View Full Version : Somalicoon "cultural event" ends up a stabby 'n shooty display of TNB, what else could be expected ?

05-28-2023, 10:26 AM
This is all niggers are good for, cringe headlines, wanton violence,
and humans asking themselves why we ever let this sub-simian garbage into our nice countries..




05-28-2023, 01:16 PM
This is all niggers are good for, cringe headlines, wanton violence,
and humans asking themselves why we ever let this sub-simian garbage into our nice countries..




What do you EXPECT from niggers who are @$$lifter$?!

Defund Welfare
05-28-2023, 01:35 PM
You wanted somalian nigger culcha, you got it.

05-28-2023, 03:02 PM
Before the comments get sanitized...

pretty well sums up somali "culture" Stabbings, beatings, and shootings all within 10 minutes.
Allowing somalis into Canada was the worst mistake our govt ever made.

Import the third world and you'll live like the third world. My dad always said that....and he was right. Miss you dad.

05-29-2023, 07:14 AM
That is the natural outcome of this kind of events. I mean, they called it "Somali Culture Night", Niggers&Ass-lifters, of course they kill, stab and chimp, because that IS their "culture". (In the last 1400 years, all Mohammedan countries together published less new books than tiny Switzerland publishes every year. Cultural differences.)

Whitey Ford
05-31-2023, 05:31 PM
Somalians don't actually have a culture, so what exactly do they celebrate at a "Somalian Cultural' event?


Ray Cizzums
05-31-2023, 06:26 PM
Blacks are now claiming they traveled the world thousands of years ago, then discovered, and were the original
inhabitants of, north and south America. Instead of smacking down this "We wuz kangs" nonsense, the wokie cunts
at Google actually call this hogwash "Untaught history". What a crock of absolute shit....

05-31-2023, 11:32 PM
That is the natural outcome of this kind of events. I mean, they called it "Somali Culture Night", Niggers&Ass-lifters, of course they kill, stab and chimp, because that IS their "culture". (In the last 1400 years, all Mohammedan countries together published less new books than tiny Switzerland publishes every year. Cultural differences.)

Tru dat!! And for OVER 1400 years they have ALWAYS started EVERY ALTERCATION with the West and the REST of the world!! Read Raymond Ibrhim's writings, a Coptic Egyptian Christian who tells the TRUTH about @$$lifter$!!

06-01-2023, 04:06 AM
Tru dat!! And for OVER 1400 years they have ALWAYS started EVERY ALTERCATION with the West and the REST of the world!! Read Raymond Ibrhim's writings, a Coptic Egyptian Christian who tells the TRUTH about @$$lifter$!!
Thanks for the hint, didn't know him yet (or just forgot - we'll see). Peter-Scholl-Latour is another good source. To be fair, until a few years ago that was common knowledge (history books of the 90s, crusades etc.), but sadly the social-media indoctrinated youth isn't able/willing to read anymore.

06-01-2023, 09:08 AM
Thanks for the hint, didn't know him yet (or just forgot - we'll see). Peter-Scholl-Latour is another good source. To be fair, until a few years ago that was common knowledge (history books of the 90s, crusades etc.), but sadly the social-media indoctrinated youth isn't able/willing to read anymore.
