
the woman for years, cops did nothing to help her. Sheriff openly stated his investigators sought to
eliminate any possibility of a claim of self defense. Her lawyer will win acquittal on that alone.
Look at this porker, and tell me she's not a wild animal :22756


06-07-2023, 10:18 AM
Damn, that sow's lips look like a prolapsed anus. It looks like it could suck down a 10 piece in a world record time.
Glad that one has gone back to fertilizer instead of being a useless eater, and it definitely ate more than its share !

Hasta la pizza mammy buffa !

Godspeed to the human lady for doing us all a solid.

06-07-2023, 11:21 AM
Sheriff openly stated his investigators sought to eliminate any possibility of a claim of self defense. Her lawyer will win acquittal on that alone.

That's bad! How on earth could it happen that someone like this became Sheriff in Florida? I so hope the lady has a good lawyer, and will not only win the acquittal, but get a nice compensation from the county as well. That Sheriff belongs behind bars!

Ray Cizzums
06-07-2023, 12:14 PM
That's bad! How on earth could it happen that someone like this became Sheriff in Florida? I so hope the lady has a good lawyer, and will not only win the acquittal, but get a nice compensation from the county as well. That Sheriff belongs behind bars!
There have been many cases that are clearly self defense on day one, and then the pressure is applied by higher authorities.
George Zimmerman and Michael Drejka are just two, both in the "Stand your ground" state of Florida. This woman's life is
about to be ruined, after being attacked in her own home by a wild welfare sheboon....

06-07-2023, 05:56 PM
too bad she didn't nail any of the dead sow's hell spawned brats too

06-07-2023, 06:55 PM
too bad she didn't nail any of the dead sow's hell spawned brats too

Yup, and got the full bird crime-stoppers award !!

Niggers are Useless
06-07-2023, 07:37 PM
" Let me make that clear---this was not stand your ground, it was an unjustified shooting" I disagree sheriff.
When approached by a large wild animal ooking ang eeking and throwing things, clearly shooting it to end the threat is a necessary action.
Wait for Black Lives Splatter to show up and start burning the city. Should be great.
I have to say that I am really surprised at this outcome from a Florida sheriff. Remember that; all whites and nigger haters in Marion County Florida when this sheriff's reelection comes up.

Ray Cizzums
06-07-2023, 08:50 PM
" Let me make that clear---this was not stand your ground, it was an unjustified shooting" I disagree sheriff.
When approached by a large wild animal ooking ang eeking and throwing things, clearly shooting it to end the threat is a necessary action.
Wait for Black Lives Splatter to show up and start burning the city. Should be great.
I have to say that I am really surprised at this outcome from a Florida sheriff. Remember that; all whites and nigger haters in Marion County Florida when this sheriff's reelection comes up.

Nice avatar. That nigger is sporting what I call "Wild wool". :lol

06-08-2023, 12:13 AM
Damn, that sow's lips look like a prolapsed anus. It looks like it could suck down a 10 piece in a world record time.
Glad that one has gone back to fertilizer instead of being a useless eater, and it definitely ate more than its share !

Hasta la pizza mammy buffa !

Godspeed to the human lady for doing us all a solid.

My SENTIMENTS, exactly!!

I aint bin dun did dat!
06-08-2023, 12:20 AM
““My baby was so full of life. She was a single mother of four,” Owens’ mother, Pamela Dias, said during a news conference on Monday.”
Of course she was and of course she was! Not that I condone it but I bet that shot felt orgasmic after the likely years of niggershines that lady had endured.

06-08-2023, 06:49 AM
One filthy sow made good... No more polluting the world with shitlets from this baboon...

The Post does not allow comments on this story... Too bad... Could have had some fun with this one

06-08-2023, 06:51 AM
too bad she didn't nail any of the dead sow's hell spawned brats too

Agreed! In for a dime, in for a Dollar... (dolla, as it were). Wipe out the entire nest.

06-08-2023, 11:24 AM
I hate to say it, but since the human woman fired through her front door it really looks bad for her

06-08-2023, 12:02 PM
I hate to say it, but since the human woman fired through her front door it really looks bad for her

Yeap, she should have opened the door and let the fat sow make a move to enter her castle. Then nigger coonmunity is gonna have a big party with lotsa grape drank etc,,
They got a YT in the bag for trying to protect herself from imminent sowboon-out ! Gotta be careful chimpers, when the groids come for you.

Ray Cizzums
06-08-2023, 01:26 PM
I hate to say it, but since the human woman fired through her front door it really looks bad for her

Niggers often claim "The gun jus went off. It wuz a axxa-dent", and the detectives and prosecutor's can't wait
to believe it. Seen it on The First 48 many times. Nigger judge then buys it as the "troof" - followed by a slap-
on-the-wrist sentence. In this case, the sheriff openly states they "eliminated any loopholes" about claims of self defense.
Add in the sprogs "She called me nigger" testimony, and it's 20 years behind bars.

06-08-2023, 03:38 PM
I hate to say it, but since the human woman fired through her front door it really looks bad for her

Though this woman's attorney may say she was in fear for her life, which is true, the history between her and negress makes it more of a retaliatory or even intentional killing. That's the motive. While I do believe it's self defense, it would have been better if she let the gorilla in, then shoot. Or leave the door unlocked, hide in a corner, shoot.

If the little nigs have video evidence of her saying the N words, I guarantee it will be jail for at least 20 years. In any case, her life is ruined. I don't know all the circumstances of course, but it seems the animosity has been going on for a while.

Isn't nigger Crump with his gorilla mask already there? The American Bar Association needs to disbar this rabble rouser, for being a nigger.

knot a Knigger
06-08-2023, 05:13 PM
Prolapsed anus! I lost it when I read that very useful term.

Ray Cizzums
06-08-2023, 06:53 PM
If the little nigs have video evidence of her saying the N words, I guarantee it will be jail for at least 20 years. In any case, her life is ruined. I don't know all the circumstances of course, but it seems the animosity has been going on for a while.
I had it out in traffic, with a big grand mammy sow, who was "driving" a carload of it's shitlings around, horribly, of course.
I got next to it at a light, and said "Learn how to drive, you fat nigger" ! The phones came out in unison, so I switched to
standard insult comedy, as in "Lose a hundred pounds, you fat pig". Blubber lips started flappin', then I said "Make it 200,
you fuckin' farm animal", followed by "Those kids look retarded, same as you" ! I guarantee those niggers are still crying
about that white debbil...

06-08-2023, 09:00 PM
Believe me, I want to call niggers nigger. But with cell phones today, videos are taken and taken out of context. Somehow, nigger is a hate word, so it carries all penalty enhancements if you get convicted. It's unfair to us and niggers go on murdering and raping.

Ray Cizzums
06-08-2023, 10:28 PM
Believe me, I want to call niggers nigger. But with cell phones today, videos are taken and taken out of context. Somehow, nigger is a hate word, so it carries all penalty enhancements if you get convicted. It's unfair to us and niggers go on murdering and raping.

No matter what happens, they're going to say you called them nigger, so I get it out of the way up front.
This actually makes them think twice about escalating things, because they worry about what comes next...

06-09-2023, 02:03 AM
That fat sow definitely looks like a shaniqua type, good riddance. Though it's too bad for the woman though, being a hero these days means doing time but I hope things turn out well for her.

Ray Cizzums
06-09-2023, 09:23 AM
That fat sow definitely looks like a shaniqua type, good riddance. Though it's too bad for the woman though, being a hero these days means doing time but I hope things turn out well for her.
There's a good chance, with such a high profile case, that she'll hire a lawyer who's secretly in the tank for the prosecution.
They intentionally lose the case, by not fighting for a change of venue, or to remove a partisan judge. Passively allowing a
partisan jury follows, and the case is lost before the trial begins. General Mike Flynn, the jogger defendants, the Charlottesville
driver - are all victims of these stealthy turncoat shysters, who took their money, and lots of it - then threw the case through
willful incompetence...

06-09-2023, 09:26 AM
Damn, that sow's lips look like a prolapsed anus. It looks like it could suck down a 10 piece in a world record time.
Glad that one has gone back to fertilizer instead of being a useless eater, and it definitely ate more than its share !

Hasta la pizza mammy buffa !

Godspeed to the human lady for doing us all a solid.

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

06-09-2023, 09:30 AM
A poor human lady was arrested, for defending herself from a marauding welfare babymomma, who
was attempting to break down her front door. The stank mammy's 4 shitlings had been tormenting
the woman for years, cops did nothing to help her. Sheriff openly stated his investigators sought to
eliminate any possibility of a claim of self defense. Her lawyer will win acquittal on that alone.
Look at this porker, and tell me she's not a wild animal :22756


Shyster crump is representin' da' fambly!! What a SURPRISE!!

Niggers are Useless
06-09-2023, 11:13 PM
Nice avatar. That nigger is sporting what I call "Wild wool". :lol
Wild wool or crazy fur plus 60 PSI inner tubes and horse nostrils. Plus it's lips are so inflated that the paint is peeling off one of them I couldn't resist all the niggery when I took this avatar.