View Full Version : Shoplifting sow attempts to ghetto lobsta it's sprogs

animal mother
06-03-2023, 08:50 AM

A Florida woman was shoplifting inside a retail store when she left two children unattended in a vehicle that burst into flames, police said.

Alicia Moore, 24, an Orlando resident, is charged with aggravated child neglect and arson, FOX Orlando reported.

On May 26, Moore parked her car outside a Dillard's department store at the Oviedo Mall and left two children "who could not care for themselves" inside the vehicle, authorities said.

She then went into the store and began shoplifting with a man, police said.

After about an hour, Moore left the store and found her vehicle engulfed in flames. She dropped the stolen items before leaving the store, the news report said.

Florida shoplifting suspect


Buck or Sow??

Ray Cizzums
06-03-2023, 08:58 AM
Here's a pic of the sprog burning sheboon, and she is a fuckin' orangutan...

06-03-2023, 09:26 AM
Stealing ? No, the string-thing was claiming its ' rehpuhrashunz ' as it was entitled to. The spontaneous combustable niggers is interesting though. We could be on to something.

SC Anemia
06-03-2023, 11:19 AM
Witnesses saw the car on fire and rescued the children inside.

Well damn!

06-03-2023, 11:23 AM
I bet the car was on the HOT SHEET! Kind of looks like someone is going to HELL.

Ray Cizzums
06-03-2023, 02:00 PM
Well damn!
Why couldn't the Bat Fairy time that inferno to take the sow, her 5 pound weave-a-doo, and both turdlers ?
Then take the burnt hooptie full of crispy critters, and roll it straight into the car crusher...

06-03-2023, 03:56 PM
Why couldn't the Bat Fairy time that inferno to take the sow, her 5 pound weave-a-doo, and both turdlers ?
Then take the burnt hooptie full of crispy critters, and roll it straight into the car crusher...


06-03-2023, 05:31 PM
Ooh, looks like we have another nominee for this year's "Nigger Parent ob da Year" awards.

Sorry, Alicia. That hairdid does NOT make you look like anything other than a big buck in a cheap wig.

Whitey Ford
06-04-2023, 12:51 AM
Since there was no water involved, this would technically be the recipe for Ghetto BBQ. :lol

After about an hour, Moore left the store and found her vehicle engulfed in flames. She dropped the stolen items before leaving the store, the news report said.

Technically it's not theft if they did not exit the store with the items, it's just 'intent.'
Years ago when I worked in a grocery store working mmy way through college, a particularly ratchet and bedraggled coon with cornrows tried to leave the store with a shopping cart full of beer, chips, nigger junk food and whatnot. I walked up and stood in front of him and asked in a really, really sarcastic voice "Can I help you?" The nigger sheepishly shrugged as the asset management officer walked up. The asset manager guy told him to leave and never come back. I was like "what the hell, why didn't you arrest this asshole?" And he informed me that he couldn't arrest the guy because it wasn't theft until he had crossed the doorway and exited the premises with the items. And I had stood in his way and prevented him from leaving. My bad. :lol

06-04-2023, 08:27 AM
I knew that had to be a nigger. I've read news articles without pictures and I knew it had to be a chimp. hey, look, she was just teaching her chimplets how to survive.

06-04-2023, 08:46 AM


Buck or Sow??

DEFINITELY a candidate for Buck or Sow?! Soulless eyes and looks like a primitive sub-simian!!

06-04-2023, 11:36 AM
Since there was no water involved, this would technically be the recipe for Ghetto BBQ. :lol

Technically it's not theft if they did not exit the store with the items, it's just 'intent.'
Years ago when I worked in a grocery store working mmy way through college, a particularly ratchet and bedraggled coon with cornrows tried to leave the store with a shopping cart full of beer, chips, nigger junk food and whatnot. I walked up and stood in front of him and asked in a really, really sarcastic voice "Can I help you?" The nigger sheepishly shrugged as the asset management officer walked up. The asset manager guy told him to leave and never come back. I was like "what the hell, why didn't you arrest this asshole?" And he informed me that he couldn't arrest the guy because it wasn't theft until he had crossed the doorway and exited the premises with the items. And I had stood in his way and prevented him from leaving. My bad. :lol

You know what would happen with this today, right? The nigger would tell you, "Get out muh way, muhfuggah", or pull a gun and wave it around sideways. Either way, it would be permitted to knuckle out of the store with its haul. Stealing is legal for niggers now and store employees and owners are ordered to stand there and watch but not interfere or call the popo.

Whitey Ford
06-04-2023, 07:57 PM
You know what would happen with this today, right? The nigger would tell you, "Get out muh way, muhfuggah", or pull a gun and wave it around sideways. Either way, it would be permitted to knuckle out of the store with its haul. Stealing is legal for niggers now and store employees and owners are ordered to stand there and watch but not interfere or call the popo.

What would happen now would be.
Some fat she boon would be standing there with her obamaphone taping all of this. It would make the rounds on social media until so-called 'news outlets' like RawStory, The Daily Beast, Buzzfeed, etc etc. woould pick it up. The headline would read: "Racist White Grocery Man Prevents Black Man from Leaving Store While Hurling Racist Epithets." It would paint Mr. Dindu as a sterling portrait of local citizenry; picking up groceries for his mammy, dindu nuffins-gud boi, spreading the word of Christ, on his way to his temp job, out for a jog narrative. Then they would unleash 'cancel culture' on me and I would get fired and run out of town.

06-04-2023, 08:14 PM
What would happen now would be.
Some fat she boon would be standing there with her obamaphone taping all of this. It would make the rounds on social media until so-called 'news outlets' like RawStory, The Daily Beast, Buzzfeed, etc etc. woould pick it up. The headline would read: "Racist White Grocery Man Prevents Black Man from Leaving Store While Hurling Racist Epithets." It would paint Mr. Dindu as a sterling portrait of local citizenry; picking up groceries for his mammy, dindu nuffins-gud boi, spreading the word of Christ, on his way to his temp job, out for a jog narrative. Then they would unleash 'cancel culture' on me and I would get fired and run out of town.

Pretty much that. The only change I would make is:

"Racist White Grocery Man Prevents Black Dad from Leaving Store with Milk for His Baby While Hurling Racist Epithets."

And the fat sow with the BammyPhone? No way. Welfare sow sport the latest iPhome.