View Full Version : Lululemon fired two employees that called the police when store got looted (Peachtree Corners, Georgia)

05-29-2023, 09:29 AM
Nigger privilege at its best: Lululemon fired two employees that confronted masked robbers, who had struck the store nearly a dozen times prior.

“We are not supposed to get in the way. You kind of clear path for whatever they’re going to do,” Ferguson told 11Alive. (https://www.11alive.com/article/news/crime/lululemon-employees-fired-after-robbery-store-theft-theives/85-6bf57aca-8fba-4ca9-a0a1-4458a572b5b3)

“And then, after it’s over, you scan a QR code. And that’s that. We’ve been told not to put it in any notes, because that might scare other people. We’re not supposed to call the police, not really supposed to talk about it.”

If I understand that correctly, this means that it is official Lululemon company politics to give stuff free to niggers. Whites should sue the company for discrimination if they don't get things for free as well.


Ray Cizzums
05-29-2023, 12:26 PM
Nigger privilege at its best: Lululemon fried two employees that confronted masked robbers, who had struck the store nearly a dozen times prior.

If I understand that correctly, this means that it is official Lululemon company politics to give stuff free to niggers. Whites should sue the company for discrimination if they don't get things for free as well.
Lululemon is partially responsible for the yoga pants / "leggings" craze - and I've got no problems with lovely
ladies showing off their awesome posteriors. However, the fad has been tainted by blubber-potamus sows, who
wear the skin tight fashions, instead of the circus tents they belong in. Lululemon could shut this trend down, by
limiting the sizes they sell, to ones suitable for humans only.
Here we have one "Quintavious Gooch", one of the Lululemon heist niggers :
Nice shit-twizzler hurra doo, nigger !

SC Anemia
05-29-2023, 12:35 PM
partially instead of the circus tents they belong in.

Aaaaahhhhhhh! :rofl

05-29-2023, 05:17 PM
Quintavious Gooch

Well let's face it, what chance would that nigger ever have of getting a called for a job interview with a stupid nigger name like that ? Crime is all nigger can do as nobody wants their vile thieving black asses in any reputable business. Thank heavens that the sows call these stupid niggers stupid nigger names. Sure helps us to avoid them.

05-30-2023, 08:24 AM
Lululemon is partially responsible for the yoga pants / "leggings" craze - and I've got no problems with lovely
ladies showing off their awesome posteriors. However, the fad has been tainted by blubber-potamus sows, who
wear the skin tight fashions, instead of the circus tents they belong in. Lululemon could shut this trend down, by
limiting the sizes they sell, to ones suitable for humans only.
Here we have one "Quintavious Gooch", one of the Lululemon heist niggers :
Nice shit-twizzler hurra doo, nigger !

That's a hideous animal! I didn't know about Lululemon and their yoga pants (that isn't a thing here), just wondered who came up with that strange company name. But when it's yoga stuff, the stoned hippies aren't far away.

05-30-2023, 11:44 AM
If I understand that correctly, this means that it is official Lululemon company politics to give stuff free to niggers. Whites should sue the company for discrimination if they don't get things for free as well.

the women were told it would “look bad for Lululemon to be the company calling the police.”

They need to worry more about what the public thinks of them firing good employees than what the niggermediaindustrialcomplex thinks. The only way this will happen is for good Americans to stand up and tell them to fuck off with their leggings and all their other cheap Chinese shit. Bud Light, Target, Gillette, Miller, Fox News... The list just keeps growing of companies that refuse to learn - Go woke, go broke. Ditching your core for this tiny percent of freaks and niggers who only steal your shit anyway or never bought it in the first place is not a good business model.

These short sighted board room embiciles are destroying their own companies and the lives of their workers & their families with this garbage. I have no sympathy for them aside from the workers who did nothing wrong except not seeing the writing on the wall & leaving for greener, less shit covered pastures where they are cared about more than the freaks and niggers that don't actually pay their bills.

Lulu Demon needs to hear the wrath of the consumers right now over this shit. They need to lose market shares. They need to let the board lose their jobs. They need to publically apologize to these women and compensate them for what they did. They need to stop catering to any niggers sense of style (whatever the hell that is) and they need to close any stores in fuxated areas. They need to do all of this but I'm sure they won't do any of it. I hope they all go out of business for their arrogance. I hope the people responsible for this kind of shit happening everywhere today die penniless. If that sounds harsh, remember the lives of their own workers & families they destroyed.

There might just be a long overdue national backlash going on right now. It may not change anything. It may level a few businesses that need it anyway. It may just make others sit up and take notice. Maybe they will wake up and face the fact that nobody needs their shitty clothes, shitty beer, shitty fake news or any other shitty products anyway. They can easily be replaced with other and better goods and services.

They just need to be reminded of that fact.