View Full Version : 3 y.o. niglet shoots mammy and her murder suspect jocker Treyshawn, leading to his arrest

Whitey Ford
05-23-2023, 03:34 PM
Indiana man arrested on murder warrant after being shot by 3-year-old boy


A 3-year-old child in Indiana shot their mother and her friend last week, leading police to arrest the friend, who was wanted on a murder charge in another state.

The child shot both his 21-year-old mother and the mother's friend, 23-year-old Trayshaun Smith, in Lafayette, Indiana.

Smith was taken to the hospital and later arrested on an active murder warrant out of Cook County, Ill., Lt. Justin Hartman with the Lafayette Police Department told USA TODAY.


Police were called to Franciscan Health Lafayette East hospital around 8:31 p.m. Thursday about two people who had been shot, said Hartman with the Lafayette Police Department.

Hartman said the shooting happened at a Lafayette apartment complex.

"A 3-year-old child at that location accessed a gun and fired one round striking two people," he wrote in an email. "Neither injury was life threatening."

Hartman said it's standard protocol for hospitals to call police when someone shows up with gunshot wounds. That's how they found about about Smith.


Ray Cizzums
05-23-2023, 04:04 PM
Call that place Darwin Meadows, where even turdlers get shooty wit the nine.
Not a lot of batwings, yet. Just wait a few years...

05-23-2023, 08:44 PM
Pappy haid got alotta snakes, KILL pappy !!!

a load of sh*t in a diaper, and a load of lead in its paw...

05-23-2023, 11:04 PM
Call that place Darwin Meadows, where even turdlers get shooty wit the nine.
Not a lot of batwings, yet. Just wait a few years...


05-24-2023, 12:19 AM
Duh lets' me leave muh loaded, cocked and unlocked paw gun laying around so duh turdler can find it and cap us.

05-24-2023, 12:22 AM

That is one very ugly spook with very ugly braids

Ray Cizzums
05-24-2023, 09:33 AM

That is one very ugly spook with very ugly braids

Shit-snakes and snaggle-toofs....

05-24-2023, 11:12 AM
Just look at "Trayshaun" and tell me again that niggers are human like us.

Not bad shooting for a retarded niglet.

Smith was taken to the hospital and later arrested on an active murder warrant out of Cook County

How surprising.

05-24-2023, 12:23 PM
With something that ugly staring at him not surprised the kid took action. Wouldn't be surprised if the kid was even 3 months old and shot. Also probably thought he was doing his mommy a favor by putting her out of her misery for picking something so ugly.

knot a Knigger
05-24-2023, 01:49 PM
I bet these niggers are trying to blame it on a 3 year old. Though a nigger hits physical maturity at 10 and intellectual maturity at 6 weeks, I don't think a 3 year old could do this.

05-24-2023, 07:13 PM
Uncanny tho, how 3 and 5, 6 year old niglet murderers seem to have better aim than a full grown buck ! :lol

Ray Cizzums
05-25-2023, 06:50 AM
Uncanny tho, how 3 and 5, 6 year old niglet murderers seem to have better aim than a full grown buck ! :lol

Drill instructors claim they have more success teaching neophytes, than they do with those with prior shooting experience.
The turdlers haven't yet picked up any bad habits, detrimental to marksmanship, like holding the "gat" sideways, posing,
and jibbering niggerbabble while shooting. Even by age 3, they've heard enough of they mammy's mouth running, to know
she needs a bullet...

05-25-2023, 07:04 AM

That is one very ugly spook with very ugly braids

Fuck me ! They could use that string head down at the high school gym as a climbing frame ! Finally, a use for a nigger ! Nice to see that nigger was ordered with the self-goodification kit installed ! :lol

05-25-2023, 09:57 AM
Uncanny tho, how 3 and 5, 6 year old niglet murderers seem to have better aim than a full grown buck ! :lol

So true. Remember the other little 3-year-old niglet who had an aim like Wild Bill Hickok and plugged his mammy right in the dome from across the room? Impressive.