View Full Version : Club of Rome wants to completely destroy Europe, and White people in general

05-30-2023, 07:54 AM
The Club of Rome held a "Beyond Growth Conference meeting in the European Parliament a few weeks ago. This is the next step in their plans for complete control, and at its center is an anti-European, anti-White "decolonization" effort.
So, in our "democracy" a dubious nonprofit, paid for by dubious former noblemen can have a conference IN the European Parliament (look at the picture), and demand to get rid of Whites. Beyond evil!
Two thoughts:
I notice over and over again, that it's predominantly White females who engage in that kind of crap, and they always seem to be borderline retarded. (Listen to that girl, no way she would have been able to obtain a high-school diploma 20 years ago.) Where does that kind of self-hate comes from?
And secondly, as soon as an organization has the legal status of a nonprofit, club, association, consulting agency, etc. it seems to be a James Bond type "crime syndicate".

All conference videos / official conference site: